Has Santa Ana Planning Commissioner Vicky Betancourt lost her mind? She voted at today’s Santa Ana Planning Commission meeting against a proposed Marriott Courtyard Hotel, which was supposed to be built at the sight of a defunct movie theater near the South Coast Plaza.
We are in the midst of the worst economic recession since the Great Depression and Betancourt is voting against a project that will bring jobs and tax revenue to Santa Ana? Why would she do that?
According to inside sources, Betancourt asked the Marriott representative to change the color of their proposed sign. And she even wanted them to change the name of this hotel. Imagine that. She is telling a global corporation what colors they ought to be using to brand themselves – and what brand to use as well?
I am told that Betancourt was disappointed that the proposed development was not what it had originally supposed to have been – a mixture of residential units and restaurants, similar to the City Place development in north Santa Ana. However, the City Place has had a heck of a time selling pricey condos in this economy. And as a result many of their tenants are now in financial distress. Is that what Betancourt wants?
Now the Santa Ana City Council will have to reverse the Planning Commission’s vote. I am sure they will. How can you say no to jobs and tax revenue right now? You would have to be as crazy as Vicky Betancourt.
What did you expect? The city has a lame clowncil; now it looks like we have just as lame of a planning commission. If we had a planning commission that was looking out for the best interest of the residents, this city wouldn’t look like the blighted city we look like. How are we going to intice businesses to do business in this city if we continue to have a city council and a commission that continuously make decisions that just make no sense?
Let’s see what our city’s clowncil do; and let’s see if they ask Ms. Bentancourt to step down from her position on the commission. My bet is they wont….
What is the shelf life for commissioners before their brains turn to mush?
It should be noted that Vicky was joined in this awful vote by Eric Alderete and Mario Turner. Turner is smarter than this, but I suspect he is being manipulated by Don Cribb, who lives in his neighborhood. Everyone knows that Cribb tells Vicky how to vote on these issues.
Sean Mill voted for the hotel development as did Patrick Yrarrazaval and Chris Leo. Kudos to them for getting this vote right!
What were the arguments against the Marriot development?
Was the meeting video taped? If so can you youtube it on the blog?
I believe that the minutes will reflect only the vote, not the discussion, and it was not taped.
Apparently Vicky and company are sore because they wanted another City Place and are getting residential units and a hotel sans restaurants. However, the developer has said that the restaurants will follow if they prove economically feasible.
Better to build these units and fill them up then bring in restaurants. Just look at the City Place – many of those businesses will go belly up this year.
The other arguments were that Vicky wanted the Ritz Carlton and was unhappy to get the Marriott Courtyard instead. Eric Alderete said that he once had a bad stay at a Courtyard so he voted no too.
Ultimately we need to remove commissioners who arbitrarily say no to jobs and tax revenue.
Economic development of the neglected Hispanic communities would do much to increase the city’s job market and tax revenue. The city’s Hispanic residents are the major source of the tax revenues for Santa Ana.
The problem with Hispanic community development is that that it goes against the plan to thin out and isolate the city’s Hispanic residents.
Thinning out Hispanics I believe is the city’s decision maker’s solution to economic development for Santa Ana.
Has it worked and is it working —- NO!
Possibly Alderete, Mario and Vicky do not understand this and follow blindly.
Sean ,Patrick and Leo appear to understand .
You are all misinformed on this blog- Especially you Art angry and does not know a thing but his own made up opinion Pedroza… It is a far more complex issue than just allowing a court yard marriot or not. It is about the long term growth and future of the City.. Learn your facts before you write your opinion..
The City had an agreement with the developer(Nexus) who promised a high end living and business disrict which would include a high level hotel.. Now nexus because of the economy wants to cut corners and put any old hotel it can get in the space. and this is a very brief and concise explanation..
The city is still planning on getting a hotel there but not a courtyard mariott- a 4 star hotel… which will create even more revenue and jobs and make the people of santa ana proud ..
why you have attacked don cribb I have no idea but hands down he has done more for this city than you.. argue that on!!!or blog about how you are so great- what have you done?
the is a poor written and criticized blog-get off your own agenda and allow the city and the people of this city to rise from the ashes into something that great, leave your poor vision and low standards for another city.