After voting to suspend an Orange County education contract with Planned Parenthood because the organization performs abortions, Orange County Republican Supervisor Bill “Porky” Campbell is “considering whether the money should go instead to a group that describes itself as a “pro-life ministry” and uses ultrasound viewings and biblical material to counsel women,” according to the L.A. Times.
“To that end, Campbell is looking at Birth Choice Health Clinics as an option. Birth Choice is based in Santa Ana and was founded by Kathleen Eaton, its chief executive, about 26 years ago after she had an abortion at a Planned Parenthood clinic, she said.”
Don’t forget that “Porky” Campbell also tried to appoint Catholic bigwig John Urell to a County Commission, even though he knew that Urell ran cover for assorted Cathlic pederasts.
So let me get this straight. “Porky” Campbell wants to save the babies, but then he is OK with exposing them to Catholic molesters? Weird.
And none of this makes sense in the wake of the latest news from the disastrous Palin family. You may recall that former GOP Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin’s teen daughter, Bristol, got knocked up last year, and she was supposed to marry the father of her baby, Levi Johnston. However, Johnston recently “confirmed to the Associated Press a Star magazine report that he and Ms. Palin mutually decided “a while ago” to call things off, according to the New York Times. Yep. Abstinence sure worked out for the Palin brood!
What a joke “Porky” Campbell is! I am sure however that his lackey Matt “Jerbal” Cunningham is very excited about all this. Jerbal was of course the founder of the ill-fated “Urell Amigos” website, that revealed the names of several victims of molestation. No wonder Jerbal is the editor at the “Red Clownty” blog!
Why are you so enamored of Planned Parenthood?
None of this brouhaha had anything to do with abortion. Planned Parenthood was conducting teen education.
Reeps like to malign Planned Parenthood, but they are a good organization. Their clinics are clean and professionally run.
Republicans are going extinct because they won’t let go of their Talibani agenda. Too bad for them…
It also doesn’t hurt that Planned Parenthood supported Art in his election for SA City Council
This is a little off topic, but the weight the Supervisor has packed on these last few years sure looks like it has become a health hazard. Hope he sees a Doc. regularly.
Wouldn’t a better use of those funds be to rehire the laid off counties health agency workers who pay taxes and contribute to the base of society instead to this non tax paying org where the funds are used for, what are the funds used for? For some reason they forget to files returns and comply with public disclosure.
Now I wonder what the BOS is doing, they give away tax dollars and never check on or audit the recipients to see if the fund are used correctly.
Maybe you can link to source, Art. Here’s where our OC Sup’s spend money:
Times are Tight
By Scott Moxley
Orange County Weekly
published: February 26, 2009
And here’s what OC’s Board of Supervisors has been doing with its loose change for the past few months
Ever wonder where our precious tax dollars go, especially when government officials insist there is a dire need to raise taxes and fees? Even in Orange County, where the Board of Supervisors is a collection of five self-described “fiscal conservative” Republicans, there are cries of massive budget shortfalls and the need to chop or eliminate vital public services.
So what have the supes been spending money on lately? Looking back to August, here’s $13.3 million in spending—some fascinating, some bizarre, some downright ridiculous during a recession:
Teach county employees foreign languages: $128,000
Market exercise and healthy eating to kids: $137,000
Pay annual insurance for sheriff’s department’s Taser guns: $80,000
Remodel Hall of Administration lobby: $455,000
Hire empowerment coach for bad parents: $190,000
Replace maintenance houses at a park: $189,000
Pay a waste-hauling consultant: $868,500
Purchase theater materials for Westminster: $150,000
Hire county-employee-benefits consultant: $165,000
Build a secure basketball court and monkey bars for Santa Ana cops’ athletic league: $33,675
Market anti-smoking ideas in South County: $162,750
Replace five bathroom stalls at Sunset Beach: $838,826
Retroactive pay to county lobbyist: $60,000
Transport corpses to/from morgue: $305,000
Market the value of vegetables to Latino kids: $155,000
Buy playground equipment, lights and signs for a Tustin park: $358,413
Pay for crosswalk guards: $510,000
Add benches and trash cans to Laguna Lake Park: $110,000
Construct a Santa Ana tennis court: $170,000
Market carpooling ideas to county employees: $214,500
Install high-definition screens in 235 deputy cars: $2,212,777
Hire consultant to analyze county bureaucracy: $100,000
Pay Goodwill to package inmate food boxes: $125,000
Buy elementary-school baseball-field backstops: $68,000
Employ polygraphs to insure sex-offender “compliance”: $170,000
Expand Dana Point Harbor bathroom stalls: $350,000
Pay incentive bonuses to groups advocating healthy eating: $687,161
Clean ventilation ducts at county jail: $150,000
Purchase ads in The Daily Journal: $250,000
Pay subsidy to local tourism corporations: $100,000
Market anti-alcohol messages to local college students: $72,500
Construct new office building at a county dump: $3,655,106
Hire a consultant to guard against wasteful spending: $98,115
And don’t forget Campbell also tried to invite Lawrence Baird to give the invocation a couple months back. Baird, of course, was infamous for being an asshole to so many sex-abuse victims. Campbell is a joke.
Campbell is the poster boy for the crazed OC GOP!
People, people, people: Catholics are “special needs” guys. They have a lot of different requirements than most religions. They have some wonderful Jesuit Intelligensia and they love those loving Dominicans and Franciscans and on top of that – a whole bunch of local Cardinals. Add to that an always controversial Pope….with
the exception of Pope Paul…who had several nut jobs want to assasinate him. Probably, the most
loveable of all Popes in recorded history. Well,
that’s just from us NON Catholics..
At any rate, complex issues usually don’t always have simple answers. “Your daughter gets knocked up by gang members in a brutal rape!” Have the baby? Don’t have the baby? “A father incestuously inseminates his own daughter.” Have the baby? Don’t have the baby? “A twelve year
old girl get pregnant from her 13 year old boyfriend.” Have the Baby? Don’t have the baby?
Catholics have complex issues…and we should not
be picking on them or Supervisor Bill that much!
Yeah, Planned Parenthood is a wonderful, full service operation. They’ll show your kid how to have sex and some alternatives, show the kid how to use various devices to prevent pregnancy and if that doesn’t work, they’ll kill the unborn baby for you. For this they get millions of taxpayer’s dollars and a welcome mat from the public schools. Welcome to modern America.
Okay an easy way they could’ve gone about this:
People should understand that if they want their children to learn about abstinence and want their children to practice abstinence then you are able to teach them and convince them yourself; as parents it is your duty. It is also your duty to educate them on safe sex and if you do not agree with this then let other children of other parents who don’t ever mention the practice of sex because they are embarrassed or for whatever reason; let them be educated about safe sex, abstinence, and pregnancy with planned parenthood; planned parenthood has been doing so for years; educating the past, present, and soon, hopefully, our future generations. I for one want a healthy community and one that is realistic about these issues. We do not live in a utopia abstinent world or county for that matter, so please to don’t live in oblivion and educate the people especially the young! It is the individual’s responsibility to take in affect of what they have learned and choose for themselves if they want to engage in intercourse (we can not stand by the young and watch every single move they make). All we can do is hope they choose to be abstinent or hope that they use protection if they were to ever have sex.
Worried resident of Irvine
(pro-planned parenthood)
Plan Parenthood
I believe this organization has done more to kill inecent unborn children than all the wars sience world war one. They should be tried in public court and sentence to enternal hell on earth. Hollywood has educated our youth on sex before marriage. They to need to bore responsibility for encouraging our youth to seek sex out of the confines of marriage between a man and a women. Just take a look at history and you will fine that if we as a saciety were to fallow what God taught us in the bible we would not have moral decay that is infecting us all. parents get your children in a good bible beliving church and teach them Gods plan for a health well balance upbringing that will insure the next generation will prosper by bringing up your grandchildren in a health moral enviorment. seek ye first the kingdom of God and all Gods blessing will be bestowed on you and your family.