Gavin Newsom Reverses Stand And Defends Opposition To Gay Marriage!

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In an amazing change of course, gubernatorial candidate Gavin Newsom has defended opposition to Gay Marriage!! Well, every politician knows you can’t cowtow to the Ba’athi Minority Fascists and get elected to dogcatcher outside of the city by the Bay. Can we just call it time to admit that anyone who caters to bashing 2000 years of human history, and are arrogant enough to call themselves more moral and wiser than anyone who has ever lived, the fools they are?

The view that we as citizens of California have the right not to give a minority group exclusive rights to decide what marriage means FOR THEM (as opposed to allowing ANYONE the right to decide what MARRIAGE MEANS TO THEMSELVES) is not discriminatory. It is profoundly just and logical.

This writer did not, does not, and never has opposed gay marriage, per se. But I have opposed anyone who says you can have that argument WITHOUT having the “what about the folks in utah, the cousins in Alabama and the guy who wants to marry his dolphin” argument. To keep talking about minority rights is incredibly deceitful. I am the smallest minority there is. I am an individual. What about my right to do it my way if you get yours?

After Miss Californai came out and represented herself and the large majority of Californians as sensible and equitable, Mayor Newsom said:

“She spoke her conscious. What more can you ask? I speak my conscious and she should speak hers, so I think that she’s been a little unfairly maligned,” said Mayor Newsom.

Well, I for one may actually give the gubernatorial candidate half an ear the next time he speaks. He actually makes sense.

So go ahead you cultural nazis. Keep trying to blacklist anyone who speaks their conscience and their mind. You will not win over one convert to your “My dogma is more moral than your dogma” argument.

About Terry Crowley