Judge Jim Gray to speak in Redondo Beach

South Bay Libertarians
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Speaker: Ret. Judge Jim Gray
will speak to us about
How We Are Losing the Drug War

Bluewater Grill Restaurant,
665 North Harbor Drive,
Redondo Beach, 310-318-3474
6:30 pm: Social Hour & Dinner
8:00 pm: Meeting, Speaker, Discussions

7,000 Mexicans murdered near the southern border in the last 12 months, kidnappings in Phoenix 2nd highest of any city in the world: The prohibition on drugs and the failed drug policy of the U.S. is costing billions in futile enforcement, inhibited trade due to lack of security, and loss of potential drug industry tax revenue. Judge Jim Gray has seen the failure up close in his career. Representing LEAP (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition), he is calling for an end to this immensely costly prohibition… and he will be detailing his case on Thursday, April 23

About Zander Collier