Is Fullerton ready for a John and Ken invasion? The Tax Revolt 2009 Facebook page has announced a huge protest to be held in Fullerton, as follows:
On Saturday, March 7th, there will be a massive anti-tax rally at the Slide Bar Cafe in Fullerton held by KFI AM 640’s “shock jock jihadists” John and Ken. We are protesting the recent passage of the largest single tax increase in any state in the 232 1/2 year saga of these fruited plains by the Effeminator formerly known as the Governator formerly known as the Terminator formerly known as a steroid-injecting, pot-smoking, tittie-groping, knuckle-dragging “forehead”. Are you going to let this thick-skulled Austrialopithecus run you and your loved ones out of the greatest state in the greatest nation in the history of mankind? HELL NO! Neither will we suffer the continued tyranny of his cronies – especially those in the Republican Party – who either voted for or were complicit in this steaming horse turd of a budget.
Here are the event details:
Date: Saturday, March 7, 2009
Time: 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Location: Slidebar Cafe
Street: 122 E. Commonwealth Ave.
City/Town: Fullerton, CA
I bet that our blogger Tony Bushala will be there! I encourage all our readers to head to Fullerton on March 7!
Count me in!
Careful Crowley – there may be a few Libertarians there…
See you on the 7th!
These two jackals represent EVERYTHING that is wrong with talk radio. They are LONG on OPINION and NAME CALLING and always SHORT on the FACTS.
I rarely listen to them anymore, but when I do it’s always the same loud shouting and everyone they disagree with is a clown or worse.
Remember Richard Jewel, the security guard from the Georgia Olympics, John was so sure that he was the “bomber”, the poor guy was really a hero and was later vindicated.
Then there was Gary Condit, the Ca. Congressman who’d had an affair with murder victim Chandra Levy, they were on his office steps DEMANDING he show them THE BODY, well, as it turns out, he didn’t do it and I wonder if John and Ken apologized.
They heaped scorn on and made fun of the Iraq war protesters, hmmm, you think a little more thought and analysis might have been a MORE PRODUCTIVE USE of the AIRWAVES.
These guys DON’T CARE if they’re right or wrong, they DON’T CARE if they give their audience only half the facts because the ONLY thing these guys DO CARE about are RATINGS.
I’m sure they find it EASY to WHIP UP the MORONS who listen to them with a lot of SHOUTING and INSULTS.
Like all those who traffic in the MOB MENTALITY, John and Ken provide more heat than light.
Maybe so, but John and Ken are right this time…
I despise John and Ken yet I relish the thought of a tax revolt. If I can endure the bro’fest at the Slidebar I might check it out.
Art and Travis are right.
The two are disingenuous publicity hogs. Ratings whores to the max.
Yet, somehow, their current rant strikes a chord. Real or not it’s going to stir some shit up.
If nothing else it will be fun to watch (listen).
I wonder why John/Ken picked Fullerton?
Could it be there’s something in Fullerton’s water? Or, perhaps because Fullerton is paying tribute to the 15th Year Anniversary of The Great Fullerton Recall that SAVED the Fullerton tax payers something like 20 M I L L I O N dollars? Or both?
WOW, 20 MILLION DOLLARS… that’s a lot of tacos, and guess what… Fullerton is still alive, well, and functioning well enough to host John/Ken, and WITHOUT the UTILITY TAX!
Don’t trust me, read it for yourself:
This issue of utility taxes charged by cities, why can some cities charge it and others can’t?
Fullerton can’t charge this tax, yet Buena Park can. Why?
Wasn’t there something a few years back regarding Huntington Beach related to this sort of tax?
FJCer, some city’s are full of stooges, it goes back and forth from time to time.
“If you’are not angry, you’re not paying attention.”
See you there!
All you clowns above that “hate J & K” – quit listening to KFI and go bury your head in some hard-to-find left-wing channel !! The rest of us ARE sick of CA policies, and J & K hit most of the issues right ! Yea, they blow it sometimes (don’t you !?), but their communication to us is nearly always right and they, along with a few other journalists, are the only non-left info we are allowed to hear any more. Interesting how you keep listening to KFI, isn’t it …..
“nearly always right”? yeah.
Speaking of clowns, let’s talk about the illegal alien maid Koybelt fired after Sam Rubin exposed him, or the beers they share at after PTA events with the Governor. We won’t get into Ken’s husband. Have you ever noticed Ken is absent when John goes on his homo rants.
Take them for what the are entertainment.
Make that “nearly” a “most always”. Look, unless it were God speaking, we’re not always going to agree with anyone. But America has to figure this out – many, many politicians are dirty. I didn’t use to think that but I have learned this over the last 20 years. Point is, we the people need to stand up and take control when we can. I applaud CONSERVATIVE – and yea, sometimes loud mouthed – talk show and TV hosts. If it wasn’t for them we’d be screwed even more than we are. Hannity, and O’Reiley, KFI, KABC are out only hopes of improving things, along with US, the people, getting up and helping. What is it about J&K and others that even some moderates hate ? Left-wingers are hopeless but why is a white-collar worker who is sick of paying taxes for poor government, illegals, etc want to side with the left-wing-give-it-them-free-and-share-the wealth side ?? It boggles me. Our Governor must go. See you in Fullerton.
Was just passing through So. Cal yesterday and heard about the tax revolt. I live an hour North of Sac, but I’ll be back this weekend to attend.
Good job Dex.
If not for John and Ken, where would we get this kind of information? Not from “Eyewitness News”!
I don’t care if they are media whores, we need them on this issue.
I’m from Santa Paula and I plan on supporting this event by being there. My adult children are now coming from the “left” towards the “right” they are seeing their taxes increasing from a trust fund real estate sale. Nothing changes one’s opinion until it hurts financially or physically.
Andrew F. Castaneda
Santa Paula, CA.93060
If there were confidence in any level of government, consumer confidence, and our economy, would rebound in a hurry.
dont kno if i fully agree with them on every issue… not really a regular listener… i tune in from time to time…
but they are completely right on this issue… if you’re not pissed off… you dont know whats goin on…
if i can get off of work… im comming dressed as an indian with a bag of tea!
i suggest others to do the same…
oh im sorry… this is a mixed crowd… i must be pc… *native american
“”if you’re not pissed off… you dont know whats goin on…”” IS THE TRUTH!
listen up! this is a way to understand what is REEEEEEEEELLLLLEEEEE going on! we will be there with our ears on!
How else do you expect him to pay for the high-speed railway we voted for??? Although I don’t agree with a tax increase, we have to look at the role of the voter and spread some of the blame.
Much like the average American is $10K in debt, and has little interest in being debt free, the average Californian voted for this stupid high-speed train, probably without reading much (anything) about it, nor contemplating the price and how we would pay for it. Our problem is systemic, and begins with a majority consisting of idiots.
Vote Libertarian, for crying out loud! WE MUST have a 3rd party! Who else would represent YOU (and not the interests of large businesses, government contractors, banks, and media outlets who fund their campaigns)?
Most of us here are in agreement. The Terminator must be terminated – it’s impeachment time !!! After that, we’ll go after the clown doing it to us at the Federal level – Mr. Obama (can’t bring myself to saying President Obama…). Hope all the Bush haters are starting to see some light now (unfortunately much of the damage has been done, with my 401K now being a 201K, and heading towards an 101A (although I did get out of wallstreet in January. This sucks). Our left-wing congress won’t do it, and there aren’t enough republicans with guts enough to stand up for the middle/successful/I’ll-work-hard-for-it-myself class. We need a lot more J&Ks, Hennitys, and Rushs. Our only hope…
I will be there!
Don’t forget it was John and Ken that helped elect Arnold. A feat that NEVER could have happened.
With a bruising primary election, Schwartznegger would have folded (self admittedly to the Fresno Bee in 2006) up his tent and headed back to Hollywood.
But with the blind support of J&K and a General Electric subsidary promising exposure he smashed up cars made silly promises, all the while avoiding the issues.
As for the Bush haters, Who do you presume got us in to this National mess. Obama (not my choice incedently) has been President for less than fifty days. WTF??
At last, J&K are entertainers little else.
Loudmouthed extreamists are the ones who are heard and who get peoples attention (on both sides). For far too long the slick politicians have led this state and the country down the road to slavery – both in taxation of the productive class and subsidy of the slackers, and laws that make us less and less free to be and do what we should have the choice to do. We the people are fully responsible for where we are and where we are allowing our mediocre Politicians to take us. It is our fault and it is also our Responsibility to make the Change. Lets start today, take to the streets and let the bums at the top get a look at the tusnami that will wash them away.
Bush sucked almost totally except that he kept us safe – Obama is using this crisis to further his agenda, understandable but unacceptable.
Shawno,I’m withe you ALL THE WAY
At least John and Ken picked a cause that they won’t have to apologize to Rush Limbaugh about
Hey, don’t want to drive? Take the train. The Slidebar is just a block north of the Fullerton Metrolink station.
Metrolink rolls through Santa Ana at 3:00, arrives Fullerton at 3:20 pm. There’s a south-bound through Fullerton at 5:00 and another at 9.
RT fare is $7.75 from SA.
Check other station times at:
JOHN AND KEN SHOW?……..I thought you guys had better, more credible backing. LOL Good luck.
You people are idiots. Please, leave the state.
Whether or not you like John and Ken, they are true patriots. Anyone that trust politicians after the mess they put this country in, is just plain ignorant. Polititians and unions are corrupt and greedy thieves. Revolt, Repeal, and Recall.
You guys bitch alot on a message board that will only be read by other people doing the same… you should consider getting lives.
And Mark just seems like a pompous ass.
What a real nice group of people Ken and John attract. My wife and I were downtown (East of Commonwealth mind you)for an unrelated reason, and lets just say her Obama shirt was not very popular with the fat 40 and up white dudes who were stuck in Harbor big truck traffic on their way to the rally. In the course of two minutes three different cars yelled rather nasty insults at us and lots of “F^#% Obama!”. We smiled and took it in stride, but we could not get to our car fast enough. We also heard these nice tax crowed chanting “off with their heads” from the rally two blocks away. I saw several signs being held by foot traffic people proclaiming “NO TAX DOLLARS FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS” Is it immigrants they want to behead?
Thanks for inviting these beer bellied thugs to our town Slidebar. If that is how these John & Ken fans acted on the way in, I wonder how they behaved after you got them good and drunk. I’ve been to other events sponsored by the Slidebar and The Hub such as the Earth Day concerts and “Spare The Air”, and I assure you the young punker kids at thesae events showed a lot more class than this group did.
I was there.
Far more peaceable than any liberal rally – the cops were bored, terribly bored.
And to those bleeding hearts who call peaceable protesters thugs and such, we have first amendment rights too. Truly you should take a closer look at the fiscal irresponsibility, and yes, downright financial rape of the taxpayers coming down from Sacramento.
We were fighting for the well being of all Californians today, not just some “oppressed” minority group.
Ken and John (and fellow tax “revolutionary” Shawn Nelson) forgot to mention the the over-priced parking lot they were standing on was built with tax redevelopment funds!
Who benefits the most from this pork barrel project? Sean Francis, the neo-con owner of the Slidebar Cafe–he refers to it as being his valet parking lot. Shawn Nelson has also invested with Francis in the Continental Lounge, a martini bar in Fullerton’s SoCo District.
SoCo is a pork barrel project heaven with its $200,000 red brick sidewalk built on the taxpayer’s back.
And illegal immigrants? If Ken and John want to find some maybe they should go into the kitchen of the Slidebar Cafe, the Continental Lounge, and Tony Roma’s restaurant, or any restaurant in downtown Fullerton. Almost all of the neo-con restaurant owners (like Francis, Neslon, and Bushala) employ Mexican cooks and bus boys. Tell me they all have their green cards.
It smacks of hypocrisy, the old double standard!
Awww… you’re going to ruin all the fun and fuzzy feelings if you bring up the idea that entertainers and their fat-cat friends would use a group of people for their own ambitions. No one likes to think about the part they play in being “had” in a trumped-up event by the same folks who insisted that we vote for Arnie during elections.
Welcome to Oj!
“SoCo is a pork barrel project heaven with its $200,000 red brick sidewalk built on the taxpayer’s back.”
#39, the impetus for that crap (+ that idiotic arch) is pure Redevelopment. The Agency just piled on to a phenomenon that was already happening without any subsidy and actually sucked the life out of it with that Disneyland junk. Can’t blame Francis for that.
Francis sat on the city’s planning commission when the project was being hatched out. He certainly didn’t protest any SoCo spending then because he’s a direct beneficiary of the tax-funded project.
He and former Mayor Shawn Nelson own The Continental. As the neighborhood gets upgraded at the tax-payers expense, they make more profit in their business.
If the Planning Commission reviewed any of that nonsense then he should have recused himself. Are you saying he didn’t?
Are you sure Nelson is actually an owner of The Continental?
Not Nelson,
The other Nelson (the real one) loaned money to Francis to buy out Carlo Terranova’s mother after his father passed away and she wanted her money back. Thats kind of like saying Pomona First Federal “owns” my house.
Either way, Zenger is right. This is all typical redevelopment.
As far as the John & Ken deal goes, this was brilliant for the downtown business owners. From what I saw there were thousands of peaceful folks having a good time with some free speech. No fights. No problems that I saw. Restaurants were crowded after with people enjoying themselves and spending some money. Of course I did see one bitter jerk with a lady in an Obama t-shirt (Baxter)
Whatever. Nelson, the real one, still has a vested interest in SoCo.
I don’t deny that yesterday’s pep rally was a successful money maker as political entertainment performed by two talk radio celebrities.
My main point, though, is that many of the Fullerton downtown restaurant owners who proclaim they’re anti-tax and anti-immigration have profited tremendously as the result of tax-funded Redevelopment projects, the low interest gov. business loans they’ve acquired, and the immigrant labor they hire to work in their kitchens.
How can they possible say they’re anti-tax, anti-gov., anti-immigration?
I think they’re big-time hypocrites. Convince me they’re not!
“many of the Fullerton downtown restaurant owners who proclaim they’re anti-tax and anti-immigration have profited tremendously as the result of tax-funded Redevelopment projects, the low interest gov. business loans they’ve acquired”
Name one who is “anti-tax”? Francis used the event to promote himself. Has he espoused any of the political froth whipped up by these Ken & John fellows? Most downtown restauranteurs are political eunuchs – except that they can be reasonably expected to toe the City Hall party line.
Not Nelson, you sound a lot like a garden-variety Redevelopment shill (except that you seem to understand the wastefulness of it): everyone benefits from the government investment, blah, blah blah – even those who have no choice and don’t participate. Did Francis ever take out a Redevelopment loan? Does he hire illegal immigrants?
I think you’ve been spending too much time reading the Fullerton Observer. That’s bad for you brain cells.
(not Nelson),
Who cares about the content in the context of the right to hold the event? You seem to think that if someone wants to hold an event it should only be allowed if there are no hypocrites involved.
I would be happy to see Fullerton host the pro tax rally next week so long as the attendees behave. Free speech is a good thing to witness live. Relax and enjoy thing for what they are not what they could be if only they were different.
“Name one who is “anti-tax”?”
Name one who will support the governor’s plan on May 19th.
“you sound a lot like a garden-variety Redevelopment shill”
Name-calling is the lowest form of debate, resorted to most frequently by those can’t think critically.
“Did Francis ever take out a Redevelopment loan? Does he hire illegal immigrants?”
Did he buy the property for his parking lot and build it himself? Absolutely not. He didn’t have to take out a Redevelopment loan. The city put the parking lot at the tax-payers expense and gave Francis the use of it. He refers to it as HIS valet lot. Built and maintained by the City of Fullerton. I guess he doesn’t mind government in his business after all. The same way that Tony Florentine doesn’t mind government giving him city sidewalk space at the tax-payers’ expense.
Does he (Francis) hire illegal immigrants? Anyone can get a fake green card at a swap meet for $10. The point is you don’t see many Anglo teenagers busing tables and washing dishes in many downtown Fullerton restaurant. Low-paying service jobs there are largely handled by immigrants, both legal and illegal.
The best way to determine “legality,” though, would be to have the INS regularly inspect all the restaurants UNANNOUNCED. Without tip-offs.
This has never happened in Fullerton as far as I know. I seriously doubt the idea would get support from the downtown business association. They’re more comfortable with the present “Don’t ask, Don’t tell” policy.
Leland Wilson suggested such action some years ago. His proposal went nowhere.
not Nelson, you are pretty free and easy with name-calling (downtown restauranteurs are hypocrites, etc.) for somebody who is so sensitive about being described as “sounding a lot like a Redevelopment shill.”
By your logic nobody could open a business in downtown Fullerton free of hypocrisy unless he espoused a pro-tax, pro-government philosophy.
And by extension wouldn’t that apply to any place where the government has built a road or put in a sewer pipe?
Now that just doesn’t strike me as critical thinking hard at work.
The word shill as you used it is a pejorative and, thus, insulting. It is also inaccurate because I have no professional connection to the Redevelopment Agency nor downtown Fullerton businesses.
“Hypocrites,” as I used it, is literal. It refers to the neo-con faction of downtown business people who state publicly that they are opposed to new taxes and government regulation while they privately reap the benefits of such. “We want government off our backs! Yes, I want that government-funded and maintained parking lot!” The contradiction equals hypocrisy–plain and simple.
I didn’t personalize my discussion by referring to you or anyone else as “a saloon-owning cronie” or a “Jager-bombed Libertarian.”
Over the years I’ve met many business people in Fullerton, both Democrats and Republicans, who openly admit that they’ve been assisted by city, state, and federal monies aimed at helping their small business get off the ground. The difference is that they don’t deny that. They don’t pretend that they came to Fullerton with $60 in their pockets, picked themselves up by their own boot straps, and became financially successful.
Thus, they are not hypocrites.