Happy Easter, Santa Ana style

(Picture Courtesy of the O.C. Register)

Happy Easter from all of us here in Santa Ana.  Ours is a very religious city – replete for the most part with a lot of very fervent Catholics.  But our city used to be known as the “City of Churches,” and that moniker still fits.  We have a plethora of churches in town, of every denomination.

One of our churches featured an interesting take on the Passion Play, on Good Friday, which precedes Easter.  “Jesus, played by Jose Reyes, is crucified during a Passion Play at St. Joseph Church in Santa Ana. The event, put on by the Spanish speaking ministries at St. Joseph, included about 30 actors and has been an annual event for the last seven years,” according to the O.C. Register.

No doubt about it, the death of Christ was a bummer.  But that is the glory of Easter.  He came back.  He made the ultimate curtain call.  That put Christianity on the map – it wasn’t that long, historically speaking, before Christianity was the official religion of Rome.

So Happy Easter!  Our family will do what we always do.  Go to church then come back home so I can cook.  On the menu today, my secret recipe fried chicken, sauteed asparagus and green beans, and homemade potatoes au gratin.  My sister in law is bringing a ham.  And my other sister in law is bringing two pies.  Yummy!

And of course the kids are looking forward to a rousing Easter egg hunt in our backyard…

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.