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Steven Greenhut confirmed the other day that uber right wing “Republican consultant John Lewis will be supporting (although not working for) Clerk/Recorder Tom Daly in his bid for the 4th district supervisorial seat once Chris Norby is termed out,” according to the Orange Punch Blog.
Apparently Lewis “appreciates that Daly was one of the very few people who backed Norby when the entire establishment was behind Cynthia Coad.”
Greenhut points out the fact that Daly, who is a prominent Democrat, willl not likely be a better advocate for limited-government than either of the two likely Republican contenders, Fullerton Councilman Sean Nelson (Republican elected official of the year), or Anaheim Councilman Harry Sidhu.
Does it really help Daly to be endorsed by the guy who created Jeff Flint and Matt “Jubal” Cunningham? Why would he seek out such an endorsement? Didn’t Lewis, Flint and Cunningham all back Prop. 8? How is that association going to help Daly? Yuck!
And isn’t Lewis going to P.O. his party by not backing Nelson? I don’t think anyone cares about Sidhu, but Nelson is a darling of the OC GOP. And none other than State Senator Lou Correa endorsed Nelson’s latest bid for the Fullerton City Council. Does that mean Correa won’t be backing Daly? Or that he might back Nelson?
And why aren’t any Democrats trying to field a Latino candidate for a district that is majority Latino? In a contest between Daly, Nelson, and Sidhu, a Latino might actually be able to get into a run-off election.
If Tom winds up as the only Democrat in the race, I’m sure he will have labor backing. But I also remember that during his tenure on the Anaheim council, he and Tom Tait were the only ones who questioned or stood up to city staff, and they both cast votes against pension spiking that GOP councilmembers voted for. The police and firefighter unions actually walked precincts against Daly when he ran for mayor. I think we’ve booth seen examples in local government where the D or R after a name doesn’t necessarily indicate who’s friendlier to unions.
I like Harry Sidhu fine. He’s a nice man, but he tends to let ambition get the better of his principles. The SunCal/Disney fight was a good illustration of that. Regardless of where one stood in that fight, Harry switched stances without any change in the facts on the ground.
And I don’t think Harry needs any prodding to run for anything, nor do I have much confidence he’d listen. Remember, the uniform advice he received before was NOT to run for state Senate, but for AD60 instead.
I don’t know much about Shawn outside of the pension spiking episode, where he did heroic work.
Mr. Jubal,
I hope that my personal attack on John Lewis hits home with John and with anyone who purports to be a tax fighter and limited government advocate, but, puts “favor” before principle.
What John Lewis (Mr. Republican) is doing is a shitty thing to do, and I believe you probably agree.
It is this sort of thing that is crippling the Republican party. This type of behavior is the reason why so many Republicans are changing party affiliations.
I support Shawn Nelson because of what he does. The facts speak loud and clear. Nelson is the ONLY PROVEN tax fighting, limited government advocate who lives in our district (4th) and who’s running to replace Chris Norby.
Please read:
I accept, and I thank you for your apology. I am curious, who lied to you?
*Tom Umberg…now that is a real democrat!…but
if you want something new….try Sidhu! If you
hate the rest…get Gavin Newsome!
Let’s get this straight…we are talking about
the replacement for a termed out Chris Norby…
is that right? Good grief! How about Eric
Norby? What’s wrong with that choice? Or our
dear friend Bruce Whitaker? Chris could then be
the Chief of Staff..and still have lunch with
And you continue to have nothing to say about this story on your own blog. Keep dancing little monkey!
Art, the day will never come when I post something because you demand it in one of your tantrums.
Rest assured, John’s endorsement will be in a future blog post, but not because of your infantile demands.
But for a guy who points to his high school GPA and test scores as evidence of his intelligence, you sure don’t make much use of that brain power to mount even the semblance of an argument — which again, is obvious to the sane among your readership.
Maybe if you could outgrow arrested adolescence for more than a week, your blogging might actually be taken seriously, rather than viewed as a freak show.
I don’t reveal my sources. If I did, I wouldn’t have sources for very long.
Thank you for accepting my apology. Still, I can’t take seriously people who feel they have to descend into vicious personal attacks. It means whatever argument they are trying to make must be too weak to stand on its own merits. It is one of the tendencies that has long marginalized this blog.
Now, if Chris Norby ends up endorsing Daly, as he may very well do, will you also publicly label him a “piece of s–t” and denounce Chris for having no principles?
I don’t agree with your assessment of John’s endorsement. As I told DZ, I haven’t yet made up my mind, but I think it is perfectly defensible for a conservative to endorse Daly, and from what I am hearing, John Lewis is not the only one doing so.
Matt in post number 55: Maybe if you could outgrow arrested adolescence for more than a week, your blogging might actually be taken seriously, rather than viewed as a freak show.
Matt in post number 56: I can’t take seriously people who feel they have to descend into vicious personal attacks. It means whatever argument they are trying to make must be too weak to stand on its own merits. It is one of the tendencies that has long marginalized this blog. *
That’s quite a whiplash of opinion in fairly short order, Matt. If any blog is marginalized, it is your own. You don’t have these types of spirited discussions at Red County. You’ve got no one interested in the things you blog about. Your constant attacks on Art’s site are pathetic and smack of sour grapes of a has-been, when it was easy to be a conservative blogger. You marginalize yourself by petty nit picking. You come off as mean and arrogant. Where ever did you get the idea that boorishness is trendy?
*When men are the most sure and arrogant they are commonly the most mistaken, giving views to passion without that proper deliberation and suspense which alone can secure them from the grossest absurdities.
–David Hume (1711 – 1776)
is Daly the guy who lets liens be filed on people’s homes with no proof, only six dollars? And then will not help the poor homeowner get the lien off even after the perp is convicted of fraud? I say notify homeowners of liens within thirty days and if they challenge it make the filer of the lien prove up within thirty days or remove the lien. Thanks Daly for nothing.
That’s quite a whiplash of opinion in fairly short order, Matt.
RV, you need to acquire a dictionary. I said I don’t take seriously people who have to resort to vicious personal attacks to make their points. That is not a personal attack.
You don’t have these types of spirited discussions at Red County.
“Spirited discussion”? That’s one way to put it. RedCounty encourages civil discussion. What you generally have here are the same dozen or so people heaping insults.
If any blog is marginalized, it is your own.
RV, you really need to get..the word “grip” comes to mind. A comments section populated by the same dozen or so, mostly anonymous, usually vicious commenters is no measure of relevance or influence.
Where ever did you get the idea that boorishness is trendy?
This from the guy who compares conservatives to Klan members? Get back to me when you have some credibility.
And it’s interesting how no one has yet taken issue with my observations about Art, but instead try to re-direct the conversation.
Mr. Jubal,
It’s bad to promote oneself over principle. And that is exacltly what Lewis is doing, I don’t undrstand why, but, I’m sure we will soon understand.
Chris is one of my best friends, and yes, if Chris choses to promote himself over principle, I would say that’s a shitty thing to do.
Chris told me that he’s NOT going to “endorse” Tom Daly.
By the way, your source is a lier. Liers are worse than thieves. Liers steal ones ability to understand the truth.
So, if you want me to take you seriously, don’t promote lies.
“I don’t reveal my sources. If I did, I wouldn’t have sources for very long.”
Well, Jubal, maybe that source ought to be scrapped. To state as fact that Bushala has business dealings with Nelson means that you implicitly trusted this “source.” It also means this source deliberately lied to you in an effort to undermine Bushala’s credibility and thus support Lewis’s deal. So the identity of this source is being whittled down to a very slim group of candidates.
In any case it really doesn’t matter much anymore.
You are hearing that other “conservatives” are backing Daly? Oh c’mon, don’t be a tease! Name names! Lewis has the pretext, at least, of doing it to reward a 2002 political favor (that’s what he told Greenhut). Since no other “conservatives” can share that motive why would they support a middle of the road Dem over a conservative Rep, and have it be “defensible”? Now that’s a claim that could really use some explanation.
You noted Nelson’s “heroic” work on the pension spiking thing in Fullerton. Why on earth wouldn’t a conservative go with a conservative hero?
It’s bad to promote oneself over principle.
How is John “promoting” himself by endorsing Daly? By that reasoning, you are “promoting” yourself by endorsing Shawn.
Chris is one of my best friends, and yes, if Chris choses to promote himself over principle, I would say that’s a shitty thing to do.
I didn’t ask whether you’d attack Chris’s action, but him personally. You didn’t attack John Lewis’ endorsement, you attacked him as a person.
By the way, your source is a lier. Liers are worse than thieves. Liers steal ones ability to understand the truth.
True. And your characterizations of John Lewis fall into that category. Physician, heal thyself.
It’s bad to promote oneself over principle.
How is John “promoting” himself by endorsing Daly? By that reasoning, you are “promoting” yourself by endorsing Shawn.
Chris is one of my best friends, and yes, if Chris chooses to promote himself over principle, I would say that’s a shitty thing to do.
I didn’t ask whether you’d attack Chris’s action, but him personally. You not only attacked John Lewis’ endorsement, you attacked him as a person.
Liers are worse than thieves. Liers steal ones ability to understand the truth.
True. And your characterizations of John Lewis fall into that category. Physician, heal thyself.
It also means this source deliberately lied to you in an effort to undermine Bushala’s credibility and thus support Lewis’s deal. So the identity of this source is being whittled down to a very slim group of candidates.
I think the applicable phrase here is “stating facts not in evidence.”
Shawn Nelson has to report his financial interests. Bushala would have no reason to lie about whether he had any business dealings with him.
I’m still curious: you noted Nelson’s “heroic” work on the pension spiking thing in Fullerton. Why on earth wouldn’t a conservative go with a conservative hero?
How about this for starters: don’t you think you should point to more than a single instance when asking others to endorse your favored candidate?
For Shawn’s sake, I hope you and Tony aren’t charged with rounding up endorsements for him. Running around telling others they aren’t conservatives unless they endorse Shawn won’t be a successful strategy.
Posts here read like a food fight. Take it outside, people!
Jubal, can you point to a single instance of “heroicism” on Daly’s part? Just one. Even half a one? Can you describe the conservatism of his public record? Speaking of records, can you please outline the succession of conservatives that Tom has worked for? Tom is a good guy and I’m sure he has many excellent qualities, but he isn’t a conservative – no matter how fast you dance around the perimeter of the fact.
BTW, I’d still like to know for the names of some of those other Conservatives for Daly that you’ve heard tell of.
Well, we sure can’t take it to Red County, since Matt doesn’t want his readers to know that he and Lewis are in bed with the unions as supporters of the Democrat in this race.
If I recall correctly, there was a local increase Daly was campaigning against while running for mayor the first time, which caused the public safety unions to campaign against Daly.
I made a very reasonable point that you are putting Shawn forward as the litmus test candidate for conservatives, based on a single issue, and you get upset when I point that out. Aren’t you “dancing around the perimeter”?
I’ll leave it to those conservatives who’ve endorsed Daly to announce it in their own good time, or the Daly camapign’s.
Sure. Nothing says “conservative” like backing the union endorsed Democrat.
Mr. J,
I’ll answer that question to DZ. For starters, other than THE FACT that Nelson saved Fullerton tens of MILLIONS on the”Retroactive Pension Spike”, he also championed a deal to PRIVATIZE the community pool to an organization called FAST, a private (LESS GOVERNMENT) community based organization, which now serves more people in the community with enhanced programs and extended pool hours, saving tens of thousands of dollars each year. He championed saving the historic Fox Theater (A Fullerton Landmark) with private funds of which Nelson himself donated $10,000 towards. As far as I can remember, he’s the only Fullerton Councilman that was smart enough to hold city staffers accountable for the things that they said and did. Since Nelson replaced Norby on the Fullerton City Council, I’ve seen many staffers come and go all based on their “performance”. And now we have some of the finest staffers in the county. You don’t see that too often now do you?
For a guy who knows little about Shawn Nelson, and runs a blog with the name RED COUNTY, you should know a little more about who and what you are talking about before you get too far down the wrong road.
“How is John “promoting” himself by endorsing Daly?”
Time will tell ! ! !
I take back that I called Lewis a piece of
S – – T. He is however a traitor to the REPUBLICAN PARTY of which I am still a member of. A party that believes in and promotes “LIMITED GOVERNMENT” , “FREE MARKETS”, “PRIVATIZATION”, “ACCOUNTABILITY”, “GOOD REPUBLICANS”.
Sure. Nothing says “conservative” like backing the union endorsed Democrat.
But I suppose backing the union-loving, $14 billion tax-hike supporting state Senate Democrat says “libertarian”?
You really need to think be3fore you speak, Art.
“and you get upset”
Incorrect, Jubal. I don’t get upset with anything you have to say. I have merely been asking a question and getting nowhere reading a straightforward answer.
You voluntarily joined this thread – presumably to defend the honor of your benefactor – and have added nothing to the discussion except to go on the offensive – which is telling. The motives of Nelson or Sidhu supporters are not the subject of this thread. The point of this thread was how come Lewis is endorsing a Democrat to the exclusion of Republican candidates; or before any Republican candidates have even announced a candidacy. You obviously have not been tasked with answering the question.
It was you who called Nelson heroic, not me. I never argued for Nelson based on one issue (another red herring), I simply put forward the latest example of how he put taxpayers ahead of the bureaucracy. You said it was heroic.
Nelson was elected a fairly short time before I moved away from Fullerton, so I don’t pretend to be an expert on his record, but I know that it was his drive for accountability that caused the incompetent Director of Community Services and the City Engineer to retire – to the benefit of everybody. That’s the kind of responsibility in office that I appreciate. GOP Local POl of the Year material, even. Is that better as a “litmus test” (your phrase, again)?
And now that my participation in this thread is nearing a merciful conclusion, I will only add that we “blind men” will have to muddle through as best we can. We may not do too well with painintgs, but we’re much better with sculpture!
For a guy who knows little about Shawn Nelson, and runs a blog with the name RED COUNTY, you should know a little more about who and what you are talking about before you get too far down the wrong road.
Tony, you cover one city. I’m trying to cover an entire county.
Like I said before, I simply asked for more than a single reason in the face of demands that Shawn Nelson is the only conservatives are allowed to support. I’m not the one who has been making that claim, nor assailing those who have made a different choice.
That said, thank you for providing the additional info about Shawn. that’s all I asked for. In the future, I’d suggest you guys ease off the mau-mau attitude toward anyone who asks for more than one reason to support Shawn.
You are not looking at the entire canvas. This picture is larger then the obvious. For now I will not elaborate.
Does anyone know why Tom Daly left his Christian Wife Debbie for the younger new wife Debbie?
John Lewis would back Satan if he thought it would benefit him financially. Who listens to John Lewis or his shills anyway?
I don’t want to know why Tom Daly left his wife, nor do I care (unless it had something to do with a financial gain). I like Tom Daly, he’s a nice guy.
Right now, there are a bunch of nice guys in Sacramento (Democrats) all ready to lower the axe on all of us. Haven’t you noticed, nice guys have a hard time saying NO. Especially to the nice guys that helped get them elected. Nice doesn’t cut it any more. We need smart guys (or gals), guys that know that 2 + 2 = 4, guy’s that might know what it’s like to make a payroll, guys that know what it’s like to look their buddy straight in the eye and say, “I can’t vote for this one, it’s going to break the backs of the hard working tax payer that I’m suppose to represent”.
We need guys that aren’t afraid of being on a 4-1 vote, especially when it means standing alone, we need guys that stand on principle.
How nice of Red County to allow us (The Union) to further our wet dream/cause (retroactive pensions spikes for all public employees).
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 …………….
I don’t care who runs or wins. Just like with Bush, ANYONE is better then the whack job Norby.
I would like to apologize to John Lewis and all the OJ Blog readers for the 4 letter word I referred to John Lewis as earlier in this thread. I lost my composure when I read that John Lewis whom I thought was a conservative Republican turned down endorsing conservative tax fighting Republican Shawn Nelson over the union endorsed moderate Democrat Tom Daly, both of whom I like as people.
Sometimes, we loose our composure and say/write things we later regret, and this is one of those times.
Please forgive me John for the behavior that I displayed calling you what I did.
This is not to say that I agree with your decision, but, again I apologize for using the 4 letter word.
That word may have been a tad harsh, but don’t forget that Lewis is the one who created Mike Carona. He has much to answer for.
“Does anyone know why Tom Daly left his Christian Wife Debbie for the younger new wife Debbie?”
What does this have to do with Tom Umberg? And
why in the heck does Daly not go back to Chicago
so all will be well in Mudville?
We support Tom Selleck to fill Chris’s spot.
Oh..sorry, we forgot…we are supporting him
for Governor in 2010!
What does Larry mean….that he will not elaborate because there is more to the story?
John Lewis never answers our e-mails….so can
hardly support him or anyone he supports again!
How about Obama….resetting the resets on the
values of property in foreclosure? That should
really jazz Webster Guillory..huh?
For some reason, John Lewis’ web site has been decommissioned.
Lewis Consulting Group, LLC
Senator John Lewis and Matt Holder bring a wealth of experience, creativity and energy to their diversified clients. The Lewis Consulting Group team has …
http://www.lewisgroupllc.net/ – 16k – Cached – Similar pages
Daly running for board of supervisor is a joke! He is a wasteful and mindless shell of a person who cares nothing about his current employees. He spends funds on wasteful things (i.e., a building that is just sitting and is not and has not been utilized for at least 2 years. He opened a south county satellite office which does not generate profits and has now opened a north county satellite office which also does not generate profits.
As for why he left his christian wife for his younger wife, one can only assume it has something to do with his going through the change of life (getting “OLD”)and feels that he needs to surround himself with something younger. He probably feels he needs to sow his wild oats again since that was what he was doing for quite a while when he first took office with his assistant.
Getting back to business, supporting Daly for the board of supervisor is a mistake unless you don’t care about the economy status of the county.