(Picture Courtesy of the O.C. Register)
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“Orange residents gathered Saturday afternoon to protest a gang injunction being sought by Orange police. About 50 protesters met at Killefer Park on North Lemon Street before marching through Old Towne and around the traffic circle,” according to the O.C. Register.
“They seem to be using racial profiling to determine who’s a gang member,” said Anaheim resident Joseph Gallardo, a member of civil rights group Chicanos Unidos. He said the protest aims to raise awareness. Laws are already put in place to stop gangs, he said, so the injunction is not needed.
I think what folks are missing here is that there are many decent families who have been affected by gangs. So you might have one gang member in a family that is otherwise law-abiding. Moreover, gangs have been around for decades in Orange County. These ties run deep. And gang members on parole ought to be given a chance to change their ways.
That said, folks are angry about the surge in gang violence in central Orange County and action is demanded. Injunctions are not perfect but they mollify residents who want to see something, anything, done.
So are injunctions racial profiling? Be sure to vote in our instant poll, below the picture on top of this story.
No, it’s not racial profiling. It’s about who’s affiliated in a particular gang. “one gang member in a family that is otherwise law-abiding.” Give me a break. And if these thugs are involved in criminal activity and helping out the families they live with, we should look the other way. right.
I believe it is racial profiling, why don’t they do this in the upper income area’s? Hispanics are not the only people you should pick on. Who are the people that are the supply and demand? Alot of Top Executives are drug users and supply other Executives recreational drugs.
Why can’t people in low income areas be free? Why can’t the police use some of that money to provide safe parks and recreations for the kids that are coming up? I’ll tell you why it is a big business for the police unions, supply and demand. You supply the gang members and the feds will supply more money for police and parole officers. The old neighborhoods are ripe for taking. We will use redevelopment funds to create more housing (exclusive housing)in low income areas to comply with the economic development regulations of supplying more housing to low income areas we just don’t tell them the houses are million dollar homes. Let’s just tweak the housing rules, create big projects apartment projects in a smaller area. These developers are vultures just preying on injunction areas. They know these areas are too weak to hire lawyers to fight. Or the lawyers just tell them you won’t win so they won’t take the cases.
Offer these people a chance to change with jobs and other resources. Create a program like scared straight in Orange County. Use these offenders as a tool. Use them on guidance how to prevent the young kids from going into a life of crime!
Start injunctions in upper middle class neighborhoods like floral park. Start arresting the juveniles in that neighborhood that have 2 or more walking down the street. Label them as gang members and lets see if they start trying to work as a team with the community to protect their children from being tagged as a gang member.
Check out his link Police find cocaine and heroin hidden in parked car. In Irvine of all places. Drugs and Gangs know no racial boundaries. These people should clean their own house before they start shouting injunction. Look at Haidal the assistant sheriff, his son was a drug addict and a suburban gang member. He just got a slap on the wrist. I don’t think that he had a gang enhancement on his record. Because it is not what you know, it’s who you know. This has always been since the beginning of time. I feel very offended by the injunctions. The Patriot act, George Bush,
and his authoritarian presidency. He was even a drug addict.
You’re argument is contradictive. First you begin by saying that they only profile Hispanics and ask why they don’t go after higher upper income areas and then you end your comment with an example of an upper class white kid who got nailed.
Be real, the police have a pretty good idea of individuals who consistantly get into trouble with the law. It’s not about what ethnicity they belong to. You want safe parks, get them out of there. If they are gathering in upper income area parks, put an injuction on them there to. A couple of juveniles walking around a park is a non-issue, if they’re not causing problems with the community they live in. While we’re at it, if they are in this country illegally, whatever their ethnicity, deport them as they would in the country where they are a citizen.
Orange County has some prime real estate and the market for property is higher here than many areas. Stop whining. If you can’t afford to live here, move on.
All you have to do is be brown and young to know about gangs and racial profiling.
Given their track record, I wouldn’t entrust the Orange police with the task anyhow…
March on!
I would like for you to live in this neighborhood, and see what actually goes on here. “A couple of kids walking around a park is non issue”. I’ll have you know that police arrest kids 9, 10, 11, 12, years old because they are together at the park.
They go into homes, and arrest innocent youths and charge them with assault on police officers! Then they say “I push pencil”,”Who are the courts going to believe?” “You or me”
Come on “non-Lisann” you must be a police officer with a chip on your shoulder. You know what goes on, you guys have to meet your quota.
I am looking for ways to bring the community together not tear it apart. If everyone would acknowledges to themselves, that not all kids are bad, or not all police are bad and try to work with the community, Santa Ana might be a better place. Once upon a time the Santa Ana Police and the youth of the neighborhood used to put on Soccer games and football games together. What happened to that? When are we all going to have a common ground for the betterment of the community?
Where were the protests about the gangs killing
innocent civilians, mostly hispanic, and poor?
Where are the protests about the gangs intimidating civilians, students, kids for fun and
money and power? Where are the legal groups fighting to take down the drug cartel related
gangs that put zero value on a human life, at
any age?
There was a shooting a month ago on Pearl Street.
Where was the protest about that? Rapes, assaults, graffiti, protests from these groups?
Nope. Only when the D.A. tries to do something
to halt the trend.
Instead of fighting the D.A., fight the gangs,
fight the mindset that says it is okay or part
of the ‘culture’. It shouldn’t be – not like it
is today. Protest the twits that tag homes and
cars and garages and walls in Orange, that intimidate elementary school kids, and who harass
young women going to the market.
Stop glorifying the thugs and dropouts more than
the latino who became a cop or a lawyer. Stop
making it look cool in fashion and music to be
a gangbanger, than a father and husband who has
a decent job.
Nah….instead, bash the cops. Many of whom are
minorities themselves.
Let me know when the latino activists complain this much about a culture that has to take some
responsibilty for not doing more itself to
push kids to stay in school, to not join a gang,
to not have a baby while underage, to not skip
college, and act as they’re owed a living. Stop
blaming everyone else, the latino community needs
to pick itself up more. I’m part of the community, and I’m tired of the excuses.
The community and the nation cannot continue to
take in a never ending number of illegal citizens
who do in fact drain the system, more than
contribute to it. I know most come here to work
and make money, but, that’s not enough anymore.
They are non-existent.
What happened to what the S.A. police used to do
w/the community? They spend all that money and time chasing criminals, gang bangers, murderers,
drug pushers from other nations who now call
OC home, and know they have rights here, they
never had at home.
The Victim Mindset – let’s get rid of it,and build
up the community ourselves, without self pity and
whining. One step is to go after the thugs
and gangbangers who create so much of the problem.
They’re laughing and smirking at the protests, and
say thank you very much OC Action Committee!
It would be fine if the people that are subject to the injunction were actual gang members. That’s the problem with this – all the innocent people that get caught up in the DA’s overzealous gang injunction process who are not gang members and who have never been gang members.
I live in the City of Orange and the gang injunction is racial profiling. I am latino and I cannot walk down the streets that i grew up on with out having one of those annoying gang units or police officers telling me to stop in my tracks. It is not only making look Orange bad but it is also a waste of time and tax money.
I live in the city of orange too. The gang injunction is racial profiling. I grow up in the hood. Not every gangster is bad. Some join gangs to protect there family. Some do it to make some money and leave the hood. I was live in Pearl St. Its one of the worst street there is. The lady talking about the shooting doesnt know why it happend. There always shootings in this street. But no one knows why. On less you live in the hood. The lady doesn’t know what shes talking about she only goes by what she hears. No cop ever looks at a white kid walking around. Those kids are the worse all the drugs the sale who do you think that buys them. No one Knows how we live. Im not complain either. I just hate when people talk n dont know wat is really going on. I love the streets!!!
the gang injunction is racially motivated.only hispanic neighborhoods are being targeted.what about your local neo-nazi/skinhead gangs???they terroize people every day but yet our law enforcment officers dont seem to bother them at all.the police officers also like to target low income areas because they know that money talks when it comes to justice.wake up people and see the truth in all these gang injunctions.it is unconstitutional.peoples rights are being violated and our “honorable” judges know this and they dont care because “it is just a bunch of mexicans” viva mi raza!!!!
They are writing their garbage all over the walls and it has to end. Call the police whenever you see gang activity and report it. The police are very helpful and friendly and really do respond to legitimate complaints. Thank you for you help law enforcement. We appreciate it very much.