Got something to say to Rush Limbaugh in 10 words or less? The Democratic party wants to hear from you.
The Democratic National Committee is soliciting slogans for a billboard to appear in Limbaugh’s “hometown” of West Palm Beach, Fla. The lucky winner will receive a T-shirt emblazoned with the winning slogan. The DNC will pay the entire cost for the billboard once a winning entry has been selected in the “not too distant future,” LaVera said, adding that it was immediately unclear how entries have been received as of Friday.
Responding on-air to the billboard, Limbaugh said in true tongue and cheek form he “wanted to see evidence” that the DNC did not use taxpayer money to pay for the billboard.
DNC Contest Link
Or maybe you want to join the hordes of GOP’ers who are kowtowing and apologizing to Boss Limbaugh? Here is the DNC’s Apology Generator page.
Here’s my personal favorite:
Dear Rush,
I am sorry that I called you a chickenhawk who supported the war in Iraq but used a boil on your ass to get a deferrment when your turn came to fight in Vietnam.I am sorry that I called you a hypocrite and mysogynist when you lambasted liberals for having poor values while you got divorced 4 times.
I am sorry that I called you a jerk, when after Jerry Garcia died, you said he was just another dead doper, and avocated stiff jail terms for drug users, and then a few years later you were caught with thousands of Oxycontins and you hired a famous OJ-style defense attorny to work the system to keep you out of jail for felony possession.
I am sorry that you got caught with someone elses prescription for Viagra when you returned from a sex-with-young-girls tour of the Dominican republic (yeesh, creepy … at least I hope you gave the girls a VERY big tip for what you had them do).
I’m sorry that you take pleasure in torturing Republicans who dare to utter the mildest peep about you. I am sorry you are such a thin skinned jackass.
But please Rush, don’t stop. Your country needs you more than ever, for if anyone represents the worst in our country and a role model of exactly what a valueless, hypocritical, cowardly, creepy, gluttonous, money-ubber-alles grubber is like, it is you.
yours in deep sorrow
RNC Chairman, Michael Steele, has taken down his own blog site after conservative posters showed up and overwhelmed it with demands that he apologize AGAIN to Rush Limbaugh. Care to guess how long until Steele resigns under the pressure of the real leader of the GOP?
The token has been broken. 😉
Well, I am sure most people by now know that in context, Rush never said he wants America to fail. It is only the willfully ignorant who refuse to hear the full content of his repeated statement. He wants BHO to fail if his agenda is harmful to the country. I guess if you look at tracking polls like the stock market you too will see that the POTUS is already failing. I am sure here at Orange Juice you are interested in getting it right, not throwing gas on a fire so I thought I would help you out.
The Beauty is the Democrats, as a strategy, have tried to make Rush the new Bush. THE DIRTY LITTLE SECRET IS THAT IF OBAMA SUCCEDES, AMERICA WILL FAIL. It has been gone over and over that Rush wants the President to Fail in making this a socialist country. And I stand with him. Sooner or later you will not be able to blame everything in the world on Bush, and if Obama fails with this Socialism, and people get back to 20% interest rates and Hyper inflation that will be the result of him Not failing.
For over 20 years Rush has gone on the air for 3 hours a day and has consistantly been a Conservative. Right or Wrong he has carried the banner, just like Bill Buckley Jr did for many years.
And you know that how exactly? Are you from the future???
No, the “dirty little secret” is that you believe this. You can of course believe whatever you want. You are welcome to follow the “Church of Rush”…
Your beliefs just don’t have any connection to reality.
The GOP has no plans. Unless you include their latest gimmick, The Spending Freeze (until September). Their ONLY hope is to twart Obama’s roll out to save this country and economy. It will not work. They are the minority party and they will continue to amass losses at the polls going forward.
Mega bucks Boss Limbaugh, the entertainer, does not care about the people who are hurting and his listeners are just dense.
#4 Those who do not remember the past, are doomed to repeat it. Can you Say Jimmy Carter! Can you say Communist Europe! Can you say if you triple the monetary supply, by printing 2 Trillion Dollars, you get inflation.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Name one country that has Taxed itself into prosperity? Seriously maybe you should have skipped the “Peace studies classes” in college, and taken Economics.
You’re responding to yourself? Hmmm
Think we will “repeat” things with Newt Gingrich?
He’s apparently setting up for a run as the GOP hopeful for President.
In case you missed it, here’s Vintage Rush Limbaugh and his goals to keep listeners uninformed and angry. Seems to be working out beautifully.
Sorry red, I went to publik skool. I don’t think Newt is a great choice, I like the Fresh face of Bobby, or the honesty of Ron Paul
Bobby Jindal? The guy who doesn’t care about telling the truth in his big debut speech when he took credit for some NOLA made-up hero story and then went to Disneyland while some spokesperson for him tried to do damage control?
That guy? Gads…..
Printing how much money is too much?
If you knew that the USA was going to collapse and that it was unavoidable and irreversible how important would a balanced budget and fiscal responsibility be?
If the world is going to end in a couple weeks, would the public be told? Or would the government start spending money like a drunken sailor and try and make our last days more pleasant?
The new president has been in office now for a month and a half and has been to all the meeting about all things going on in the world.
Add it up.
Wild spending = who cares about tomorrow
Stock market crashing = no future
What are we not being told???
People have been saying since late last year with all these bailouts coming down the pipeline that hyperinflation is coming…Your not making a your own little prediction when you state this only trying to imply the sitution here to the President when the national debt grew on amazinginly upward on Bush’s watch.
Bigmarkod: So, where were your posts blasting Bush for racking up a huge budget deficit???
Under the previous Democratic President we had a budget surplus…
Seems to me all the Republicans need to take a lesson in economy 101…
He who doesn’t understand history is doomed to repeat it, indeed… Thanks for making my point.
And oh, I am a different Joe than #13…
Did these Republicans complain about not being taxed to pay for the war? – no they went for a tax-cut for high earners and decided to pass the debt to future generations. Now they claim to be “conservatives” but haven’t done anything to earn the label.
I have long been a critic of Bush, the Republicans, and their spending, starting with the Medicare entitlement, Federal education funding, and more and more federal pork projects!The Tax cuts, put more $ into the Treasury, look at the facts. It is the spending!
Rush doesn’t want America to fail. He wants American to prosper. That’s why he wants Obama to fail.
Some Guy,
Rush doesn’t care who fails. He’s only out for himself and his ratings. Pretending like he wants good things for our country doesn’t jive with what he says.
Obama is our president. No one should want him to fail at the enormous tasks he has to address.
commi red did you want bush to fail . so your soicalist party wins . that is what rush is saying he wants nobamas policys to fail .
Red Vixen says, “Obama is our president. No one should want him to fail at the enormous tasks he has to address.”
I’ll bet he was praying for Bush everyday to succeed in his role as President…NOT! ROFLMAO!!!
Anybody who wants Obama to succeed invites socialism to take over our freedoms. Heck, the man and his liberal Democrat friends are even trying to take away school choice from the low-income parents of school children in D.C. as I type this. Of course, the program is huge success and a poster child for keeping government out of the education business – therefore it’s a threat to the socialistic goals of the looney left and must be killed…
the great one,
What exactly are Rush’s plans for the economic crisis we are facing? He doesn’t have any. He wants the same old stuff that got Bush such low ratings, lost dozens of GOP seats in the last two elections and gave us the enormous deficits that we have to take care of.
Rush has a job. He doesn’t care if people aren’t working. He enjoys misery.
Do you have a link for that claim? You GOP’ers have a habit of playing fast and loose with the truth.
Also, what does “socialism” mean to you?
You must have very high blood pressure with all of your anger.
To respond to your, does Rush have a plan, query: Yes. It is the same one that has worked before – cut taxes. This always increases revenue, always. When you raise taxes as is happening in Ca, those who can get out and avoid the tax do so decreasing the revenue. Then those who are left behind have an even greater tax burden. There is an economic principle that addresses the point at which the citizens can no longer pay the taxes. Take Econ 101 you will learn about this.
The other side of the coin is cut programs. Don’t stomp your Socialist little foot and tell me that each and every program in this state and country is necessary. Why are we tax payers funding the arts, NPR, PBS, food stamps for illegals …? Cut programs that have been proven to be ineffective, and they are out there.
Before you label the GOP as untruthful, remember the many prevarications of the Dems. It goes both ways baby. Most politicians are dishonest, that is due to having to make promises to so many people to get elected. Drop that argument because Rush is not a politician. And yes, I won’t speak for Bigmark, but I think he agrees with me, many of us have thrown back our heads and howled over GOP spending too. Bush was no fiscal Conservative. (And did you know that spending for education dwarfs military and war spending? It is about 2:1)
And now, my last word, if BHO’s agenda succeeds, yes, America will fail. If you need proof, look at Cuba, look at the USSR, look at China which has had to become more capitalistic to survive, and they do not punish producers with capital gains taxes either. Socialism, as a utopian society, does not work, never has. So, I join Rush in hoping that BHO fails because I do not want to sacrifice this great country to socialism.
Vixen, have some tea, and listen to some soothing music. I hate to think you are out there seething and overheating.
Hello Dee,
My choice for President is in office. I’m not angry. I am enjoying the GOP meltdown – it is necessary for the party right now. The moderates and sensible party members will either have to stand up to the fringe elements of the party and take the reins, or they will continue to mount losses at the polls. Like it or not, Dee, the GOP is now the minority party and there is no reason at all to think that they will be able to reverse their pronounced decline in popularity with their current tactics and lack of plans. Sarah Palin just appointed a judge that headed Planned Parenthood, so it seems that even she is “getting it” and moving more towards the center. That is where the majority of the country is: In the center.
(And did you know that spending for education dwarfs military and war spending? It is about 2:1)
I don’t know where you get your information, but much of it is incorrect and unverifiable. The above sentence is completely false. A quick Google search yielded this easy to understand chart:
Military spending outstrips education by a ratio of 27/5 % of the budget. How in the world did you ever come up with the 2:1 spending of education over military budgets?
Rush Limbaugh is a filthy child molester.
That’s only seven words. And before people start going nuts on me ask yourself why a sixty year old man would visit the Dominican Republic, with a suitcase filled with candy, size seven boys Levi’s, comic books, six thousand in cash along with 16 500mg viagra pills.
Need I mention DR is something like #6 on the child sex destination list.
Oh, all the people who don’t know what “socialism” is come out and claim that the current administration wants “socialism”…
The old “red scare”… Too bad for the Reeps that such bogus bullcrap doesn’t work anymore. The last time the public got scared into something we ended up with a war about non-existent WMDs. The Reeps cried wolf once too often…
Only the Limbaugh dittoheads haven’t gotten the memo yet. Not a surprise, since the people who listen to Rush, Hannity, et al. are unable to think. If they had a brain, they would stop listening to these nutcases.
He’s an entertainer.. that Rush is doing what he does to get more listeners.
He has a cult following because despite his big time discrenpanicies in his personal life as compared to the life he expects from his fellow Amercicans , millions of listeners still listen to him as he sins in their face.
I don’t know, duplojohn, do you have any links, or evidence, proving that he did take such a trip, or, if he did, that he committed pedophilia while he was there?
Seems to me you’d have a hard time knowing, unless you were there along with him. . .
Mission “Rush to Failure” Accomplished…