The OC Weekly posted a video showing what O.C. Sheriff Sandra Hutchens’ deputy spied on at an O.C. Board of Supervisors meeting
Scott Moxley is not someone politicians should mess with. It took him years but he eventually played a big role in bringing down the jail-bound former O.C. Sheriff, Mike Carona. In this week’s edition of the OC Weekly Moxley visited with Orange County Sheriff Sandra Hutchens and she ended up acting quite brittle and catty towards him. Ill-advised!
Moxley wrote a great article that summed up Hutchens rather well. She comes off appearing arrogant, out of touch, and, as I noted, brittle and guarded.
Check out this excerpt, that clearly illustrates Hutchens’ growing paranoia regarding our local media:
Later in our conversation, she tells me that she agrees that journalists “have to hold us [cops] accountable,” a hollow phrase when uttered by Carona. She does have some criticism for local media, however. She explains that The Orange County Register too often mixes news reporting with “its political ideology.” She believes that by downplaying or ignoring her accomplishments, the paper hasn’t always given her a fair shake. When I push for details, she pauses, mentions that they refused to publish a letter from her (an accusation that, I later learned, was mistaken), laughs and says, “Look, like cops, there are some bad reporters.”
Hutchens did however gamely rip into her predecessor and his goons:
“I thought it was pretty sad what was going on,” says Hutchens, who watched the events in retirement from a senior position at the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. “But look at the previous sheriff and his two assistant sheriffs, Mr. [George] Jaramillo and Mr. [Don] Haidl. Carona worked in the courts [as a longtime county bailiff], not in the jails or on patrol. Jaramillo had been a police lieutenant for a day before he became assistant sheriff, and Haidl had no law-enforcement background. I don’t think any of us should be surprised by what happened, given all of that.”
Supervisor Chris Norby has already had it with Hutchens, as evidenced in this excerpt:
But that enthusiasm evaporated quickly last year. Asked twice what he now thinks she’s accomplished, Norby pauses each time and says he can’t name a single item. He also finds her to be thin-skinned. He goes on to tell me that Hutchens, who used to visit him early in her appointment, stopped the practice after his public criticisms. He recalls, “I haven’t seen her in my office in months.” They communicate either through a lower-ranking sheriff’s official or not at all.
Hutchens also addressed the growing scandal regarding her desire to cancel the Concealed Weapons Permits that Carona handed out:
“The CCW area is such a small part of what I do, but it’s been a lightning rod for some people,” she says. “It’s been a distraction to what I’m trying to accomplish in the department, and that’s been hard.”
I think that a lot of folks probably have good reason to use concealed weapons. But I have no problem with taking these permits away from Carona’s friends and donors, and other GOP hacks like Mike Schroeder and Adam Probolsky.
Hutchen’s biggest problem may well be “what Norby calls the “Supe Snoop” scandal.” The OC Weekly provided a link to a YouTube video depicting what Hutchen’s deputy filmed when he snooped on Norby and Supervisor Janet Nguyen during a Board of Supervisors meeting. Heads should have rolled for that fiasco, but Hutchens stood by her men. I posted the video above this post so you can see for yourself what happened.
Hutchens got the final word:
“I’m not going to change my positions to get elected,” says Hutchens. “I’m going to do the right thing. I am seeking support from Democrats, Republicans and independents. I’m the sheriff first and a politician second, and I think I’m going to get elected.”
I think she is toast. She hired hack GOP consultant Dave Gilliard, who is known for running anti-Mexican campaigns. And she should have treated Moxley better. Some folks never learn…
I used to like this blog. Now it’s just Art re-formulating other people’s articles, ripping Jubal and other people he hates, and sucking up to whoever is on his OK list.
BORING. Bring back Sean or Claudio or Vern. Then at would at least there would be something worth reading.
We have plenty of writers, including Sean – who has been busy at work; and Larry Gilbert; John Seiler and Tony Bushala – plus our conservative webmaster, Terry Crowley.
If you don’t like my posts, there is a remedy – don’t read them.
As for Claudio, I invited him back and he chose to start up a new blog – which is not getting much action. He had his chance.
As for Jerbal, I reserve the right to rip him and his pals. It has always been a goal of mine to expose the OC GOP machine for what it is. Today, folks know what Jerbal is all about. Mission accomplished…
We don’t always agree….but in this case your
are 100% correct…with a great article and a
fine read on the issue!
Crowley is good. His stuff I like, too. But Art, you didn’t used to be so rabid. Jubal doesn’t even comment here anymore, so the way you twist every news item into a rip-Jubal post makes you look like you’re obsessed or something.
“Jubal doesn’t even comment here anymore”,
Former Juice Fan, how much did Harkey pay Jerbal to pay you to comment here?
I don’t yet know enough about Hutchins to be critical.
I will say I was blasted from both the right and left over my criticisim of Corona, including one blogger who called me an “idiot” and the disgraced Sheriff a “hero”.
I like that she’s reviewed and taken action against the CCW’s (what law abiding citizen would’nt support this?
I like that she is slow and deliberate in her command decisions.
I really like that she pisses off all the blowhard gladflies (AKA GOP HACKS).
Dude, who are you and what are you talking about? This place has gotten extra crazy since you came around.
All I’d like is Art to chill out a little and return OJ to what it used to be, a pretty cool blog, and you go all conspiracy on me.
Go away Former Juice Fan. Complain, complain, complain. Are you a Chocolite with a Va JJ?
Sandra Hutchens has violated the Constitution of the United States. If the Constitution meant anything in modern Orange County, the O.C Supervisors would have never appointed her. Orange County has become Mush County.
Hutchen’s is doing a much better job than Santa Ana Police Chief Paul Walters would have done. At least she makes a decision and follows through..Walters can’t make a decision on his own. Instead, he wastes taxpayer money on an unqualified, completely out of touch consultant. and his band of blind loyalist cronies. Hey Santa Ana City Management and City Council. Why do you keep a guy like this on the books when you know all he wants is the Sheriff’s job in 2010. Strike 3 and you’re out!
Maybe it is time to get someone like Jim Silva to introduce state legislation to make California a can carry firearms state, like Texas, Vermont, and a few others. Carrying such legislation just might see Silva getting that Senate job he seems to want. Perhaps the OC Board of Supervisors wold endorse such legislation?
Perhaps I am naive on this issue how and when exactly did the Dheriff violate the US Constitution.
Thats a very serious charge and if accurate should be publicly reviewed.
Please expound on this (in all seriousness).
2nd Amendment -“Being that a well regulated militia is necessary..the right of the people to keep and bear arms…shall not be infringed!”
“ A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
=====================*There are several versions
all which state the reasons why politicos and even States should not over regulate to the point that they restrict the right to keep and bear!
After a cursory review, I find nowhere in here actions where she has restricted the “right to bear arms”.
The Sheriff simply has followed state law which allows and REQUIRES her to review the Concealed Weapon Permit holder.
I am dumfounded how the law and order crowd are bashing her.
The 2nd amendment folks are poorly informed. THERE IS CLEARLY NO BASIS for this arguement.
It’s not lost on me that Feeney has not answered.