Do you know your city staffs compensation packages? Following is San Jose’s

As every city in CA struggles to cope with the recession it might be of value to know what one major city pays its staff. Located in  “Silicon Valley”, San Jose is the third largest city in CA with a population of 950,000 residents.

The following compensation data can be found in the San Jose Mercury News whose story link is provided at the end of this post.

The good news is that the Mercury News was able to obtain this information that will take you to 80 pages of individual names and their financial data once you open the link.  “Transparency” reports of this type should be the norm, not  the exception.

Results: City of San Jose government salaries

Mercury News
Posted: 04/10/2009 12:33:45 PM PDT
Updated: 04/11/2009 05:46:13 PM PDT

Last Name First Name City/County Title Dept Total Compensation Year

Carter James  Deputy Fire Chief U Fire  $433,489.00 Calendar 2008

Mc Gehee Stewart  Battalion Chief Fire  $284,245.00 Calendar 2008

Figone Debra City Manager U City Manager $282,316.00 Calendar 2008

Lee Ivan City of San Jose Battalion Chief   $270,366.69 Calendar 2007

Mavrogenes Harry Redev. Mgr U City Manager $265,547.00 Calendar 2008

Sapien Robert Battalion Chief Fire           $264,393.00 Calendar 2008

Winer Katherine Temp Employee Retiree U  262,222.69 Calendar 2007

Jacksteit Kenneth Police Sergeant Police $261,212.00 Calendar 2008

Murphy Randall Temp Employee U Mb   $261,208.89 Calendar 2007

Mavrogenes Harry  Redev Mgr U $259,264.73 Calendar 2007

Afflixio Thomas  Battalion Chief Fire $255,041.00 Calendar 2008

Diaz Juan  Battalion Chief Fire $254,965.00 Calendar 2008

Doyle John  City Attorney U Attorney $251,481.00 Calendar 2008

Shippey Christine Assist City Manager U City Manager $251,354.00 Calendar 2008

Davis Robert  Chief Of Police U Police $249,976.00 Calendar 2008

Lisenbee Larry  Temp Employee Retiree U  $249,189.02 Calendar 2007

Doyle John City Attorney U $247,643.76 Calendar 2007

Bernardo Gaetano Police Lieutenant Police $247,363.00 Calendar 2008

Sapien Robert  Battalion Chief   $244,847.33 Calendar 2007

Sterner Michael  Police Captain Police $244,525.00 Calendar 2008

Lee Ivan Battalion Chief Fire                        $244,083.00   Calendar 2008

Younis Charles  Assist Police Chief U Police $244,073.00 Calendar 2008

Hemingway Greg  Fire Captain Fire  $242,460.00 Calendar 2008

Anderson Alan  Battalion Chief Fire $242,254.00 Calendar 2008

Newman Dave Police Sergeant Police $242,154.00 Calendar 2008

Note: The above details represent the first of 80 pages.

Figures are for actual payments made during the 2007 and 2008 calendar years and do not reflect the full annual pay rate for workers who started after Jan. 1 or left their city job before Dec. 31 and thus did not work the entire year.For City of San Jose workers outside the Redevelopment Agency, Total Compensation includes Base Pay, which includes wages and paid time off; Overtime, which includes overtime, stand-by, call-back and compensatory time payouts; Lump Sum includes vacation payoffs and sellbacks and sick leave payouts upon retirement; Other Compensation which includes premium, certification, higher class and retroactive payments, plus taxable reimbursements, benefits “in-lieu” payments and supplemental pay.The 2007 compensation figure includes substantial retroactive raises for sworn Fire Department employees due to an arbitration award.For San Jose Redevelopment Agency workers, Total Compensation includes Base Pay, includes regular time, paid time off and retroactive, jury duty, bereavement, holidy, executive leave and extended sick pay. Other Compensation includes auto allowance, paid time off sell back, severance and medical in lieu and dental in lieu benefits payments.Source: City of San Jose

As we monitor redevelopment agencies I share the following details on their manager:

Year Calendar 2008
Last Name Mavrogenes
First Name Harry
City/County City of San Jose
Title Redevelopment Manager U
Department City Manager
Base Pay $235,612.00
Lumpsum $9,242.00
Other Compensation $20,693.00
Total Compensation $265,547.00
Retired In 2008?

Folks. If this data is available under a Public Records Request perhaps we should make requests to see the data on our own city government staffers.

Note: As I quickly scanned the San Jose Mercury report, I can say that many of these higher compensated individuals are in their police and fire departments.
To check the details simply go to the following link:

About Larry Gilbert