Partisanship by CA Assembly Democrats blocks clean energy legislation

The big push for “Earth Day,” which is also my birthday, is to place an emphasis on going green to save the planet. Carbon footprints, greenhouse gas emissions, clean energy and air pollution are the words of the month from Al Gore to the corner store.

So while Assemblyman Chuck DeVore (R) continues to promote “clean” nuclear energy, his latest effort, AB 1035, was just defeated on a partisan vote.

Partisan..”Devoted to or biased in support of a party, group, or cause:”

Larry, its politics. Chuck is following in the same footsteps as Tom Mc Clintock. While he may have some great ideas we (Democratic Assembly Members in Sacramento) cannot support his efforts to climb the ladder of success, even if our vote hurts Californians.
Juice readers. I take full responsibility for the remarks expressed above.

And now for the update which I just received:

Apr 22, 2009

Assembly Panel Blocks Measure Allowing Modern Nuclear Power

Read more about where Chuck stands on the issue of Energy:

(SACRAMENTO) – Assembly Democrats today blocked an effort by Assemblyman Chuck DeVore to expand California’s energy supply with modern nuclear power. AB 1035 was defeated in the Assembly Committee on Natural Resources on a party-line vote. It would have created a one-time exemption from state law for the construction of a modern nuclear fission thermal power plant. The measure was the fifth bill DeVore has authored to lift California’s 33-year ban on the construction of modern nuclear power facilities.

“I’m disappointed that some of the committee members chose to ignore the needs of California’s residents by limiting their access to reliable energy supplies,” said DeVore. “California’s landmark 2006 global warming law, AB 32, requires massive reductions in emissions over the next decade, but the laws of physics and economics dictate that this effort is doomed to failure without modern nuclear power.”

In the wake of AB 32’s passage, California faces increasingly strict emissions reduction requirements. While energy sources like wind and solar power may contribute to the state’s electrical supply, these technologies cannot provide reliable baseload power.  DeVore has long advocated modern nuclear power as a means to allow California’s economy to continue growing while also meeting stringent greenhouse gas emissions reductions.

Appearing in support of DeVore’s bill was Jay Hansen, Legislative Director of the State Building and Trades Council, who stated,

“California is one of the biggest energy importers in the world, and with our state’s growing population and current legislative restrictions on energy supplies, where do we plan on getting this increased demand of energy from?  California cannot just ignore this situation. Nuclear energy can be the answer.”

Also Testifying in support of DeVore’s measure was Matthew Hargrove, Vice President of the California Business Properties Association, who added, “I would like to thank Mr. DeVore for bringing business groups and unions together in support of this measure.  AB 1035 would allow California the opportunity to once again consider this clean source of energy that could be a key component in helping the state reach the carbon emission reduction goals of AB 32.”

The 70th Assembly District includes the cities of Aliso Viejo, Irvine, Laguna Beach, Laguna Woods, Lake Forest, Newport Beach, and Tustin. The Assemblyman’s web site may be found at

About Larry Gilbert