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Steven Greenhut confirmed the other day that uber right wing “Republican consultant John Lewis will be supporting (although not working for) Clerk/Recorder Tom Daly in his bid for the 4th district supervisorial seat once Chris Norby is termed out,” according to the Orange Punch Blog.
Apparently Lewis “appreciates that Daly was one of the very few people who backed Norby when the entire establishment was behind Cynthia Coad.”
Greenhut points out the fact that Daly, who is a prominent Democrat, willl not likely be a better advocate for limited-government than either of the two likely Republican contenders, Fullerton Councilman Sean Nelson (Republican elected official of the year), or Anaheim Councilman Harry Sidhu.
Does it really help Daly to be endorsed by the guy who created Jeff Flint and Matt “Jubal” Cunningham? Why would he seek out such an endorsement? Didn’t Lewis, Flint and Cunningham all back Prop. 8? How is that association going to help Daly? Yuck!
And isn’t Lewis going to P.O. his party by not backing Nelson? I don’t think anyone cares about Sidhu, but Nelson is a darling of the OC GOP. And none other than State Senator Lou Correa endorsed Nelson’s latest bid for the Fullerton City Council. Does that mean Correa won’t be backing Daly? Or that he might back Nelson?
And why aren’t any Democrats trying to field a Latino candidate for a district that is majority Latino? In a contest between Daly, Nelson, and Sidhu, a Latino might actually be able to get into a run-off election.
Interesting speculations, Art.
I think we need a candidate — of whatever race, creed, or color — who realizes 3 things, and will act on them:
1. This is a once-in-a-lifetime global Great Depression that will require massive cuts in the county budget.
2. After that, even more massive budget cuts will be needed.
3. Yet more massive budget cuts will be required.
Shawn Nelson doesn’t have a prayer when people start to do op research and find out what law cases he has been involved in.
art dose not care what race he is as long as its a mexican who should be running . also have you notice all of arts write ups now are on bashing republicans . maybe you should change the site from orange juice to the pedroza daily kos
The Flint/Jubal dirty tricks are starting already…
You are mad at me for bashing Reeps, but you are OK with Lewis backing a Democrat? What does that say about you?
Looks like Nelson actually helps real people when they are in need. Daly will have a tough time throwing mud on one of the few aspects of Nelson that overwhelmingly appeals to the average Dem.
Shawn the Trial lawyer will be exposed. Art look up his cases on Lexis Nexis. I’m a Sidhu supporter. I’m not for Daly.
#8, the practical electoral problem with Harry is that he won’t be able to carry Fullerton (or Placentia or La Habra or Buena Park). In Anaheim he will have to compete with Daly and possibly Galloway, both of whom may be better known. I don’t see how he can get more votes than Nelson. conservatives (except for Lewis & Co., I guess) should coalesce behind Nelson.
Harry lives in the Third District and rather than pretend he will be living in the 4th (remember Umberg) he should run for Bill Campbell’s seat in two years.
I think the Lewis faction is goading Sidhu into running, and talking him up, in order to split the GOP vote and hand the Norby seat to the Democrat, Daly.
Don’t be fooled folks! Sidhu is a trap. He should not be in this race, period.
Besides, Sidhu resorted to bashing Mexicans when he ran against Mimi Walters last year. How ironic. He is himself an immigrant and he is darker than most Mexicans. Plus he runs several Pollo Loco restaurants that no doubt are staffed by Mexicans. I wonder how they like working for a guy that bashes Mexicans?
*Tom Umberg? Now that’s a real Democrat!
You are a real moron, Sidhu does NOT live in our district. What district do you live in… you Fing coward?
Lewis is a piece of S–t
I meant S – – T
Nelson will be exposed? The guy leads with it. Not much of a secret . Harry staying in the race only helps water down the Anaheim vote. Go Harry!
Hey Tony, why don’t you tell us how you really feel?
Art, Lewis says he supports Daly out of loyalty for 2002. Do you believe him? If not, what’s his motivation for backing Daly? Any speculations?
I’m having trouble with Lewises explanation. Presumably his candidate (Norby) was better than the alternative (Coad), so why reward Daly for doing the right thing? Especially when it means supporting a union backed candidate who could tip the Board back to the bad old days.
I agree. Lewis’ decisions are not always based on ideology. This is some kind of power play. Nelson is not likely to let Lewis tell him what to do. Daly on the other hand may have made a Devil’s bargain with Lewis.
And yes, the unions are definitely in favor of electing Daly. That alone is good reason NOT to vote for Daly.
Nothing brings Jeny greater amusement than Tony’s anger…for some reason mine isn’t something she enjoys. She also likes watching him eat very spicy Mexican food.
OK, I will.
Lewis has NO principles. The reason why the Republican party is lost is because of guys like Lewis. The measurement of success and or failures is NOT based on facts or results, but, on the idea of “who can do what for me now”. The Republican party is full of John Lewis’. He and the rest of his kind will sell you out for what’s best for them at the time. Lewis could give a dam about anything but himself. His kind votes for war, but runs with their tails between their legs at the first site of blood.
2-2=John Lewis.
This is like watching blind men discussing what a painting looks like.
Art, it’s obvious that Mr. Jubl doesn’t know how to measure results. How blind he is.
I may not be as blind as you think, Jube.
Anyhow, why not shed some light for the unilluminated? Do you believe Lewis is backing a Democrat simply as payback for an old political obligation? That seems pretty thin.
What Nelson does in his legal representation has little or nothing if you did your research Mr. Axe to Grind (AKA Shawn Nelson’s SP) to how he has faithfully represented the residents of North Orange County as both a councilman and H20 District rep. If I did a dirt search on your precious Sidhu, I would find skeletons in the closet as well. At the end of the day, Nelson has about a good of a public service record as any Republican in Orange County and will serve our interests better than any of the “candidates” this article is discussing. Mr. Ant-Shawn Nelson campaign – ask Republican residents of Fullerton about Shawn Nelson – and he comes up aces. Grind your axe on another tax and spender. Nelson is too far above your pay grade. Be informed – not negative.
Nelson saved Fullerton from a financial meltdown.
Daly cost Anaheim MILLIONS when he negotiated and signed the contract with the Angeles that allowed Art Moreno to promote the city of Los Angeles instead of Anaheim. Tom Daly is a nice guy, but, this is NOT a popularity contest.
Our government is upside down because nice guys most often get elected because they were nice guys to the wrong people (unions, lobbyist, special interest). Tom Daly is as union as they come.
Harry does NOT live in our district.
For those who have not followed Fullerton politics, Nelson was the only one who stood up the the police union, he stood up to the firefighters union, he stood up to the public employee’s union, he truly represents the tax paying citizens of Fullerton. In fact, if elected, he would take a huge cut in pay. When was the last time any politician ran for office that took a cut in pay to serve his community?
I’d wager no one here has had a single conversation with John about why is supporting Daly, but are taking a single quote from a single blog post and spinning all kinds of theories from it.
But don’t let lack of knowledge get in the way. That would go against the Orange Juice credo.
Oh sure, we all have Lewis on speed dial. Give me a break. He already told Wisckol why he is backing Daly. Clearly most of our readers think his decision to back a Democrat stinks.
Have you, by the way, told your readers that your boy Lewis is backing a union-loving Democrat instead of backing a conservative Republican?
Clearly most of our readers think his decision to back a Democrat stinks.
“Most of your readers”? That would put OJ’s readership at about 6 people – including you.
Have you, by the way, told your readers that your boy Lewis is backing a union-loving Democrat instead of backing a conservative Republican?
No, I haven’t included that in a post, ye.
Has “your boy” Tony mentioned, amidst his praise of Shawn, that he’s partners with Nelson in some ventures?
Oh sure, we all have Lewis on speed dial.
Translation from Pedrozaspeak: “I have no idea what I’m talking about.”
Give me a break. He already told Wisckol why he is backing Daly.
And it was Steve Greenhut, not Martin Wisckol.
Oh, those pesky little facts.
Have you, by the way, told your readers that your boy Lewis is backing a union-loving Democrat instead of backing a conservative Republican?
And you don’t have much standing to criticize any GOPer for endorsing Daly, since you’ve stated you’ll back union-loving Democrat Lou Correa against all comers even if he votes for the largest tax increase in California.
There you go again, shilling for your pals in the OC GOP machine. How pathetic.
You have no excuse for not telling your reader’s about Lewis’ betrayal.
Ta-da! Once again, Art resorts to the same stale insults, because his intellectual quiver emptied quickly, as usual.
Smoked again, Art.
I hope Lewis is paying you well to be his personal blog monkey. How do you live with yourself?
Does Lewis pay you by the word or does he have you on a monthly retainer?
Now you’re just shooting blanks, Art. Garbage in, garbage out — the OJ way.
Now you’re just shooting blanks, Art.
Garbage in, garbage out — the O.J. way.
If anyone is “shooting blanks,” it is you! Consider that:
1. You have refused to tell your readers, at the Red-faced County Blog, that your supposedly conservative pal Lewis is backing a union shill Democrat over a conservative Republican.
2. You accuse us of not knowing what we are talking about, while you refuse to talk about this story on your own blog.
3. You claim that only six of our readers support Nelson, when our poll reveals that he is the clear favorite of our readers.
Why don’t you stop blowing hot air here and go post this story on YOUR blog?
Jubal, forget the explanation (since you either don’t know or won’t tell).
Do you like what Lewis is doing – supporting a union guy over Nelson or Sidhu?
At this point who would you support in the 4th?
I’m still making up my mind, but I will say that to label Tom “a union guy” is an oversimplification that overlooks his history with public employee unions.
“Has “your boy” Tony mentioned, amidst his praise of Shawn, that he’s partners with Nelson in some ventures? ”
Mr. Jubl, who told you that? Whoever did lied to you. Now you are spreading lies. You are doing the same thing that you are accusing Art of.
I believe that what Matt/Jubal is doing is called “projection.”
“Has “your boy” Tony mentioned, amidst his praise of Shawn, that he’s partners with Nelson in some ventures? ”
Mr. Jubl, who told you that? Whoever did lied to you. Now you are spreading lies. You are doing the same thing that you are accusing Art of doing.
1. You have refused to tell your readers, at the Red-faced County Blog, that your supposedly conservative pal Lewis is backing a union shill Democrat over a conservative Republican.
By that reasoning, each and every any news item that you or I don’t post about, for whatever reason, means we’ve “refused” to post about it. And as with most of your reasoning, Art, that doesn’t pass the fact or logic test.
2. You accuse us of not knowing what we are talking about, while you refuse to talk about this story on your own blog.
It isn’t an accusation, Art. I stated a fact. You don’t know what you are talking about in the fantasies you’ve been spinning here.
I unfairly lumped DZ in with you and Tony on this account; he was exhibiting normal curiosity why a Republican like John Lewis is endorsing a Democrat like Tom Daly.
You, on the other hand, are unable to stop at that normal point, and launch into your usual tripe.
3. You claim that only six of our readers support Nelson, when our poll reveals that he is the clear favorite of our readers.
Again, I’m not “claiming” anything.
My comment referred to your statement:
“Clearly most of our readers think his decision to back a Democrat stinks.”
Your poll isn’t asking readers their opinion of John’s decision, but their preference for 4th District Supervisor in 2010. I know precision isn’t your strong point, Art, but those are two completely different things.
Mr. Jubl, who told you that? Whoever did lied to you. Now you are spreading lies. You are doing the same thing that you are accusing Art of.
Tony, I will take you at your word. I stand corrected, and apologize.
Not that that makes your vicious personal attacks anything other than…vicious personal attacks. I’ve only met you in passing, Tony, but I would have thought you more adult in that respect, and less like Art.
And now I shall await Tony applying that same standard of outrage to his buddy Art’s blogging record.
Not that I’m holding my breath, for fear of suffocation.
And by vicious personal attacks, I’m referring to Tony’s comments about John Lewis.
I voted for Lou Correa over the horrible Daucher so I don’t really have a general problem with party hopping – if there is an ideological basis for it.
But if he isn’t yet, Tom (whom I like by the way) will be a union backed guy. Harry’s ability to defend the taxpayers is still pretty much unknown (to me, at least – but I like Harry, too). Nelson has a good record of standing up to the public employee unions and holding the bureaucrats accountable in Fullerton. He’s the guy I would support if he decides to run.
Unlike me, John Lewis is a Republican operative. If he won’t stand up for the demonstrably more conservative candidate then the party is in bigger trouble than anybody thought.
I cannot help but picture you in a little red suit, with a little red hat, dancing for money as Lewis plays a circus tune on his music box…
P.S. I in re: Harry. One of the two main things that caused me to despise the Daucher candidacy was the carpetbagging issue, which for me, always reflects badly on a candidate. Harry lives in the Third District and should run in that.
I’m developing the sneaking suspicion that Harry is being egged on to run in the 4th instead of the Third – to leave that job open for someone else (gee, I wonder who that could be!). But that’s a story for another post.
Art, I guess it’s too much to hope that you could simply respond to a point or points, rather than hide behind insults.
Then again, it only makes clear to readers – the reasonable, thinking ones, that is — that you have nothing substantive or intelligent to say.