I’m going to start right off with this cartoon. I like this cartoon. It says exactly what I think. The minds who put the stimulus together are like crazy flippin baboons. Thats what they are. Thats what they remind me of.
To the fools and totalitarian baboons who would profer some “outrage” because you are being caricatured I say, to wit:
Now on to real news…
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I want to harken back to the very recent past now…
Meka leka hi, meka hiney ho!
McCain’s top economic adviser Phil Gramm tells America to suck it up and stop complaining about the economy:
“You’ve heard of mental depression; this is a mental recession,” he said, noting that growth has held up at about 1 percent despite all the publicity over losing jobs to India, China, illegal immigration, housing and credit problems and record oil prices. “We may have a recession; we haven’t had one yet.”
Now, he was rightly criticized and, rightly or wrongly, removed from a Presidential campaign.
Now we have this:
WASHINGTON (AP) – Attorney General Eric Holder described the United States Wednesday as a nation of cowards on matters of race, saying most Americans avoid discussing unresolved racial issues. In a speech to Justice Department employees marking Black History Month, Holder said the workplace is largely integrated but Americans still self-segregate on the weekends and in their private lives.
“Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards,” said Holder, nation’s first black attorney general.
This delusional America-hater works for taxpayer dollars. He is a shame on all Americans. He is a disgrace. This is a corrupt public official (Mark Rich) who insults America on a daily basis by just existing.
And I can hear the crickets chirping from the left and the irresponsible folks who’ve “checked out.” (AKA you Libertarians) Oh by the way. Libertarians are now represented by the Armadillo. Usually in a balled up fetal position.
Out with the America haters. Out with the spenders. Out with all the inglourious basterds.
You know, I still don’t sound as wacked as Vixen or the rest of you flaming semi-Communists. By the way, I have decided I am going to caricature every Democrat and foaming Liberal from now on, even if they dont call themselves Democrat. They dont deserve to be represented any other way.
Now that’s racist…
Hey Art,
Holder is right! Every time people talk about race, and you don’t declare your desire to give America to Mexico, Art lumps you in with “Republican Racists, who hate all things Mexican” No wonder people in the USA are scared to talk about race!
P.S. I don’t get the race issue, sorry I don’t. Isn’t he a Black Atty General Working for a Black President, who replaced an administration, that had 2 back to back Black Secretaries of State?
The top tennis players, and Golfer in the World are Black! I mean seriously! Tennis ans Golf?
Oh the outrage! Be sure to wipe the foam off your chin!
I thought that maybe, just maybe you’d be able to draw this very important distinction, but no. So let me articulate it for you;
In no cartoon of Bush you present is he portrayed as dead.
Outraged? Please…
A British fictional documentary? That’s the best you can do?
And where oh where is the racial element in said documentary?
Hadn’t you heard that nobody outside of the United States admired Bush?
I am deeply offended that you would think the ape is the President! Go back to your civics classes…where does spendingegislation start?….hmmmmm I think you just outed yourself as a racist
Bigmarkod and Crowley,
And I’m deeply offended that neither of you have the intellectual honesty to call the New York Post cartoon exactly what it is.
I deplore this cartoon. You do not. Take a look in the mirror, and say hello to a racist.
OK, Uh who wrote the Bill???? Was it Pelosi? The House? Hmmmm I’m sorry I don’t look at a ape, or a chimp and think it is supposed to be a black man, sorry I just don’t. I also know who wrote the bill, Hmmmm Seriously if you find yourself in agreement with Al Sharpton you may want to rethink your position.
P.S. I’m not a Bush fan either so, that wont work with me
That cartoon does seem racist – but you should see all the racist stuff I get from Republicans nowadays.
One of the cartoons I received showed a field of watermelons growing on the White House lawn.
The Reeps need to stick to the issues and go after Obama on principle, not by comparing him to a mindless ape. Then again, the Reeps seem to be hell bent on becoming an extinct party…
The party that can’t stand up for Political Speech is doomed to go nowhere.
anon… so let me get this straight. The caricatures of GW aren’t racist because he isn’t being shot and the film of him being shot isn’t offensive because he isn’t portrayed as a caricature??
Have you taken your meds today?
The racist is the one who sees racism everywhere. That is their justification for how they put down others.
Why cant we all just get along
*So, you think you need to see those white sheets and burning crosses on your lawn to believe you might have some bigots in the area?
Hmmm….How about being less than sensitive to
Gorillas and what was Tarzans monkey called again?
Oh, Cheetah…hey, when you are white, live alone in the jungle and get chased by alligators and elephants all day………you might call a monkey
Cheetah too!
Defending the undefensible in a race to the bottom! Nice work, GOP! Whoever said that David Duke does not know the Republican party was wrong! HE totally ‘gets it”.
Hint: If the members of a particular group/class object to something as offensive, it IS offensive and should be given due consideration.
Washington Post is now tainted as irrelevant and should be put on a death watch. That sucking sound is all of the advertising dollars that do not want to be associated with a biogot rag.
*RV –
Actually, we hate to correct you…but it was
the NEW YORK POST….that placed the cartoon…
not the WP!
“The caricatures of GW aren’t racist because he isn’t being shot and the film of him being shot isn’t offensive because he isn’t portrayed as a caricature??”
Sigh. Well lets take a little history lesson, Crowley. Which race, in American history, has been referred to by racists as “monkeys”. White or black?
Note that I said which race…not which person.
I eagerly await your answer.
There won’t be an answer becuase what you state, is the point in it beign racist.
Defending it means you are one or all of the following:
– Ignorant
– A coward
– GOP damage control mouth piece.
– Racist
– GOP hack
I am a registered Republican who is ashamed of Republicans defending the cartoon.