Is Fullerton ready for a John and Ken invasion? The Tax Revolt 2009 Facebook page has announced a huge protest to be held in Fullerton, as follows:
On Saturday, March 7th, there will be a massive anti-tax rally at the Slide Bar Cafe in Fullerton held by KFI AM 640’s “shock jock jihadists” John and Ken. We are protesting the recent passage of the largest single tax increase in any state in the 232 1/2 year saga of these fruited plains by the Effeminator formerly known as the Governator formerly known as the Terminator formerly known as a steroid-injecting, pot-smoking, tittie-groping, knuckle-dragging “forehead”. Are you going to let this thick-skulled Austrialopithecus run you and your loved ones out of the greatest state in the greatest nation in the history of mankind? HELL NO! Neither will we suffer the continued tyranny of his cronies – especially those in the Republican Party – who either voted for or were complicit in this steaming horse turd of a budget.
Here are the event details:
Date: Saturday, March 7, 2009
Time: 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Location: Slidebar Cafe
Street: 122 E. Commonwealth Ave.
City/Town: Fullerton, CA
I bet that our blogger Tony Bushala will be there! I encourage all our readers to head to Fullerton on March 7!
Your arrogant! Obama supporter?
not Nelson: I didn’t say you were a shill. I said you sounded like one. As indeed you do. Your last comment makes you sound like a pro-taxation shill.
I was there (virtually) the day Sean and Carlo showed up at the the City because they were opening a coffee house (The Hub)on a shoestring. They didn’t want any hand outs and got none. As far as I’m concerned they don’t owe the government anything; rather the reverse.
Furthermore you have no idea what Sean Francis thinks this budget/tax fiasco. Why don’t you ask him and report back?
You accuse people of getting Redevelopment loans and hiring illegals without a shred of evidence, label a class of people as hypocrites, and expect ME to convince YOU the contrary!
Sad. Very sad.
“the Effeminator formerly known as the Governator formerly known as the Terminator formerly known as a steroid-injecting, pot-smoking, tittie-groping, knuckle-dragging “forehead”. Are you going to let this thick-skulled Austrialopithecus run you and your loved ones out of the greatest state in the greatest nation in the history of mankind?”
As a Republican, I’m embarrassed by the immaturity in this blog note.
I went to the Saturday revolt. Much of the same thing. Shock jock name calling. Not much different than Howard Stern. One site described it as a smack down. It was. Most of the crowd reminded me of the pro wrestling crowd at the Pond.