(Pictures courtesy of Orange Juice blogger Roy Reynolds)
UPDATE: Video of this event will be available at this link by 6 pm tonight.
A KFI AM-640 tax revolt tea party took place this afternoon in the city of Fullerton, CA. As I exited the 91 freeway onto Harbor Blvd heading north to East Commonwealth Ave. I immediately knew John and Ken’s KFI AM-640 open air program was going to be a packed house. In fact I had to drive six blocks to find a parking place as the city parking garage and surrounding areas were all full.
As I approached the KFI stage attendees passed several booths such as the HJTA booth where volunteers were giving out NO on Measure 1 A bumper stickers, the AFP blow up ATM machine where a man held a sign reading “I am not California’s ATM, a recall Assemblyman Jeff Miller booth, another area with volunteers signing up recall Arnold rolls and some fun games including John and Ken’s Political Traitor Shoe Toss where you throw a shoe at a picture of Arnold and the Legislature leaders who supported the tax increase. Another booth labeled a “flush-a-natar” dunk tank where I saw young boys getting a bucket of water dumped on their heads in the 68 degrees afternoon.
I arrived a full hour before the official program starting time of 3 p.m. and can report that we did not need John and Ken to get us pumped up. Several in the crowd, which grew to around 2,500 and counting, starting chanting “off with their heads, off with their heads” to huge participation from the many who drove from as far away as San Diego and Murietta to be part of this anti tax increase gathering. There must have been hundreds of man made signs. I take that back. Many of the signs were also created by the ladies in the standing-room-only area between the railroad track and the Slidebar Cafe.
George Collins, producer of Santa Ana Insight, drove up alongside me standing on his Segway Personal Transporter filming the crowd. Nice touch.
Let me give you a sampling of the signs “Schwarzenegger is a girly man, Taxes are way too high, somewhere, somehow, someone’s going to pay–us, Benedict Arnold Traitor, Total Recall Arnold, Raped by the state, Corrupt politicians–taxation without representation, No on 1 A, Recall Arnold, Sacramento is sick, Californian Leaders betray us taxpayers.”
One sign that was well received read “U.S. unemployment 8.5%.” The next line read “California’s unemployment 10.6%” with the final line reading “state workers unemployment 0%.” Another sign read “How do politicians spell pledge L-I-E” with another reading “born free, taxed to death.”
As John and Ken opened the live KFI radio broadcast we were asked “taxpayers, are you ready?” as we looked at their toilet plunger with a legislator face on the end. The crowd was then encouraged to chant “heads on a stick, heads on a stick” that did not require much urging. Another chant was “revolt, recall, repeal. Revolt, recall repeal.”
We did not need to be reminded that we pay the highest sales tax rate in the nation and the other tax increase just approved by our legislators. At one point Ken walked on stage with Arnold’s head on a sword which surely got the crowd’s attention.
We listened to a sound bite/cut familiar to me in which Governor Schwarzenegger, in 2006, stated “I will not raise taxes on the people of California.” This was followed by another chant of “liar, liar, liar.” We were told that our taxes will be increased $50 billion over the next four years.
Before one of the commercial breaks Fullerton City councilman Shawn Nelson was invited to use a sledgehammer and smash a VHS copy of Arnold’s Last Action Hero.
This was followed by Ken and John using a shredder to destroy a DVD of Arnold’s 1987 movie Predator to the enjoyment of the crowd.
(Picture courtesy of Steven Sarkis)
The down side of getting up to the fifth row from the stage was trying to leave. I briefly spoke to Fullerton Planning Commissioner, Supervisor Norby Exec Assistant Bruce Whitaker and CRA officer Steve Sarkis.
(Picture courtesy of Steven Sarkis)
On my was out I stopped by a man wearing a huge sandwich sign which read. “Pledge to my voters: I will not support a budget that includes tax increases.” Assemblyman Anthony Adams. Big Fat Liar. They were handing out cards reading RECALL Assemblyman Anthony Adams which reads that he “casted one of the three Republican votes that were needed to raise our taxes.” It has a web site reading www.RecallAdams.org.
(Picture courtesy of Steven Sarkis)
My last stop at the event was to stop at a booth with a long line of voters waiting to sign a petition calling for the recall of Assemblyman Jeff Miller. I picked up a flyer at that booth which opens stating “we do not want our leaders merely for a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ vote. We elect them to fight on our behalf and protect the constituents from government abuse. Jeff Miller has FAILED to Protect Us.” One bullet point reads. “Miller voted to put an extra 2 year tax increase on the ballot after pledging “no new taxes.” It has a web address www.recallmiller.com
Heading to the street and my car there were hundreds of other people coming from all directions to catch part of this KFI broadcast that is still on the air as I finish this blog post.
Great weather, energized crowd, numerous signs and a great message from John and Ken that needs to resonate across our state.
Click here to read the O.C. Register story about this event. They say that over 8,000 were at this tax protest.
Do you think I would catch any crap if I wore a George W. Bush T shirt in San Francisco- no not at all (yeah, right)?
When you wear a provocative T shirt at a political rally you are inviting comments. Tell your wife to wear a plain T shirt next time.
This will be my last post on the subject. To clear up a few things:
Bruce – we were not at a political rally we were shopping on the other side of Commonwealth where my wife had made an appointment to have a second piercing in one ear done. I went next door to a record shop. Yes I’m sure you would catch hell at SF rally wearing an Palin shirt. I would defend you if I thought you were being abused. Fullerton is my home, we were shopping downtown not trying to provoke anybody. I had actually heard about the remote at Slidebar but I had no idea the thing would be so big and that we would run into anyone where we were. My wife was clueless and was asking me what the crowd was all about.
Bobbym – I’m sure the jerks we encountered were the minority, but the crowd was clearly on their way to the rally, holding signs and so on. They were not drunk, not at this point anyway it was still early. Some guy yelled “F*ck Obama” from his truck at my wife, then everyone took notice and looked at us, then we were catching shit from a hand full of other people. We were just trying to hurry back to the car. It was not fun, but I don’t want to exaggerate it either. At no point did we feel in any danger or anything, it wasn’t like that. If we did we could of just ducked into a store or restaurant.
Donn – I hope I am not the only one who finds your racist posts offensive. Not that it should matter but my wife and I are both white, we both have corporate jobs, pay our taxes etc. Fullerton is our home, we try to support local business owners. My guess is that for every regular attendee like Larry, Bobbym and Bruce there was one a-hole like you that does your movement more harm than good. It’s people like you that were trying to provoke us yesterday, but we did not bite.
It would add a little credibility to this place people called people like Donn out for who they are. I thought this was a about taxes not bigotry.
The Register covered it, and that’s about it. You can bet the networks and the LAT would have been there if it was an anti-war protest with 25 people!
Yes, people, they are activists, not journalists.
If you want to see a really big, out-of-control crowd in downtown Fullerton, just visit on a Saturday night after 10 pm.
I have Diane Harkey looking out for me in the state legislature – Jeez!
Hey Baxter:
Who said you and your pierced and tattooed wife were not white? You have as much right to support Obama as 97% of the black population who voted for him. I’m sorry your wife was hassled. No one should be abused for exercising free speech rights…even white people who have been attacked at rallies by illegal Mexicans. I know. I was there and was one of the whites attacked way back in 1996 and many times after that.
Why is it “racist” to assert Equal Rights for Whites? We have Black History Month, the State of the Black Union, Black Entertainment Network, La Raza, Mexican American Political Assn., World Jewish Congress, American Jewish Congress..etc., and nobody calls those ethnic groups “racist” for organizing and advocating their ethnic interests. Obama’s presidency is historic only becuase of his race, and for no other reason. But for his status as an affiramtive action black, he would never have been heard of.
I think the racial aspect of this rally is interesting because people most concerned about high taxes are people who pay them. Blacks and Hispanics do not pay taxes at the same level as whites and consume far more tax payer funded benefits than whites. Blacks can demand reparations from white people, there by relegating whites to a subordinate level of citizenship as a debtor race, and arrogating blacks to the superior level of citizenship as a creditor race. This is collection and payment of government money basd on skin color. Why isn’t that racist? They can rob us and it’s ok, but if we protest against ethnic shakedowns, it’s “racist.”
Increasingly whites have had enough of being lectured by your kind. Whites are being screwed by the system and non-whites are milking us dry. Those are the facts.
Its too bad about Ms. Baxter and every cause should try to distance itself from those who detract from getting its message out in a rational way. One good example from my personal experience is the “no on Prop 8” people. I was driving home one night after a long day at work in WeHo and my tiny car was surrounded by protestors who tried to tip my little car over, shoved me and shouted at me. I didn’t have any inflammatory tee shirt, bumper sticker, live in WeHo and have always given both sides my ear on the debate. Conduct like that doesn’t make people want to hear your message.
Again its too bad about the Baxters, but I do want them to know that I was surrounded by thousands of people at the event who were exceedingly polite, especially considering the closely packed crowd.
I am pretty offended that you’ve used the opportunity to make the rally about race. I didn’t think that taxes and a recall was a racial divide.
I think you are out of line with your posts.
Great coverage of the event from a news standpoint. I’ve posted over 50 pix of my personal opinion and experience there if anyone cares to check them out on my blog, Pure, Unadulterated Joy: http://www.thejoywriter.typepad.com
My Dem friend mocked me for the small turn out for the tea parties, but I believe we’ve hit a tipping point in the state of CA against more taxes and this is the just the beginning.
I’m sorry the Baxters got hassled, but it sounds like it was outside the rally, not at the rally itself, and might just have been your typical pinhead. The people I saw at the rally were quite well behaved, even when trying to find a parking space when there weren’t any to be had. And I saw no sign of drinking.
And, while I’m sorry if any of the locals were inconvenienced, the rally only lasted a few hours, and moving out of the immediate area, you were able to get out of the crowd pretty quickly. Mr. Baxter, suppose this had been a pro-Obama rally? Would you have felt just as resentful of the demonstrators then? Wasn’t dissent supposed to be the highest form of patriotism, at least when George Bush was president?
And did you and Mrs. Baxter report the goons to the police? If you felt all that threatened, you should have.
Finally, the “Off with their heads chant” wasn’t calling for actual executions, but is a running gag John and Ken are doing, calling for Republicans—not Obama supporters, Republicans—who vote for tax increases to be kicked out of office. The mood at the rally was humorous, not murderous, with people dressed as crayons, tea bags, and carrying signs making fun of Schwarznegger, such as “Terminate the Terminator!” “Hasta la Vista, Baby!”
And by no means was everybody I saw at the rally white. I saw quite a few Hispanics, blacks and Orientals. Plus, lots of families with kids.
I also didn’t see any place selling alcohol at the rally, or any people there who were obviously drunk. As I’ve said before, the whole thing looked pretty calm, and law abiding. The off with their heads chants weren’t directed at Obama supporters, but at Republicans, and Governor Schwarczhnegger.
Red Vixen:
Millions of Americans have fled the state of California because of its transformation from part of America to part of Mexico. When the white majority disappears, America disappears. Most of metropolitan California is no longer even recognizably American. Every body knows this is the trtuh. Whites don’t want to live in black slums or MExican slums. Drive to south central in LA and you can see hundreds of square miles where every business and home has bars on the doors and windows. Do you think they’re afraid of white racists? Hell no. They’re afraid of their own kind…..and for very good reason.
Sorry you’r offended. I can’t help it if the truth hurts.
As far as calling me a racist, save your breath. That stuff isn’t working any more. Whites may not like to say so, but they’re being bent over and screwed by the blacks and Mexicans and they all know it, even if they’re still to afraid to say so openly. Remember the 1992 Rodney King Riots? Remember TV photos of the looters? How many were white? None, that’s how many.
The difference now is that whites are losing their jobs, their retirement and their homes. It’s easy to be “tolerant” when things are going well. Now the economy is crashing and burning and everyone knows who the parasites are, even if they don’t want to say so openly. We’re going to see riots before the year is out and it will not be whites burning California cities to the ground and stealing everything that’s not nailed down.
This is only the beginning.
I wasn’t calling you names. I am just surprised that you would turn yesterday’s events into some kind of racial divide where there is competition and mistrust between people of different races and backgrounds.
I thought the rally was about cooperation among all California citizens to make steps to correct the Govenor and state legislators. I thought the rally was about opposing new taxes.
Your post says that whites are at the mercy of other races. That’s just wrong.
Hitler sucks!
And people who idolize Hitler suck.
Learn to love it…that is California or leave it.
My ancestors where here before yours and actually my guest.
You not welcome any more…move on and take those minutebrainmen with you all’s. Try the Dakotas!
Hey Joe:
Hitler has nothing to do with anything.
As far as your ancestors go, are they the ones who used to eat each other before the Europeans came and made them stop?
email comment
Thanks, keep the heat on. We cannot afford to be the silent majority
any more.
#63 Talkin Kamel.
Thank you for pointing out that this was a civil protest. Although I was perhaps 50 yards from the Sidebar Cafe, I did not see anyone in the crowd with a beer bottle in their hands. They were too focused on carrying their signs.
#64 Don.
This was a protest against Republican legislators in Sacramento who sold out. It had nothing to do with immigration policy or status.
This post is about a tax revolt, plain and simple
I loved being at this protest and can’t wait for the next one.
By the way, KTLA did have a minute-long video of the rally on their 10pm news last night. If you go on their website you might find it (it was there this morning). Also I think it was KABC7(or maybe KNBC4)that also had a small segment on the Saturday 11pm news.
Great pictures, Joy!
I was there for an hour and I wish I could’ve stayed longer. The crowd was incredible! One could not help but chanting whatever they were yelling at the time with them.
Thanks Lynne! Here’s the link to the KTLA news coverage.
Pass it on!
I saw intelligence and determination at the Fullerton tax protest.Lack of coverage by design and political manipulation will not extinguish this flame.It is the candle that self ignites in the face OF THE MOST violent hurricane blows..
Political hacks and other society predators are now seeing the first sparks of American revolution to get rid of tormentors –those who have placed self interests above our country.Because of taxes was America born in 1776 and in taxes is it disintegrating in 2009..
it is impossible to describe the seething anger
I find in everyday folks-those who are being bled and thrown away, limpid dolls,so callously and contemptuously..Protests fall on deaf ears.while the planned screwing for generations continues and our world falls apart.
I believe in my heart that the goose laying the golden eggs has been killed, cooked and gluttonized The diners could not have cared less.Now comes the vomiting and diarrhea,after which come the heartbreaks and broken dreams.
–Finding a place to labor and save in honesty and hope— for a future.I say It will not be here.Perpetual debt and degradation is already predetermined for generations by deliberate cavalier opportunists who swore to uphold a public duty but regarded such as a laughable nonsense.an opportunity to feast and gorge as in a ConeyIsland hot dog competition -both fistfuls ramming and jamming into a choking stuffed gut.
Our children have been dumbed down and in certain cases,screwed-up in others.Incompetent, lazy teachers are protected by their unions who cry for more money while they churn out the world’s worst student.THEIR UNION RESISTS ANY ATTEMPT TO GET RID OF THEIR INCOMPETENTS.65% OF EVERY TAX DOLLAR GOING TO “EDUCATION” FOR.the worst final product for the most money on EARTH,Supported by selfish politicians seeking their VOTE.High Schools,on a level with our old primary schools. graduate 50% of students who neither know how to tie their shoelaces nor how to read their DIPLOMAS!The Universities are given rotten apples to bake competitive pies FOR A WORLD KITCHEN.The result-GARBAGE!guaranteed failure.too DUMB TO HIRE!HENCE OUTSOURCING.
While FUTURE unemployment is projected to reach 20-25%, our borders are wide open forUNTRAINED,UNEDUCATEDillegals,terrorists and dope traders .Half of all jailed criminals are illegals costing at least $50.000 annual upkeep– EACH- MORE THAN a year at HARVARD! Busted families,murder,decapitation dismemberment,VIOLENCE all in a good days news.Teachers raping students -never heard of it in my days,but we never had today’s quality AND MORAL BANKRUPTCY in our educational systems.
Taxes go without protest or action paying upkeep for illegals and their families-with not a peep out of our politicians who seek only votes and more tax dollars to BUY them.THE WORST FAILURE OF RESPONSIBILTY INTO THE FACE OF OUR CITIZENS.a BASIC DERELICTION OF SWORN DUTY.
Hire more and more cops and social workers,friends and family for our taxes -just keep government spending and taxes going up and up forever.OUR BANKRUPTCY IS NOT ENOUGH to slow ’em down.As our unemployed hit the streets.the funds generated for illegals use are never challenged by a single politician– they just levy more taxes and laugh at budgets.We cannot pull their pick pocketing fingers off the kid’s piggy bank unless it self destructs and it has.finally!Just shut up and cough up kid!
This initial tax revolt has wired a very critical message.FORGET PROP>1A –IT AIN”T viable!!It will not be implemented on a raging population which is now taken to street protesting.Should it be driven through somehow,study history and read the BOSTON TEA PARTY.History repeats-predictably.The blood of America.s founders still flows here today.Are these current politicians SO dense?YES THEY ARE!Blinded by self indulgence they are oblivious to the violence generating on the streets right now.and any idiot knows where it is directed.This is not Russia,China,Zimbabwe etc.Most Americans rely on fellow Americans when threatened.No private militias here to take special interest against their fellows.We are an open society and there are common basic interests that make us unique.To misjudge American interests and the power of its ordinary aroused citizen would not be a desirable state of affairs.We have never been led by the nose and it is unthinkable that ‘every man a FREE king’ philosophy would easily go down to penury without dire consequences for all concerned.THIS IS MY OPINION AND ONE I FIND COMMONLY SHARED BY ALL WHO HAVE A PLACE AND A STAKE IN FREEDOM AND THE RIGHT TO PRIVATE PROPERTY HERE.TODAY EVERY CITIZEN HAS THE RIGHT TO MAKE HIS DESTINY-UP TILL NOW.HE will BE ONE TOUGH HOUND IF ONE CONTINUES TO PULL THE HARD WON BONE FROM BETWEEN ITS TEETH–
There were hundreds (maybe thousands) more who could not find parking, or could not walk the distance from available parking. The freeway off-ramps were packed. The side streets were packed. I wish Jon & Ken had asked those stuck in their cars and listening to their radios to sound their horns. There were cars looking for parking everywhere. We arrived at about 4:00 and had to park about 6 blocks away. People were coming and going the entire time, so there is no way to get an accurate count by looking at the crowd at any one time. It was hard to see and hard to hear what was happening on stage, although it got better as staff scrambled to set up more speakers as the crowd grew larger. But because it was hard to see and hear, most stayed for an hour and left, much to the delight of those who were there to take their parking spots!! Jon & Ken should do it again where there really is adequate parking and adequate visibility, because it really was a GREAT rally. I myself would join a rally somewhere every weekend until we succeeded in getting the tax increase repealed, and the political traitors recalled. Although I got the point that we were betrayed by our Republican leaders who vow to not increase taxes, I was disappointed that the Republicans were the only ones targeted as objects of our outrage. Democrats must take responsibility for their unabashed rape of California’s finest resource — its people. The fault is shared by Democrat and Republican politicians alike, and we should seek to recall ALL politicians who voted for this obscene tax increase while Californians are losing their homes, their jobs, their savings, and the bounty that once was the Great State of California for future generations. Rally on the steps of city hall in some city in California on every weekend to take back the promised land of California. I will be happy to devote the majority of my weekends if it will mean we can take back this state for our children and their children. The rally this weekend should be only the beginning. Let me know when the next one is and I will be there. But these rallies won’t get media coverage if they are always sponsored by competing media. Libertarians, Independents, outraged Rebublicans, enlightened Democrats, local taxpayer associations — lets all sponsor a rally in our town to recall the local politician who has betrayed the people’s trust and robbed our personal coffers while lining their own pockets and charging their own egos. Government works for US — we don’t work for it.
My daughter, a journalism major, informed her college Republican organization about the Tax Revolt Rally. The president was very excited about getting members to go, but later called back to say that while the group supports the anti-tax premise, one of the Republican politicians being targeted for recall financially supported their organization, so they couldn’t promote the rally to their members. How quickly a young journalist learns the realities of politics — money speaks louder than principles. Where are the idealistic youths who refuse to be bought? How do we teach our young to stand up for principle and take back the reigns of government? How about spending our beautiful California weekends on the steps of the office of the local politician– Republican or Democrat — who dares to vote for a budget that squanders and redistributes our hard earned incomes and votes to take more just as we are losing our jobs, our homes, and our savings. Yes, we had 15,000 easy this weekend. Where and when is the next rally? Count me in!
Don brings out some irrefutable points. He certainly has every right to express his points and believe in them. He is certainly well-founded in doing so. I find it interesting that his detractors resort to name-calling and unlikeable comparisons to people like Hitler. It is truly pathetic to hear such mindless rebuttal to his well stated position. More importantly, Don raises a number of points that I think we can all agree on:
1. It is perfectly alright to be white it in America. Does anyone actually agree with that?
2. Whites in America have every right to state their positions, express their opinions and promote their own interest. Again does anyone disagree with that?
3. Whites from both political parties starting with Lincoln and the Republicans back in 1862-63 have been in the forefront of fighting for, promoting and dying for the rights of all races and peaceful diversity in what was once a truly great country that people were proud of. Anyone that disagrees with that lacks even a modicum of historical understanding of this Country.
4. Don’s point about the fact that White’s in America pay most of the taxes and per capita commit the least amount of crime is statistically bared out by virtually every study known to modern man. Does anyone actually believe that is not the case?
Maybe it is time for Don’s detractors to simply tell the truth and state what they really believe. They suffer from a deep seated personal hatred and resentment of anyone that has an economic, political or social belief of any kind that differs from their own.
I was part of the “Campaign for Liberty” group (Ron Paul supporters) that attended the event. Our group parked off of North Harbor, not quite half a mile from the Revolt. We were a couple of hundred folks which included a busload of 50 people that drove in from San Diego. We had signs, many flags, and a drummer, and our organizer had a bull horn and kept us chanting “NO MORE TAXES” as we marched. We walked 3 people wide on the sidewalk. Cars were honking, people were yelling support from their vehicles, and others were clapping on the street as we walked by. It got so noisy, I was afraid that the police would stop us because we were causing too much of a distraction to the traffic. When we finally reached the Revolt, we were welcomed by cheers and clapping. It was quite overwhelming!
My husband and son were asked to lead the parade because they had the largest flags. My husband- a 6×10′ American flag, and my 15 year old son- the same sized California flag. My husband was wearing a leather jacket with an American flag on the back that said USA, and a baseball cap that had USA and an eagle sewn onto it. My husband made the extremely long poles needed to carry such large flags, and assembled them on location with nuts and bolts. My children are very involved in politics, and my son that attended the event is starting a YAL group (Young Americans for Liberty) at his high school. Campaign for Liberty had a booth near the cafe, and next to the recall Arnold booth, where they handed out literature and sold T-shirts. I am surprised no one here mentioned our group.I observed no trouble at all at this event. We had a great time, and met a lot of great people because of the homemade signs we were carrying.
I knew that there would be no media attention. The media is not “free” as we would like to think it is. Most people refuse to believe that it is sensored, but it is. Has anyone heard on the television about Baxter Pharmaceuticals in Dearborn, MI that was discovered by a Canadian scientist to have distributed to 18 countries the live Avian Flu virus in flu vaccines! This was online news a couple of days ago. This is extremely frightening, and they did not list all of the countries. Is our country one of them? You can Google this. Also, Campaign for Liberty had a march to the Capitol in D.C. last June. where 25,000 people attended. There was a rally with famous performers, and this event received NO media coverage!
Campaign for Liberty (campaignforliberty.com and youngamericansforliberty.org) is the answer for those that want to get involved. We cannot afford to be complacent anymore. It is time for everyone to join the revolution and put government back in the hands of the people!
We would have have been saddened to see the woman wearing an Obama t-shirt because we believe that she is misinformed and misguided, and because we know Obama will ruin this country. Not because he is black- he is only half black anyway. Everyone seems to forget that he is half white as well. It is his policies that will destroy the “American” way, and go against the Constitution and other documents written by our Founding Fathers.
Oh, and by the way DONN, my husband is MEXICAN, and that makes my children half MEXICAN, and they are not filthy. I understand your underlying message. My husband attends council meetings and fights corrupt government figures, and tries to make other Mexicans understand that they are misguided, but it is more complicated than you know. There are WHITE developers and corporate people, together with crooked lawyers, the wealthy from back east and crooked politicians that use Mexicans, pay Mexicans and brainwash Mexicans to get what they want! I could tell you stories. It all boils down to GREED! I am sorry that you are so full of hatred toward other races. That will keep you from finding the solution to the problems we face as Americans. You cannot make a difference with that attitude, and you CANNOT advance your cause using racial stereotypes. There is good and evil amongst all races!
I need to add something to my previous comment about the Baxter woman wearing the Obama t-shirt. My comment was incomplete. Yes, we would have been saddened, and my son would have probably pointed it out to me. However, it is her Constitutional right to wear that t-shirt! I support that right. Many, many Americans fought and even died for that right, as will many in the years to come. We would have smiled at her, and kept walking. Oh, and one more thing- there were other Mexicans in our group. One of them, Juan, is an awesome family man, and high school teacher.
Thank you for listening.
For those of you that might be interested in the next rally. Campaign for Liberty will be holding an End the Fed rally on April 25th in Los Angeles. You can get the info. at campaignforliberty.com.
Good for you, Debra!
As I said, when we were there, I saw a pretty good mixture of people. This was about overburdened taxpayers, not race.
I lived next door to Arnold in early 1980 and he was just the most unfriendly guy you could ever want to meet.
Later I would bump in to him in Hollywood and we would still NOT be speaking even though my ex. and I were friendly with the Austrian press.
This runt from Austria (nothing personal-I love Austria) needs to have his ass terminated. There need to be re-call and impeachement proceedings going 24/7
Hell, I will run against him since I know him.
PS/ When we lived in the same neighbourhood Arnie was just a budding body builder and I used to say everyday that this loser will never amount to anything…..so glad I was right.
If you don’t like people who refer to racial stereotypes, what were you doing at a John & Ken rally? Have you ever listened to their show and their references to Mexicans? Their least offensive point is that 1.5 million productive tax paying Americans have fled California to escape the “brown tidal wave.” If you don’t like that kind of talk, don’t come to any more of their rallys.
John & Ken dislike Mexicans almost as much as I do, and for good reason. Mexicans are invading our country. We are not invading theirs. This is a war and if you’re caught in the middle because of your matrimonial situation, that’s too bad. Get used to it. In the Civil War families were divided against each other and this new civil war will be no different.
Mexicans have attacked Americans on public streets when we were trying to exercise our rights of free speech and assembly. In 1996 at the Federal Building in Westwood, a Mexican mob carrying Mexican flags and Che Guevera flags attacked us by throwing full cans of soda pop at us and punching out the older whites who were there. Many times since 1996, I’ve watched these gutless wonders target women and the elderly for violence at public gatherings, an expression of well known Mexican cowardice. But for the overwhelming numbers at the John & Ken rally, some of your in laws would have appeared with their bull horns, their communist flags, their full soda cans, and cowardly mad dog behavior.
Mexicans come here for the better life they can’t create in their own country. Nobody asked who you married. Marry whomever you chose, but your inlaws don’t have a right to invade my country, suck up tax dollars and make life unfit for human habitation.
Stereotypes exist for a reason: They’re genearlly true!
David: Obviously you can count from 1 to 4.
Donn: A laudable cause like the protest against Prop. 1A and lying, venal Republican legislators. is better served without bigots skewing the focus.
Thanks to all of you for attending this very important rally.
It’s vital that our legislators see the ire they’ve raised in us.
Here at THE GREAT AMERICAN COCKTAIL PARTY, we believe what America needs is a good stiff belt of 10,000-proof conservative clarity…
A party that believes in the power of pitchforks and punch.
We invite you to join in our social gathering and discussion group for fellow, like-minded conservatives.
Thanks again!
– C.
Charlie Sweeny
National Chairman
661 406 9154 cell
In the first comment, cook said:
‘If I didn’t have appointments set for today, I would have taken the train up there too.’
Your own private one? Because all the passenger trains that I can think of that serve Fullerton are partially supported by taxes. Does that not seem like hypocrisy?
#74. This post was about Republicans upset with other Republicans whom we helped get into office. It had nothing to do with color or race.
I just heard John Kasic on the radio mentioning the weekend “tea parties” and the need for fiscal conservative Republicans to speak out on the tax and “earmarks” issues.
#78 Debra.
Sorry for my failure to mention your booth in my post. I did stop and picked up your literature entitled “Campaign for Liberty, Join the Revolution” and the other beige flyer entitled “TAX REVOLT 2009!” which opens stating: “We are here today in unity to voice our anger toward our state legislators in Sacramento. California will now be very close to the highest taxed state in the union. And this is absurd. Plain as day, you should easily see that our elected officials no longer represent us. Why else would they raise taxes in a SEVERE RECESSION?
The web reference on both documents reads:
Sorry for the oversight. Larry G
Relax, obviously there are many who don’t get it! Yes it is about a tax revolt, but what are the reasons for the tax increases? Far and away is illegal immigration, it’s taking away funds from schools, hospitals and every other service organization! Do you realize the cost involved? Let them come here legally and be documented and pay at least some taxes just like the rest of us!
What is it that sours you so about this demonstration? The storming of the Bastille in 1789 was a public response to King Louis XVI’s unfair taxation policies. Either you approve of the tax increases now (and to come) and approve of the governments’ mis-management of the revenues supporting appropriate budgets, or you lack the intuition to understand this (demonstration) is a burgeoning voice of discontent with the irresponsibility of our politicians to restrain their spending within the (previously) extant tax revenue base(s). Get a life! ‘Sounds to me like you were “liquored up” when you wrote your comment.
LA Times is running one agenda, the unions, illegals, crooks, thieves, Tax cheaters, Sacramento politicians. They do not care about the US citizens, tax payers. LA Times consider the US Citizens not important. Revolt against LA Times. Here is phone number to call 213-237-5757
Call LA Times and let them know how you feel.
Art Pedroza & Larry Gilbert,
I think that you should make a permanent place for this thread to live on. It looks like there will most likely be more protests going forward and people might need a place to see the history of how this is all unfolding.
This conversation has been interesting and spirited. Kudos for everyone who has participated!
I gave them a fairly thorough checking, and I was unable to find any mention of this demonstration in either of the major LA newspapers the next morning. Given the utter insignificance of some of the local stories the papers did cover (Beckham’s proposed deal with the Galaxy?), I must agree with the individual above who pointed out that the local media is instructed to downplay these events. In fact, downplay is probably not strong enough of a word.
#95 Lou,
There are so many posts to this story that you may have missed my comments early on. The same thing happened to the anti-war protests in the months leading up to the invasion of Iraq. There were huge rallies – easily in the tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands in some places, that were simply NOT covered.
The internet is much more efficient now, so the participants are going to have to keep doing what Larry and others did – post up the pictures and videos of the events and figure out a way to count the crowd numbers so that others can see the real news going on.
Oh, and welcome to OJ, Lou!
just had a small mail erased so the short story follows. been a student politics a long time and thought the ‘stimulus’ could not be passed sithout debate; was shocked.
Now comes the tax on the rich? there is no box they put this money in to hold for the poor and
Americans, all of them, have to know this plus much more concerning their government for the tax increase will slowly involve them all-50K will become the rich and is to come.
Will say more later; am trying to gt my wev site up. 5 million Americans marching on Washington-it would and should be done.
Bill Clinton became a tricjle down believer mid-reum. He initiated a te percent surtax on yachts that sold for more than 500K-it put 35,000 skilled workers out of well paying jobs-he was forcwd to rescind.More later for our beloved country is literally under attack our values usurped by big brothers, Beside if Obama cared for the poor he would have donated some of their joint income, at least to his church-he didn’t even tithe; I believe he gave 1,200 on an income of $450,000, whidh are rough guesses but close enough. He only gave after he ran for president; like many of the tax cheats he has placed in government, with the most outrageous our treasury secretary who used to be president of the New York Fed., dolling out the hundreds of billions designated to bail out the big banks which no one talks about-he was caught cheating on his taxes and now manager of the IRS, outrageous!
We need to march on Washington and save this great country from socialism now.
Sincere Regards,
Franklin Ball
HIs newest tax cheat was mayor of
Dallas and was involved in many ‘problems’ to the point his party thought him not ready for higher office; I guesws you get appointed to one.
Ron Kirk should not be part of our government.
The cheap loans were pushed by Dodd and Barney Frank during the end of Clintons admin. and were bought up by large banks later-and failed under the Bush admin. by the way
Art has triumphed over life. Thanks, Art, for a cathartic reich-wing venting, let’s all hope none of the patients has an arsenal at home. And Mickey weeps!
Actually, Mickey has been busy laying off Disney employees…
Franklin Ball.
I proudly report that we have marched on Washington. We being Americans for Prosperity, a nationwide grass roots group opposed to government waste and excessive spending who currently have Chapters in 23 states from Arizona to Wisc. We delivered 428,000 Petitions to Congress from across this land to protest the stimulus package. As one of our speakers stated in a Press Conference “we are tired of spending and borrowing” adding, “we are selfish…robbing from future generations.”
Having participated in one of our DC rally’s on the Capitol steps and a prior Petition delivery/rally in Sacramento let me advise you that thousands of Americans are as upset as you are. Our two web sites for those who feel as we do are as follows:
http://www.nostimulus.com and americansforprosperity.org