“California Assemblywoman Diane Harkey accepted $16,600 in political contributions from real estate developers who had received loans from her husband’s business, now under investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission,” according to the L.A. Times.
And sure enough, “the borrowers later failed to repay loans brokered by her husband’s lending company, Point Center Financial Inc. of Aliso Viejo.”
Harkey’s hubby’s firm “was accused of fraud last month in an investor lawsuit, and the company’s owner has confirmed that Point Center is under investigation by the SEC.”
Let me get this straight…Harkey’s hubby lends money, that he may or may not have taken fraudulently, to guys who turn around and give it to Harkey’s campaign…and then none of them pay back Mr. Harkey?
Of course Harkey said “that there was nothing improper with the developers’ contributions and that she had no idea they had loans pending with her husband’s company at the time they donated to her campaign.”
Has the OC GOP become as dirty as the Chicago Democrats?
Art, If you walk through the hallways and courtyards of Santa Ana H.S. any morning, you’ll see groups of students busily engaged doing homework. If you look closely though, you’ll see most are busily copying the work of a single paper. These are good normal kids doing what “everybody does”. Hey, “everybody does it”, and they get a decent academic grade for doing “all the work”.
Politicians like Harkey arn’t bad people; they’re doing what they do because “everybody does it”, democrat and republican, and they win elections when they do. But whether in the schools or the political arena, these actions corrupt the body politic and weaken the nation. People recognize corruption when they see it. Thanks Art, for putting a spotlight on this and helping us see it.
SAHS Teacher,
Thanks for the kind words! We generally get ripped for what we do, but such attacks will not deter us.
I had a talk this morning with a Republican who is just angry at what the OC GOP machine has done to his party. It is past time to clean this mess up, and exposing these people for what they are is a big part of that…
As always, thanks for reading the Orange Juice!
Do I remember correctly that Diane claimed she put a huge amount of her own money into her campaign — money that she earned working for a bank? It seems almost all bank employees either have a title of secretary or vice president. What’s interesting is that both levels pay about the same, which is not much. How did she “earn” the money?
Echoing the above comment, thank you!
*Diane is a nice lady that needs to come clean
on all of this…crud….as soon as possible.
This is the kind of stuff that erodes from within and ruins a lot of positive options if
not broached immediately.
“Diane is a nice lady”
That opinion is not universally shared in Dana Point.
*True, there is never consensus….especially when it comes to those elected. Fact is, in spite of her support for the 241 Toll Road extension..which we strongly oppose……she has been very nice to us!
Right on Tito!
You who have invested with any of PCF’s deals were all defrauded. Several of the developers who made the back door sweet deals, knew all along it was a fraud and they would never pay it back. Last Week one of these developers whom many of you had invested in with PCf et al was RW Hertel & Sons, Inc. they are now Bankrupt failed to appear to the hearing and have with Dan’s help hidden the assets and you will not get one penny. One of the new companies started is call MERIDIAN REALTY CONSULTATNS 811 El Capitan Way #210, San Luis Obispo, CA now being ran by partner Robert JS Fowler who recently admitted he is buried under millions of dollars of debt and owes hundreds of thousands to back Taxes. So folks kiss the money good bye