Saddleback Inn company station wagon used to pick up guests from the OC airport, 1981.
For anyone who has lived, worked or visited Orange County and is interested in a historical perspective, there is an interactive website for you: The above picture was submitted by a reader after a story was published at OCThen about the landmark, Saddleback Inn, in Santa Ana. The reader had worked as bell boy who drove that car to pick up guests like Loretta Lynne and now he has left his written memories to accompany the photograph to share with other readers. The site is easy to search and has archived stories of all Orange County cities. Here is a sampling of stories and inquiries found there: Want to know about that old mental hospital in Garden Grove? What was the name of the old tiki-style restaurant in Newport Beach? Can you name the new New Wave club in Fullerton?
Remember the Golden Bear Nightclub in HB? Someone is looking for former boy scout members of Santa Ana’s Troop 26. Anyone in Santa Ana remember a guy named Cheerio? Did you ever ice skate at the Glacier Falls Ice Arena in Anaheim? Who else has hung out in Irvine Park during the 1970’s with the van clubs? Here is a link to a feel good story about the Orange Circle in downtown Orange.
*Tiki’s….”Don the Beachcomer’s”….How about
“Uncle Humberts’s Royal Caboose” across from
Dillman’s on Newport Peninsula? Now, that was
Famous Bars in Newport Beach: The Red Lion with JJ Mack, Isadora’s with the Road Home and the Whitehorse Inn across from the City Hall! Too
many more to name!
That’hotel is falling a part !
Cherrio is still around! Just saw him at Round Table on Bristol
Sad pic of the Saddleback Inn. I drive by it every day. Right when you cross into Santa Ana. Welcome to Santa Ana! Blight. Too bad they can’t use it as some kind of housing like they did a few years ago. I remember the city council had some kind of “big plan” for that area. What a waste.
Ron & Anna,
We used to drive down to Tony Roma’s on PCH from Hacienda Heights and would wait in the 2-3 hour line for ribs! And don’t leave out Woody’s Warf for drinks and lunch.
Tessa, Welcome back! Let Cheerio know that people still talk about him and wonder what he’s up to! 😉 BTW: Any news to report about your league lately?
? & anon,
I had heard rumors that the Saddleback Inn would be razed and the zoo and parking could be expanded. I don’t know if that was ever an official idea or just someone hoping that the area could be cleaned up. I really am surprised that the city lets that building stand in such disrepair. There is a multi-tenant apartment building close to Santa Ana High School that has trash piled up all outside the front door and behind the building. It is such an eyesore and it looks completely unhealthy, but it has been a mess like that for years. I cannot believe no one from the health department has done anything about it.
Remember the old Crazy Horse Saloon? It was literally falling down before it was finally razed and cleared off the land.
I guess dilapidated buildings and trashy lots are not a priority in the city of Santa Ana.
In 1975 when my Dad got transeferred to Southern California from our SF roots we set up shop at the Saddleback in.
I vividly remember Mabel Beckman, Dr. Beckmans wife taking me and my bros. to Don’s Schwinn in Tustain and Skaggs at Edinger and Main for a Hobie knock off skateboard with killer urethan wheels.
Recently I heard of a friends son, stabbed in the kidneys there trying to score meth.
Did you get a chance to read up a bit over on that site? I subscribe to their updates in email.
20 years ago Saddleback Inn was a hot watering hole and meeting place. It was always busy.
When we had a corporate office in Santa Ana (1980’s)we would often take customers to lunch at the Inn.
Sad that it has been neglected and now represents self induced blight on 1st street
I just checked it out.
good trip, errr tip or the other.
‘La Fonda’ Mexican Restaurant which was located on South Main Street used to be the authentic mexican restaurant in it’s hayday in the 70’s/early 80’s…along with the ‘Handle Bar Saloon’. What a shame!
I used to have alot of good times at the ‘Skate Ranch’ also…
I remember the Handle Bar Saloon. Does anyone remember Mississippi Moonshine in Anaheim? Boy did I have some fun times there!
Best place ever. Security Who remembers the employees
When my husband and I married in January, ’79; all of our out-of-town guests stayed at the Saddleback Inn. It will still a very respectable hotel then.
So sad…
Remember the Skate Ranch just off Main Street and next to the Santa Ana Freeway, with its roaming chickens? The Ranch is gone, now a parking lot for the Discovery Center. And the chickens?
How about Irv Seaver BMW motorcycles at Main and the Santa Ana Freeway? This business still exists, but no longer in Santa Ana.
Heck, I can remember when Santa Ana and Anaheim were in a race to develop an indoor arena. Santa Ana’s proved to be a pipe dream, Anaheim’s became The Pond, now Honda Center. Now there is even a similar venue in Ontario, but not Santa Ana.
Also, the Cadillac dealership near Main (or was it Broadway?)and First Street in Santa Ana. They moved to the Tustin Auto Mall. Or Bob Black Oldsmobile on North Grand Avenue – went out of business? Or Sears on south Main Street – closed?
How about The Galaxy restaurant on the top floor of the “high rise” at 10th and Broadway in Santa Ana, or the old County Hall of Records on 8th street that was connected to the old red Court House by a second story pedestrian bridge?
Bob’s Big Boy on 17th Street near Grand Avenue in Santa Ana, now a Mexican food restaurant.
Times have sure changed, not sure it is all for the best. At least we have the Los Angeles Angels.
We moved to Santa Ana in 1956…I witnessed all the orange groves being torn down. Used to skate at the Skate Ranch..
Bob Black Died in the late 70’s and his wife sold the place.Sears went out of business because santa ana has ran out of white people
My dad worked at the galaxy room as a bar tender in 1969
This turned out to be a very sweet thread!
Thanks to all of you who have taken the time to post to it and especially for sharing your personal stories. You made this subject very enjoyable!
Melodyland Theatre…in Anaheim…saw “What ever
happened on the way to the forum?” Turned into
the Church…hey?
Also, forgot about our ifrst famous upscale restaurant in Newport Beach….”The Stuft Shirt”
– next to Ardell’s Marina on PCH….so good they had to do a mini-redux by some seagoing local guy…that called his: “The Stuft T-Shirt” – over behind the then and now Cannery Restaurant.
JJ Mack was at the Lucky Lion
I met my wife no.3 at the saddleback inn dont care how tore it is still the bomb!!!!