Van Tran is no hero, but Brian Doan is!

(Picture Courtesy of the O.C. Register)

It is ironic that the same folks in the O.C. Vietnamese community who scream about freedom also practice terrorism.  To wit, these protesters ” vandalized with scratches, spit and red spray paint” the work of Vietnamese American artist Brian Doan, during the short-lived FOB II art exhibit that was shut down after Assemblyman Jose Solorio asked Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido to close its doors.

What exactly set off these rabid protesters?  It was “a photograph Doan took last year in Vietnam. A girl is sitting, looking dreamily off into the distance. She’s wearing a red tank top with a gold star on it. Her shirt resembles the current communist Vietnamese flag. On the table next to the girl is a gold bust of former North Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh,” according to the O.C. Register.

The irony in all this is that Doan is no commie.  “Doan says his photo is a comment on fashion, pop culture and disaffection in contemporary Vietnam.” 

“She lives in the communist country, but look at her. She’s looking away, dreaming. She wants to escape Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh is next to her, but communism is not longer in her. She wants to dream of other things,” said Doan.

The good news is that Doan’s work is being exhibited again, at the Cypress College Photography Galleries, located at 9200 Valley View St., in Cypress.  Click here for hours and other info.

Shame on Republican Assemblyman Van Tran and his Trannies for conspiring to chase Doan out of Santa Ana!  If you want to visit art galleries where free speech is celebrated, don’t bother with Santa Ana’s censored artist village.  Go to Cypress College.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.