Its Official: The Most Divisive President In History

So now its officially official. The man who offends with every nuanced catchphrase, who seeks to destroy that which has built this incredible country, who goes abroad and gets NO HELP from our allies for the one war the Democrats are willing to fight, yet proclaims success: B. Hussein Obama now has the GREATEST political approval divide in history.

The Pew Research Center, hardly a partisan target for Demoncrats to dismiss, reports that Obama’s approval has slipped below 60%, like Rasmussen which has it at 56%. 39% STRONGLY APPROVE and 38% STRONGLY DISAPPROVE of our new President. Disapproval has risen 15 points among Republicans, those who were left basically, and 13% among Independents.

“President Barack Obama’s approval rating has slipped, as a growing number of Americans see him listening more to his party’s liberals than to its moderates, and many voice opposition to some of his key economic proposals,” the Pew Center concluded.

Its new survey finds Obama’s approval rating falling to 59 percent from 64 percent in February. It also finds the ranks of Americans who disapprove of the president’s job performance rising, to 26 percent from 17 percent.

It is truly going to be a time when the “I agree with class warfare and hatred of the american engine of prosperity, cause thats easy, but don’t call me a Democrat” nabobs are going to have to get off the fence and come back to sanity or be left in the cold with their Liberal buddies. You aren’t going to have any friends left on the fence with B. Hussein in the Oval Office.

Among those who registered a jump in disapproval were Republicans, up 15 percentage points, and independents, up 13 points, Pew found.

The survey was taken among 1,308 adults last Monday through Thursday and has an error margin of plus or minus 3 percentage points.

One reason for the erosion of support could be that a plurality sees Obama aligned more with the liberal wing of his party as he pushes an agenda that calls for broad increases in government spending and taxes.

Pew found that Americans think by 44 percent to 30 percent that the president listens more to liberals than to moderates in his party. The sentiment was a mirror image of what it was in January, when 44 percent thought he listened more to moderates and 34 percent thought he listened more to liberals.

Since then, Obama has signed a $787 billion economic stimulus package and proposed a $600 billion-plus down payment for a health-care overhaul and raising taxes on wealthier Americans to pay for it. He also proposed a $3.55 trillion fiscal 2010 budget and projected that the federal budget deficit for the current fiscal year would hit a record $1.75 trillion, or 12.3 percent of the gross domestic product.

The Pew poll is the latest finding that the president has lost some support as he’s started to flesh out his governing agenda.

 And that time is coming soon than you “fence sitters” are going to like.

This wasn’t a 1992 “Perot splits the conservatives” election. This wasn’t a groundswell of new voters voting Democrat in huge numbers. They were the same in 2004. This wasn’t even a “Bill Clinton’s electoral votes” kind of election. This was a couple million people hoping and praying for something different. And getting, as Bill O’Reilly called him, a puppet. The Presidential teleprompter could do as good a job.

And you all know it. Now don’t you? No allelujah praise. No cumbayah. Just OH MY GOD.

Every rationalization he gives for doing what he does is a false choice. It’s this or do nothing. You’ve heard it. The rhetoric is worn, isn’t it?

Now, I could do a whole article just on this photograph, but I won’t. I, at least, will show a little class. We have a First Lady who goes out and can’t even dress herself properly. This would not be Cindy McCain or Sarah Palin, or god forbid you would hear the catcalls from the Liberal chorus.

This woman is an Ivy League elitist who has no business representing the United States of America.

There, I said it.

About Terry Crowley