Just a quick note reminding you to mark your calendars and plan to attend one of the 44 Tax Day Tea Parties being held in our state on April 15th. The March 8th John and Ken rally in Fullerton was “ground zero.” I expect massive turnouts across the country for these rallies.
In Orange County one tax protest rally will be held from noon to 2 p.m. at the Plaza of the Flags, Santa Ana Civic Center – Behind the Superior Court Building. Bounded by Flower Street, Santa Ana Boulevard and Civic Center Drive.
Another Orange County rally will be held in Yorba Linda from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Yorba Linda Community Center.
In CA there will be a total of 44 rallies we can attend.
Rallies will be held in cities large and small from San Diego and Escondido in the South to Eureka and Redding in the North. Other rallies will be held in cities from Santa Barbara and LA on the West to Palm Desert and Victorville in the eastern part of our state.
Even concerned residents in the progressive city of San Francisco will participate to show their support of this nationwide message to both our state legislators and Congress.
“We’re mad as hell and we are not going to take this any longer.”
For additional information on times and locations for these rallies simply go to the following link:
Keep up the good work. Get the word out about what
is happening to our great Country.
Since Obama took office he’s been on a power grabbing and huge spending spree trying to pay off
those behind the scenes that paid for his election.
Even though right now he claims to tax only the ‘rich’, that will change to just about everybody that makes a buck because his spending cannot be sustained.
Have fun.
Where is a 15th Tea Party I want to go. Thanks,I am in Huntington Beach ,near Beach blvd.
Why just complain about paying taxes when you can SING about complaining about paying taxes?!?
Watch “Goin’ to the C.P.A. (The Tax Song)” at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-Groi6Ziio
See more parodies at http://parodyandson.blogspot.com
Where and at what time is the Tax Tea Party with Neil Cavuto in Sacramento, CA. I can’t find any information on this. Waiting to hear from you. Thanks.
Today is the first day I’ve seen the taxdayteaparty i LGUNA BEACH. Any info on the numbers. I’m new to Cali and live in Laguna Niguel but if Santa Ana will make more newa I;ll travel. Any thoughts for this confused “MAD AS HELL” who wants tomake the most difference.
#5 Barbara.
FOX News Neil Cavuto, along with Michael Reagan and Michelle Malkin will be at the West Steps of the state Capitol from noon to 3 p.m. April 15th
My sense is that this will be one of the largest gatherings on Wednesday
Barbara Rose.
In addition to the two locations mentioned in the story I have added the city of Mission Viejo in south Orange County and the state Capitol in the above comment. I have also mentioned this activity on Facebook. If I hear of any other locations I will try to post them before the event.
Folks. This is the latest detailed listing of every CA Tea Party protest for this Wednesday:
We too, need a Huntington Beach or Fountain Valley Tea Party to attend – but after 5:00PM!
We work!
What are you guys so angry about. Everyone(except the top 15%) are still paying the same Bush taxes. Why didn’t we have this Tea party last year. Even the rich are now paying 10% less than during the reagan era. did we have a Tea party in the 80’s and I missed it?
I will be at the HUNTINGTON BEACH Civic Center on Main Street with my “Tea Party” sign. 12:00 Noon to 1PM or more. I would love to have some company. I’ve had it with the way the country is going and I’m not going to hand it to heretics without a struggle!
Shirley Orlando
SS, the “teabaggers” are just a bunch of fools, they think they’re making a stand against high taxation, but in reality are only being used and manipulated by the very people who brought our economy to the brink of disaster in the first place.
These folks are so dumb that they have actually embraced the name “teabaggers”.
There is a great article on this faux movement at; http://www.eyesonobama.com, entitled; Anti-Obama Tea Parties Nothing More Than a Corporate Ploy ( also check out the 50 most ridiculous Tea Party slogans, scary how crazy these folks are).
Hey Tea Party Patriots,
If you live in south Orange county join us in Laguna Beach at Main Beach between 4PM to 6PM tomorrow.
This type of demonstration rarley happens in Laguna Beach. Join us to exercise our First Amendment Right to express our outrage at the power abuses in Washington & Sacramento to We The People.
I’m in San Clemente, Ca. Is my city having a tea party?
Three trillion equals CHILD ABUSE for the next
generation.Its pretty scary when our elected
leaders don;t read a bill before they sign it.
Thomas Jefferson might conceder this traason
Dave Simes, where was your “outrage” when George W. Bush started running up the debt with his reckless tax cuts and even more reckless wars? His Iraq debacle alone will cost this country 3 trillion dollars and what did we get for that money? Oh, just a lot of death and destruction and an unending military commitment, are YOU satisfied with that, do YOU think Thomas Jefferson might consider that “traason”?
The Bush administration spent TRILLIONS of dollars on an unnecessary foreign war, Obama is spending trillions on rebuilding OUR infrastructure and to create jobs HERE, for AMERICANS and NOW YOU are protesting. Obama INHERITED a 1.3 TRILLION DOLLAR DEFICIT and a GREAT RECESSION,why the “outrage” now? Obama is LOWERING TAXES for 95% of Americans. Are you VERY RICH or just VERY STUPID?
Have you even investigated the origins of the “tea party” movement? The same people who supported lower taxes for the rich and less regulation, the VERY policies that led to our financial mess are BEHIND these “tea parties”.
You may not be able to spell treason,but I wonder, can you spell CHUMP?
Hey “anonster”, YOU are the chump if you believe the BIG LIE about 95% of working folks getting a tax cut. Here, educate yourself:
And in fact the protests are as much about our outrage over the ever-increasing intrusion and control of the federal government in the private sector, and in the day-to-day business of our states. This intrusion is 180 degrees in opposition to the 10th amendment, and not in any way in line with the vision of our Founding Fathers.
And I’m just a working stiff, a tradesman, but I’m not jealous of rich folks, like the “Left” seems to be. In fact I LOVE rich folks, and the more of their own money they get to keep (via lower taxes), the more they have to spend on goods and services; which benefits me, and the American economy overall!
Of course, if you rely on government entitlements to survive, you may not agree…
anonster. Did you take math in grammar school. How much did the war on terror cost under president Bush? You say “His Iraq debacle alone will cost this country 3 trillion dollars.”
I would like to see your source of that exaggeration.
Try this UK source: “On much of the world stage, President Bush has been widely reviled as one of the worst U.S. leaders of modern times, and it is hard to think of an American president who has received a worse press since Richard Nixon.
To his critics, who are legion on both sides of the Atlantic, the war in Iraq has been a monumental disaster, at a cost of more than 4,000 American lives and at least $500 billion.”
I would say that this source is not enamored with our former 43rd president.
Chumps are those who put their heads in the sand and let the bullies throw sand in their face.
And I would say that my anger applies to both party representatives who voted for a tax increase in our state.
Recalling Republican Assemblyman Adams is an appropriate first step. We need to send a message to our elected officials that they are not playing with Monopoly money. This is not a game.
Larry, I would refer you to Nobel Laureate and Harvard economist Joseph Stieglitz’s book, The Three Trillion Dollar War. The cost of war includes veteran benefits, equipment replacement, etc., so far the Iraq debacle has cost us OVER 650 BILLION and WE ARE STILL THERE and will be there (by design) for YEARS to come.
Chumps are those who unknowingly do other peoples bidding, like the “teabaggers” who think they are participating in a grass roots movement when in reality this anti-tax day has been planned and promoted by groups like Freedomworks and Progress for America. Both of these organizations are shills for CORPORATE INTERESTS, they could GIVE A DAMN about ordinary americans, their interests ARE NOT about what is best for America and Americans, but what is good for their multi-national, tax dodging, off-shoring, outsourcing bottom line.
I agree with you on one thing; THIS IS NOT A GAME nor should it be a PARTISAN SCAM to UNDERMINE Obama’s presidency (the anti-Obama rhetoric at these “protests’ is rampant). Wake-up and smell the “astroturf”.
The arguments against the Tea Parties are the most bizarre part of this whole exercise. They break down to:
1. Why do you care about tax increases when Obama promised it would only be 5% on incomes above $300k? and
2. Obama’s big government spending inititatives are no different from Bush’s so Republicans are not allowed to complain.
Thinking that the working private sector’s only exposure to loss on these gigantic spending sprees is 5% of incomes over $300k is delusional. Per 2005 Census figures there are 1.7 million households with income over $250k. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Household_income_in_the_United_States . So 5% of income over $300k hits them an average of $5,000 – $10,000 each, which would generate income of $8.5 – $17 billion and not make much of a dent in any one of Obama’s massive spending plans.
And trying to excuse Obama’s irresponsible spending by citing Bush as a precedent is downright bizarre. Its painfully obvious that the differences between Bush and Obama are purely cosmetic (insert reference to Iraq and Afghanistan where Obama needs more money to stay the course because we’re just starting to make progress). Like the song says, “Meet the new boss/Same as the old boss.” So how come you hate Bush and love Obama?
Some of us were complaining about the Bush ramping up of big government at the time, but even those who were not are still allowed to complain now if they feel like it. I just checked the First Amendment, and all systems are go. People have so much damn freedom of speech they’re even allowed to change their minds.
We’re allowed to complain about tax/borrow/spend policies that are swallowing up the private sector. If you really want to justify big government, you need to do better than citing Bush policies as some sort of binding precedent.
Ron St. John, the “tea parties” are NOT grassroots anti-tax protests, but rather a corporate plot to undermine Obama’s economic agenda. I cite Bush’s policies to underscore this point; WHERE WERE THE PROTESTS WHEN BUSH DOUBLED THE NATIONAL DEBT? This “protest” is nothing more than sour grapes from right-wingers and conservatives who find themselves out of power and out of ideas.
anonster seems to want us to believe that the vast majority of anti-Bush and anti-war protests were not sponsored by large partisan wallets such as Goerge Soros, and/or MoveOn.org.
The fact is that we wold feel this way regardless of who chooses to help out with sponsorship, and the initial movement WAS grss roots. So his parroting that line (that I’ve seen on all the lefty blogs), along with the use of “teabagging” (a reference to a sexual act) just show he’s the real chump who only repeats talking points handed to him by his Leftist handlers.
In fact this is not a partisan matter. It is a matter of upholding the foundation of this great nation, which is currently not on a slippery slope — it is on the edge of a cliff, and about to drop off into an abyss that we may not recover from.
No, I didn’t support Bush’s initial bailout either, and was afraid it would only open the door to this kind of massive spending abuse, should a Democrat win the White House, and it did.
In fact a far better solution would have been to simply give folks a 3-6 month tax holiday on their payroll taxes, which could have cost the same amount of money, but would have cause an immediate injection of cash to the private sector, instantly spurring the economy, while also passing legislation to insure that the tax rates do not increase in the future.
Of course, Democrats prefer funding pet projects, and having federal strings attached, so we got that HUGE mess of a “stimulus” PORK bill that has done absolutely zero but insure that America will be in DEEP debt for generations to come, and under far more federal control.
Tom Polkow, to DENY that this is a partisan movement is ridiculous. Obama did not put us in this economic position, right-wing corporate policies did.
Your simplistic “solution” is laughable, I guess if you ignore the banking crisis, the housing crisis, the manufacturing crisis, the healthcare crisis, the national debt, unemployment, poverty and the fact that the states are broke, it might work.
Read about the REAL Tea Party at Common Dreams.org.
What put us “here” began with Jimmy Carter and the CRA. It was later encouraged by the Left to put folks in homes they couldn’t afford. Trying to make home ownership a “right”. Over 100% loans with no income verification, no or minimal down, and just months ago the likes of Barney Frank and Maxine Waters were saying Fannie/Freddie were just fine, and needed no more regulation or scrutiny.
Yes, many others are to blame as well, including those who cashed in by purchasing multiple properties using these trick ARM loans, then flipping them after a little spruce-up for huge profits, as well as those that made millions selling these toxic loans in bundles. BUT without legislation and liberal groups forcing banks to lower their loan vetting standards to below zero, NONE of this would have happened.
So just forget about trying to lay this mess on Republicans. Republicans were calling for MORE regulation and for halting these nutty loan practices, but were blocked each time by the very folks who are trying to lay this mess on Bush.
I say it’s non-partisan because in the end, we all contributed to creating it, and because it’s in all our interest to resolve this mess without making it worse, as all this massive federal PORK spending is!
And my idea makes more sense than anything offered by Democrats, who admittedly say “never waste a crisis”. The Obama administration is USING this crisis to further a socialist agenda, and to impose federal control over the private sector, and states. Mark my words: there will be a massive change in Congress in 2010. This will be reversed.
Words marked.
Damon, thanks for the heads-up on the article by Thom Hartman.
Tom Polkow, I’m sorry to see a working stiff being duped by a faux-populist agenda, happily, you will do better under Obama.
In the meantime, do some research, I suggest you start with Phil Gramm.
de nada
anonster, I suggest YOU do some research, instead of just parroting MoveON.org and Kos talking points.
Begin here:
BTW anonster, I will NOT do better under Obama. His giving welfare checks to folks who don’t pay income tax (wealth redistribution) won’t help me at all. Those aren’t the folks who hire me for kitchen improvements. His oppressive taxation on the producers, big consumers and investors, and the proposed carbon taxes and fees, will only further dampen the economy. In fact his cap and trade fees will really hurt the poorest folks the most. It’ll drive up the cost of everything from gas to heating oil to groceries and everything that’s delivered by truck. Of course, his “cure” will be to steal more money from the producers to give to the non-producers…
Eventually, he’ll drive all the producers out of America, much like the socialist CA legislature is driving businesses out of our state.
The Tea Parties are NOT right-wing response to Obama’s and the Democrat’s policies, but middle-of-the-road Americans’ desire for real REPRESENTATION by their elected representatives -PERIOD.
BOTH political parties are at fault from the Kennedy days onward and the only way we will see us represented is to vote ALL the entire Congress out of office and VOTE new non-partisan and independent (of special interests) representatives IN!
Tom Polkow, I went to your “fact check’ site, I suggest you learn to differentiate between fact and opinion.
First they had their “facts” wrong on the senate vote on the Gramm-Leach- Bliley Act, Joe Biden did NOT vote for it , the lone Democrat was Earnest Hollings of So. Carolina.
Secondly they opine that “the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act had little if anything to do with the current crisis. In fact, economists on both sides of the political spectrum have suggested that the act has probably made the crisis less severe than it might otherwise have been.” They then go on to say that liberal economist Robert Kuttner didn’t “lay the blame primarily on Gramm-Leach-Bliley “, I think if you read Kuttner’s article you’ll find he comes down VERY hard on deregulation and devotes an entire section to the importance of the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act, which of course Gramm-Leach-Bliley repealed.
I found this to be particularly pertinent; “The other story we all learn in Economics-101 is that ever since Franklin D. Roosevelt, the volatility of a market economy has been steadied both by regulations and by the ballast of “automatic stabilizers”–unemployment insurance, public spending, Social Security, and so on. Meanwhile, the regulation contains financial bubbles before they start. But both the regulations and the automatic stabilizers have been seriously weakened, leaving only the Fed…”Robert Kuttner 9/24/07.
As to Obama sending “welfare” checks to folks who don’t pay taxes, I wonder if you know that according to the GAO, 2/3’s of companies operating in the U.S., PAID NO FEDERAL CORPORATE INCOME TAX from 1998-2005. How do you feel about CORPORATE FREELOADERS?
FYI; Wealth is generated from the bottom up, NOT the other way around.
Anonster –
You conveniently did not respond to Tom Polkow pointing out it was the DEMOCRATS who caused this mess – it started with the Clinton Administration and accelerated as the democrats fanned the flame. In 2004, Democrat Maxine Waters in response to republicans calling for more regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac said: “Through nearly a dozen hearings where, frankly, we were trying to fix something that wasn’t broke. Mr. Chairman, we do not have a crisis at Freddie Mac, and in particular Fannie Mae, under the outstanding leadership of Mr. Frank Raines.” Democrat Meeks attacking regulator who is alerting that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had a problem – “As well as the fact that I’m just pissed off at Ofheo because if it wasn’t for you I don’t think we’d be here in the first place. And now the problem that we have and we’re faced with is now maybe some of the individuals who want to do away with GSEs in the first place, you’ve given them an excuse to try to have this forum so we can talk about it and maybe change the direction and the mission which the GSEs had which they’ve done a tremendous job. There’s been NOTHING that’s been indicated that’s wrong with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac” and he goes on and on about how they’re trying to “give someone a heart surgery when they really don’t need it.” Republican Royce asking for more regulation: “In addition to our important oversight role in this committee, I hope that we will move swiftly to create a new regulatory structure for Fannie Mae, for Freddie Mac. There is a very simple solution, congress must create a new regulator with powers at least equal to other financial regulators such as the FCC and the Federal Reserve.” Republican Shays called for regulation again and again. I could quote Barney Frank and Maxine Waters a million more times accusing republicans of claiming the sky is falling when nothing is wrong and stating that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are sound financial institutions, and Democrat Frank Raines talking about homes as assets states “These assets are SO riskless that their capital for holding them should be under two percent.”
It was the democrats – especially your hero Obama – who bullied banks and forced them into agressive sub-prime lending and who refused to listen to REPEATED warnings from republicans that serious regulation was needed. The housing bubble that popped caused the economic crisis we are in today, and that was the DIRECT fault of the democrats. But go ahead and keep drinking the kool-aid they feed you over at msnbc and blame everything on W.
Folks. While I attended two tea parties today, one of which Art has added, be sure to check them out in case others have added challenges to this economic crisis debate.
PS: At our Tea Party in Mission Viejo today we had around 450 at the peak time slot with a total turnout of around 600. That story to follow.
Monica, who was in control of BOTH houses of congress in 2004/2005? The Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Act of 2005 was NEVER brought up for consideration, why not? Remember the REPUBLICANS controlled the agenda and even though some democrats opposed it, they never got the chance to vote against it.
I have NEVER made the claim that democrats are blameless in this mess, but I do contend that the republican legacy of reckless tax-cuts, reckless military spending and reckless deregulation are responsible for the lion’s share of our economic mess.
anonster, most of the naarrow-minded, self-centered comments from Limbot Hanatics reflect the goal of the g.o.p. to destroy government so it works only for the top 1% of the wealth in this country. They know nothing of the commons (including common sense) we need to survive as a Sovereign Nation which requires a well run government of, by, and for ALL the people. Unfortunately, until meaningful campaign finance reform occurs, things will continue status quo regardless what any of us think.
Damon, I couldn’t agree more.
Monica covered it pretty well, anonster, and I have noting to add, but as far as Joe Biden… he DID vote for the final version of the bill:
“Many liberal bloggers tout Biden’s opposition to Gramm-Leach-Bliley, a claim that is (surprise!) not quite accurate. He voted against the initial version that passed the Senate, but then voted for the conference report (the final version signed into law).”
Tom Polkow, “Monica covered it”, what exactly, blaming democrats for a vote that NEVER happened?
The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act was passed in the Senate on May,4,1999, 54-44 strictly along party lines. The Nov.,4,1999 vote on the Conference Report was NOT a vote on the MERIT of the bill,but rather a vote on the language (reconciling differences between the House and Senate versions) of the bill, and yes, Joe Biden voted for that.