Update: State budget tentative agreement?

Just received the following update on the state budget resolution.

“It has been announced that the Big 5 have reached a tentative agreement on the State budget.  While details are still being finalized it appears as though the deal will include a combination of cuts to existing programs, new revenues to the State, and temporary borrowing.  Additionally, the budget will likely rely on some funding from the Federal economic stimulus package.

It is still unclear exactly what new revenues are included in the Big 5 compromise, but early indications are that the package includes a one cent increase in the State sales tax, an increase in income taxes, and an increase in the vehicle license fee from .65% to 1.15% of a vehicles value.

Much of the language of the budget compromise has already been written, specifically the portions relating to the program cuts and short term borrowing; however, the final details of the bill are still to be drafted.  Both houses of the legislature will likely meet on Friday to take up the budget compromise, at this point it is unclear if the package has the two-thirds vote needed for passage.”

Gilbert comment Let’s take a wait and see approach before celebrating this announcement.

About Larry Gilbert