Why did Red County’s OC blog totally ignore the Fullerton Tax Protest? I think we all know the answer. The GOP establishment is part of the problem. The Republican legislators in Sacramento voted to put the tax increase measure 1A on the May ballot. They have a lame excuse for doing this but they knew full well that it was going to include a tax increase.
And the last thing that the John Lewis shills at Red County want to do is bring attention to Fullerton Councilman Shawn Nelson, who was at the tax protest. The Red-faced mob is backing Democrat Tom Daly, against Nelson, for the seat being vacated by Supervisor Chris Norby.
The tax protest story that our blogger Larry Gilbert wrote blew up yesterday. We had over two thousand visits to our site! Red County missed the boat entirely.
Why call yourself a Republican blog if you are going to ignore a tax protest with thousands of pissed off voters? Red County should just change their name. All they are is consultants trying to make a buck off their party. They stand exposed now for what they truly are.
Damnit, Art: You stole my post! The answer’s easy: Matt has openly stated he can’t stand John and Ken ever since they went after John Campbell in the special congressional race to replace Chris Cox. Matt’s blogfather, Hugh Hewitt, also ridiculed John and Ken over their immigration stance in one of Red County Magazine’s initial issues. But probably the main reason is that John and Ken ridiculed Matt on the air over his support of the pedo-priest protector extraordinaire, John Urell. The rally was THE conservative story over the weekend…and silence. Not even a mention in the news roundup. If this isn’t proof that Matt will toe the party line above the cause of conservatism, I don’t know what is.
I suspect it was partly because so much of the protest was aimed at turncoat Republicans.
That, and the reasons you mention.
Who cares,
Gett all of those jerk Republican legislators out now, so that way only the democrats need to be replaced next election.
Both parties are the problems, both should be outlawed just like the commies were in Russia.
For the first time in my adult life, I am considering moving to Nevada. California is no longer a suitable state to live in, and god knows a person can’t retire in California. Growing old in California means giving up a vast percentile of gained assets to the government.
Wow, all these people who never talk to me, least of all about this topic, but who nonetheless know exactly why I did or didn’t do something?
I understand Art — who doesn’t care about facts or truth.
But, Gustavo, aren’t you supposed to be a reporter or something?
“I understand Art — who doesn’t care about facts or truth”, that’s a pathetic statement coming from a person who consistently ignores facts.
It’s a truthful statement, Tony. Someday, you might join the legion of former friends of Art who finally figured him out.
Then again, I’m getting labeled “pathetic” by a guy who makes no effort to ascertain reality of the conspiracy theories he tosses out as fact.
Jerbal is fast becoming irrelevant. He’s got so much self-interest tied up in his “blogging” that he cannot even cover a local anti-tax story.
If he had, maybe he would have had some new readers/posters like Art & Larry did this weekend. And he could have kept all his negativity off OJ pages.
Now scamper back to your ghost town, Jerbal.
Congratulations OJ on getting so much attention for a very good political article!
Red, why do you enjoy needling Jubal so much?
Red, why do you enjoy needling Jubal so much?
Well, it’s not like I go to HIS blog to stir things up.
Maybe he just comes here looking for a butt kicking?
Oh and David Z,
Why do you keep asking him legitimate questions when by now you know he’ll never give an accountable answer?
Hope springs eternal?
Hope springs eternal? lol, you a closet pollyanna? 😉
I see his presence here as an act of aggression. He’s already laid down the law of rules of what gets a poster banned at HIS blog, but he violates his own rules by consistently posting in crass ways against posters and their ideas at OJ. His aires of entitlement are boorish. He’s pathetically jealous and he’s out of ideas, IF he even had any. That’s why he’s here, at OJ.
He harasses Art Pedroza as having a worthless blog, yet the lack of participation at the Red County blog is obvious. He bans opposition and he’s just generally rude to others. What’s to keep people coming back for more? Certainly not Jerbal’s “charm” and tolerance – neither of which he has.
He just seems like a mean, petty little man who has nothing better to do. He deserves a kick now and again if nothing more than just for being a pest and a has-been.
Jerbal, (do your friends call you Jerb?)
The whole point is these people dont need to talk to you to see something is up between you and some loyalty oath you swore to Lewis.
Actions speak louder than words. You probably heard that a time or two growing up in Catholic schools. SHOW these people they are full of it and they will shut up and move on. They are either right about what is going on or you are really bad at PR.
Holy Cow, Red! Why don’t you tell us what you really think?
I’ve just been trying to find out why John Lewis is backing a Democrat (a pretty reasonable curiosity under the circumstances) and all I’ve gotten out of my old friend Jubal is a rasher of rather insulting BS and doubletalk. In his last comment he called me a clown. Now that’s not very nice is it?
David Z,
I think your question is a good one. I just don’t think you’re going to get an answer. The guy lacks candor.
And I agree that “clown” would probably get you banned over at HIS BLOG. But here at OJ, you can use colorful language, even when you are avoiding answering a direct question. No one can force Jerb to post with clarity.
So what does it take to get banned from OJ?
So what does it take to get banned from OJ?
What have you got in mind, Travis? 🙂
Matt: So where am I wrong in my analysis?
I often disagree with you but I respect you because you have a core of beliefs that you stick to. Ol’ Jerb can not answer your question so rest easy. He has no ability to go item by item, fact by fact. It is too hard to avoid the truth that way.
Perhaps it was that during the last election period Matt was a shill for one of the guys facing a recall now.
Every Story at th OC Blog was about how much of a Rino was Niel Blais and that other porky pig was so conservative. Yeah, he got that one right. That’s why Porky is facing a recall.
Maybe because Red County OC was as embarrassed as I was that the crowd at the rally looked and acted much like the audience of a WWF smack down. This mass exhibited Pavlovian responses to talk radio conditioning. “Heads on a stick! Heads on a stick!” Duh! Had a teleprompter been visible with the cue “Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!” these folks would have shouted that too. Same mentality.
Matt: So where am I wrong in my analysis?
Let me get this straight, Gustavo: you, the professional journalist, paid to ferret out and report facts, write a purely speculative comment claiming to have the answer to why there wasn’t anything on Red County over the weekend on the J & K rally — and now it is up to me to disprove your claim?
I didn’t realize “when did you stop beating your wife” had become your new paradigm; it’s already the guiding principle here at OJ.
The appropriate question is: what evidence do you have that your speculation has any bearing at all, Gustavo?
Hollis: Gracias!
As usual, Matt, you don’t answer simple questions, whether mine or of others, and then ask some of your own to mask your—take your pick—inability to answer a simple question or refusal to do so. The proof, as they say, is in the pudding. Tell you what: you answer mine first, then I’ll answer yours.
But here’s what I find funniest about your continued fights with Art. You claim Orange Juice! is a joke, that no one in there right mind would comment here—yet I see you sparring ALL THE TIME. If OJ really was a joke, you wouldn’t go out of your way to spend so much time here or some of your cash on that anti-Art flier you and others sent out during election time. You might claim you like the jousting or must defend your name, but to me it seems that OJ’s biggest critics are also those who seem to read it religiously.
I don’t know how you ever got your job as a real journalist. You are the embodiment of the reason why newspapers are going out of business.
Your silly conclusion that OJ’s biggest critics are also those who read it religiously could not be further from the truth.
Jubal has a reason to defend his name when it is attacked by those who have ZERO evidence to back up their accusations. Let me explain this to you: when you attack someone without ANY evidence, THE BURDEN OF PROOF IS ON YOU! Not on the person being attacked. Seems like a simple enough concept for a “journalist” to understand, but then again….classifying you as a journalist is a joke in itself.
By the way, the anti-art flier that was sent out to thousands of households in Santa Ana was brilliant. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “you reap what you sow”. That was Art’s turn to do so. What comes around goes around, especially when the base of your accusations are nothing short of lies and deceptions.
Now, move along sir…shouldn’t you be looking for a new career anyway?
d’Anconia, “Jubal has a reason to defend his name when it is attacked by those who have ZERO evidence to back up their accusations….[W]hat comes around goes around, especially when the base of your accusations are nothing short of lies and deceptions.”
Are you saying that; Matt never openly stated he can’t stand John and Ken ever since they went after John Campbell in the special congressional race to replace Chris Cox?
What I’m saying is that when someone makes a baseless accusation, the burden of proof is inherent to the accuser, not the accused.
Since I’m sure that my explanation will fly RIGHT over your head…here’s one in simpler terms:
Gustavo accused Jubal of not having reported the tax revolt rally because of a multitude of reasons; none of which he had proof of (a simple phone call to Matt would have sufficed). That is NOT what they teach you in journalism school…if Gustavo ever attended.
This is an opinion blog. It is my opinion that Jerbal did not run the Tax Protest story this weekend for various reasons, as I indicated in my post. Remember that he took three weeks to tell his readers that Lewis endorsed a Democrat – Daly. And even then it wasn’t Jerbal but rather our former blogger, Chris Emami, who broke the news on Red County.
Folks are catching on to what you hacks are up to at the Red faced County blog. The gato is out of the bag…
Art…how do I even start?
Oh yeah…we weren’t talking about you, because no one in their right mind would ever question your journalistic integrity…because you’re not a journalist!
But then again…neither is Gustavo so…..
I remember when you hacks used to rip the OC Weekly’s coverage of Mike Carona. And guess what? They were right!
Ripping those who expose your crap is right out of the red faced mob’s playbook.
We’re not buying what you and Jerbal are peddling!
Art, I challenge you to find ONE comment that I have ever made “ripping” the OCWeekly’s coverage of Mike Carona.
With that said…even a broken clock is right twice a day. That’s still not how fair journalism works.
I did not realize you had early dementia. Let’s go over this again. This is an opinion blog. Gustavo also publishes an opinion blog, where he wrote about the issue at hand.
You disagree with our opinions. That is your right. Good for you. At the end of the day, I still think you and Jerbal are red-faced hacks.
Clear enough?
I saw the crowd at Fullerton. It was no wrestling smack-down. The people there that day all seemed middle-class, reasonably intelligent, angry about the taxes but expressing their anger with humor, not threats of violence, as at many pro Gaza rallies a few months back, or by stupid stunts like “breats, not bombs!” or riding their bicycles into the street and blocking traffic, as leftwing protests have been known to do.
Fair enough. As long as you understand that the whole point of my comment was to point out that there is no real difference between you and Gustavo: neither of you are real journalists.
Apparently he agrees, judging by the deafening silence.
Gustavo is a published author and a columnist for the L.A. Times and the O.C. Weekly. I doubt he cares what you think of him.
Surely he has better things to do than to argue with GOP hacks.
Yes, Gustavo has a job with the LA Times and the OC Weekly. That doesn’t mean he practices journalism the way it’s supposed to be practiced. Quite the opposite actually.
“Surely he has better things to do than to argue with GOP hacks.”
Hmmmm…he’s the one who came here to attack Jubal….may I remind you.
Gimme a break…Art encompasses all. This site has posted the most absurd responses on any subject. Not to mention the site’s posts themselves. The only stark fist of removal was for F. and his posts have ruined Andrei Codrescu on NPR for me for all time. Shake of fist.
Arellano lives with the fact he has to look over his shoulder- for Guatemalans- at all times. Bravo!