April 1, 2009 Update. President Obama breaks his NO TAX INCREASE PLEDGE.
“I can make a firm pledge,” he said in Dover, N.H., on Sept. 12. “Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes.”
He repeatedly vowed “you will not see any of your taxes increase one single dime.”
Now in office, Obama, who stopped smoking but has admitted he slips now and then, signed a law raising the tobacco tax nearly 62 cents on a pack of cigarettes, to $1.01. Other tobacco products saw similarly steep increases.
Sometimes we are better off not having the news in our face 24/7. For most of this afternoon I watched Tiger Woods who is in a league of his own on the links. Then I turned on my computer. Bad decision.
The Sac Bee just sent me their latest Interent news reporting that the federal tax on a pack of butts is increasing from 39 cents to $1.01 effective April 1st. While I am not a smoker I do have some friends and family who still enjoy a cigarette, cigar, or a pipe with full knowledge that lung cancer is a killer caused by smoking. Research indicates that 80-90 percent of emphysema is caused by smoking.
So let’s think this through. We want to protect everyone’s health and encourage our children, family and friends not to smoke. Great concept that we totally support. However, to raise money the government, that same government who wants to create universal health care, is raising tobacco taxes to generate much needed funds.
Think about that for a minute. If we can get Americans to stop smoking how much revenue will they actually raise?
As they also want to address climate change, referring to a need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from our vehicles, their next move will be to tack on another $2.00 to $3.00 per gallon in taxes at the pump so that we will cave in to more of their “social engineering” agenda and simply park our cars while continuing to make our lease payments.
Note: According to the SacBee chart the federal tax on tobacco products, such as cigarettes, from 1951 until 1982 were 8 cents a pack. From 1982 to 1990 it doubled to 16 cents, 1991 to1992 increased to 20 cents, 1993-1999 24 cents, 2000 to 2001 34 cents, 2002 to 2009 it was raised to the current rate of 39 cents going to a record breaking $1.01 as of Wednesday April 1st.
That my friends is not an Orange Juice blog April fools joke
To read the entire Sacramento Bee report simply click on the following link:
Cigarettes already went up almost a dollar a pack three weeks ago. Manufacturers had to raise the price to pay the incoming tax for stock they presently have in warehouses. If Arnold gets his way add another dollar and a half on top of the federal tax too.
Once we all quit smoking or die from it, I wonder what the government will tax next. Maybe they can tax beef or pork. After all it contributes to arthrosclerosis, heart disease, obesity, and high blood pressure too. A $5 big Mac? Yeah that’s the ticket. Thank God the government is looking out for me. I wonder if President Obama gets his smokes at the military base exchange where no tax exists.
As far as I am concerned, they can add a lot more taxes on it. Eventually, people will stop smoking.
The generated tax revenue (or lack thereof) should be secondary.
While I agree with your statement for the government to consider this as a source of additional revenue is surely a conflict. We have all seen the ads encouraging us to be healthier yet look forward to increased revenue from this tax sends a confusing message.
Perhaps the federal government will establish a tax on obesity. Unless you can provide a medical report explaining your being overweight we will put you on a scale at the same time you renew your drivers license or register to vote.
The fine will be based on a preset percentage.
Don’t think it will happen? Are you sure?
Check out our new mixed use development in CA.
SB 375 connects transportation to housing. This New Urbanism approach by our government eventually requires new development be based on having us move into two or three story apartments located above stores promoting our walking to work, shop, dine out or to a nearby rail system.
Yes, we can use use a little exercise.
Urban planners and architects actually agree that mixed development is a good thing.
The split of housing and work that created awful suburban cities is hopefully coming to an end (Irvine, btw, was the first “master-planned” suburban community in the US, and it is a city without a soul, without a center, it is just housing developments strung together.)
Joe. Being born in Newark, NJ and later working in Manhattan I know what inner cities look like.
We moved to CA to get away from the inner city lifestyle. If that’s your pleasure folks simply move to downtown LA, SF or NYC where you do not need a car.
As to the city of Irvine let me respond that in 1992 Mission Viejo received the award for excellence from the prestigious Urban Land Institute which stated that Mission Viejo “stands as one of the most successful American new towns ever realized.”
Joe. We are very similar to the city of Irvine except we do not have any light industry or major commercial centers.
The point is that in America we still have “free will” which should permit us to move into areas that offer either the “new urbanism” or urban sprawl.
SB 375 and AB 32 will not make life any easier for our communities whose land use decisions and local authority will be trumped by this new legislation.
Joe, if Irvine was so well planned, why can’t you find a gas station when you need one?
Government owned banks. Privately owned Federal Reserve whose goal is to make money. Allah instead of Jesus. Many of us know our government has no business in the private sector. As in nature and herd behavior the strong survive the weak go away and make room for the real survivors. Innovation. So many near the bottom that survive on far less. Ammuniton shelf life shortened as they fear us and can’t take our weapons. Tax them. I too Had to embrace so called change with whole heart. I am so dissapointed. Polotics as usual. Treated better than any royalty ever and in mass. America land of the free and truly home of the brave…for some … hoping most. I’ve got your back. Later
Ronald Reagan RAISED TAXES on cigarettes and gasoline, and the world went on.
That said, I think this tax should include making nicotine patches, etc., free.