California’s Republican Party is almost dead. So what do these guys decide to do to restore the GOP? Some of them are bringing back Prop. 187, via a new state initiative:
“A conservative group is hoping to bring the issue of illegal immigration back to the front burner of California politics with a ballot measure that would create a new caste of birth certificates for children of the undocumented,” according to the Sacramento Bee.
Here are a few excerpts explaining this new “Son of Prop. 187” initiative:
The initiative, which proponents tout as the California Taxpayer Protection Act, is aimed for the June 2010 statewide ballot.
For undocumented parents to obtain the new “Certificate of Live Birth with Foreign Parent,” they would have to be photographed, fingerprinted and pay an additional $75 fee.
Beyond the birth certificates, the measure also would limit welfare payments for the children of undocumented immigrants, as well as require that any application for public benefits submitted by illegal immigrants be handed over to federal authorities.
But wait, there’s more:
“A second unrelated initiative was also cleared Friday for circulation. That measure would tighten voting rules, requiring voters to show a government-issued ID.”
Will these racist Republicans never learn?
Dr. lomeli,
Endorsed by Sentor Lou Correa.
coaliation of community clinics our lou is on the board making quick a nice little mint off a non-profit.
its the same old story the one that advocate’s for entitlements for others most likily gets paid with those entitlements.
i would rather sir spend one hour in a room full of illegal immigrants from Mexico, than spend one minute with a man that use’s people to make himself a buck!!
I know the reason for the socical problems in Santa Ana i experienced it!!
Have you ever been poor sir??
I fasinate alot of people like yourself, Why because they don’t understand honesty, intergity, and a good heart that enjoys a honest days work!!
Do you remember a girl named Maria that blogged regarding your post about a 13 year old gang memeber shot by two other gang members??
She grew up in Santa Ana and went to Santa Ana High School.
You berated her simply for telling the truth.
Lets address your fixation on enrichment through the Medi-Cal program.
You are a Nurse. You work in the Medical field that accepts Medi-Cal benefits. You have stated you work in clinics where Hispanic American born children abuse health entitlements – taking from your tax dollars.
Your salary is obtained partly from Medi-Cal benefits. YOU then ARE as you have stated:
-Making a quick little mint off a non profit.
-You are on the take of the Hispanic Community and doing nothing to improve it.
-The poor make you money of the backs of the tax payers.
-You lady are pathetic to encourage and advocate poverty in the Hispanic community so that you can make money off your own American citizens.
-Its the same old story the one that bitches about entitlements for others most likely gets paid with those entitlements.
“i would rather sir spend one hour in a room with illegal immigrants from Mexico than spend one minute with a man that uses people to make a buck”
Well Michell you really can’t separate yourself from yourself as you profit from these entitlements yourself.
“I fascinate alot of people like yourself ,why because they don’t understand honesty,integrity and a good heart that enjoys a honest days work”
HAHAHA, how can you enjoy a honest days work if you get paid(you are a Nurse) by entitlements to the poor. Payment in this form you argue is wrong and damn those that do this, HAHAHA.
Michell I remember Maria and I believe you and Maria are names made up by the poster posting on this thread.
You are some nut posting with made up names to further your agenda based on prejudice and hate.
I hope michell doesn’t take Bigmarkod’s gun class.
I run my own business DR. I no longer work as a nurse.
I found out about the abuse of medical while looking into the corruption of OUSD which lead me to prop 10 funding. It has been a wild eye opener to how far people will go to make a buck!!
like yourself Dr.
Maria was more real then you sir could ever be. You are a dishonest dentist that uses the poor to make yourself rich and is trying to get on a public board to futher your own pocket. Just like your friend Lou Correa.
How long have you lived in Santa Ana. What have you done to decrease gang crime. NOTHING.
Like i said pathetic and when you go to Mass this weekend pray to God that he forgive’s you!!
anonster: Stop being the Dr. side kick!!
It doesn’t matter what you do now. You enriched yourself doing what you falsely criticize others for. You do not deny it, that is good.
How do you help your community? Posting stereotypes about your neighbors does not help community relations. Prejudice and hatred does not help either.
You are a big time hypocrite.
How do you know I profit from Medi-Cal?
What public board am I trying to get on and how would I profit?
I give free dentistry to Santa Ana residents through the Kiwanis of Santa Ana and as a community service to deserving poor school children.
The fact is that doctors and Dentists get 20% of their usual and customary fees from Medi-Cal for treatment rendered.
Generally we have a 60% overhead so Medi-Cal fees are 40% below our overhead.
Private Doctors and Dentists that take Medi-Cal do it as a community service. Most private Doctors and Dentists do not accept Medi-Cal for this reason. Those of us that accept Medi-Cal have a limited number of Medi-Cal patients because of the low fees they pay for the treatment given.
I do deal with the Gang issue. I am a commissioner with Santa Ana’s Early Prevention and intervention Commission who’s objective is to advice the City Council on solving the city’s gang issue.
When I go to mass instead of your advice I will pray for God to forgive you, as you wish poor Hispanic children not to have access to some form of free health care.
A healthy child is better prepared to learn in school and develop into a productive citizen.
Just like the rest Doctor you spout the same bull crap “Don’t you want to help a poor child”,
What your helping is your own pocket!!
You don’t really want any changes in Santa Ana.
You want it to stay just the same, no crack down on gangs because that would bring a hot light on the issue that alot of these gang members are illegal and the parents are not in the picture!!.
Many immigrants have come to this country illegally, but hispanics have brought this issue to the forefront because in california their is such a large number of them that it has become a sub-culture within America.
You lie Doctor when you say that hispanics dont use much of the social services. Take a walk in to a Choc clinic all with medical cards in hand.
Doctor is a hispanic child more important than anyother child in orange county?.
It is not the responsiblity of the American taxpayer to pay for anyones health care!!
If we can make the hispanics more responsible for their childrens welfare, just maybe their would be less gangs in the first place. Their are alot of parents in santa ana who dont careless about what their childern do and how well they do at school.
It all start’s in the home Doctor.
we need to get hispanics of the boards in Santa Ana because it like the blind leading the blind!!
And as God said “i help them who help themselves”.
You are a angry ignorant bigot. I will waste no more time with you.
We have different ways of looking at the world.
Adios Amigo(aka Michell and Maria).
Your right Doctor it is a waste of time!!
You can not defeat the truth!!
keep up the good work, helping the poor hispanics so you can drive that status car!!:)
Dr. Lomeli,
You see why I quit the GOP? Who wants to belong to any group that people like Michelle are involved in?
Why did you quit Doctor?,
The orange county board of supervisor’s, are all republicans. You fit right in with them, taking from the taxpayer,using the hispanics and making a nice penny for yourself!!
The Dem’s and GOP are all in the same exclusive club “screw over the tax payer and make a nice penny with mexico,s exiles”. 🙂
“Voters to show a government-issued ID” then my drivers license better be free.
As far as benefits we can either cover the failing hospitals when these kids receive benefits or provide them insurance through healthy families, medicaid or other program so they can get lower cost preventive care.
Having to pay an additional $75 due to the color of your skin is the same thing the DMV was doing with out of state cars. Good luck it will only result in a huge lawsuit down the road with interest, attorney fees and put us further in debt.
There are issues with regulating the poor; however, it has to be balanced to protect tax revenues from these workers and provide reasonable benefits to keep them from doing other illegal activities.
What needs to be regulated is’s business’s men/women and non-profit’s making a profit using mexico’s poor here in Orange County and through out the state using tax dollar’s.
As far as the poor is concerned, If the good Doctor decided to go to france, did not speak french and was not eligible to work in france he would be poor too.