Someone, anyone, please send a definition of “fiscal conservative” and “fiduciary responsibilities” to the Mission Viejo city council. While millions of Americans are struggling with real financial hardships, by a vote of 4-1 last night our city council approved spending $285,000 of federal funds along with an additional $30,000 Mission Viejo taxpayers money for kiosks and signs along Oso Creek Trail. [Ref. CIP 317 Agenda Item #8]
Where is Oso Creek Trail anyway? How many of our 100,000 residents know where Oso Creek Trail is located and need signs to keep from getting lost.
In voicing her opposition council member Cathy Schlicht stated “its a waste of federal funding for four kiosks 13 feet tall and four feet wide.” She went on to add “in this economic climate I can’t even justify expending half this amount.”
Irwin Bornstein, Treasurer/Assistant City manager, added that in addition to the kiosks will be 25 signs. In addition to a matching outlay of around $30,000 Mission Viejo taxpayer funds we have already paid RJM Design $13,000 for the design effort to date.
Council Member Schlicht also stated “its pork barrel spending.”
Gilbert editorial. In time we hope to announce having a fiscal conservative council majority who considers the financial times we live in when spending anyone’s direct or federal stimulus funds.
This is an example of outrageous spending to uglify a nature trail. The trail is a quiet, peaceful walk. The only bad parts are the conglomeration of junk hauled in near the community center. A few people decided to weird-up the trail. They used art materials, but they weren’t talented enough to create art. No one’s name belongs on public property. It is as offensive as carving one’s name on a tree. Eventually, taxpayers will have to fork over more money to haul all this crap off the trail.
email response:
Does MV have to spend the $285,000 on Oso Trail? Is that a restriction?….what kind of signs? this the wilderness..the jungles of MV…import some wild animals and make it a zoo.
Well now that the city has created the Crown Valley Porkway. It is just and fitting that we have The Oso Trail Porkway.