Obama is giving $900 million to Gaza reconstruction. Who doesn’t understand NO ONE will be in line for that money that Hamas doesnt want there. No construction work will be done without Hamas people being paid. Oh, wait, the UN will be the go-to.
Are you still in your chair?
1. Guantanamo Abuse has increased under Obama
2. The tax cut? Check with your CPA. The tax tables are not changing for 2010. THAT MEANS, the money you receive will be recorded as INCOME. Its NOT A TAX CUT. You will be taxed on that money.
3. Obama Administration Keeps Bush view on Detainees
This is going to be fun…
An anonymous lawyers says guards are getting in their last kick – you can hardly lay that on Obama – he’s not a Carter like micromanager.
The tax cut starts with 2009 so the tables for 2010 will stay the same to maintain that tax cut.
The Detainees talked about are in Afghanistan – prisoners of war – not an unusual viewpoint.
Hamas won the election and also nothing will happen with out Israel’s consent or they’ll bomb it again.
Watch the cartoons you post, e-mail forward, or laugh at.
They are watching and waiting.
Political correctness.
Terry – get a job.
1 Billion to HAMAS! For What? It will all be stolen, and they will still HATE US! Why waste the money. If you are going to throw money away, at least do it here! Give it to GM, Chrysler or the Banks, at least they say thank you! Oh wait, maybe not…
Knee jerk post.
The problem in the Middle East is unending because both sides continue to resort to violence. The truth is that very few of the Palestinian people are involved in terrorism or other militant activities. The Israeli attack was way overboard and it hurt a lot of innocent families – and killed a lot of children.
If Obama is trying to put things right in this fashion it is a Hell of a lot better than starting more wars, which is what his idiot GOP predecessor did.
Jews and Arabs have lived side by side in peace for thousands of years. The problem today in the Middle East= Zionist.
Who cares? I’m a Libertarian!
Of the $900 million proposed, the money will divided in the following way:
$300 million to Hamas for humanitarian aid
$600 million to the Palestinian Authority (which will directly bypass Hamas)
This info is from politico.com and at this point the $900 million is nothing more than a proposal from Sec. of State Clinton. The proposal will have to be approved by Congress.
LOL! You’re catching on!