If this is truly the way that you BHO’s want to convince everyone that you are truly interested in moving forward and bringing unity, then by all means, try prosecuting former administration officials.
If you think you can make your opinion that “Bush is a criminal” from the facts:
The treatments authorized by CIA and Intelligence agencies is not torture.
The wiretap surveillance was done legally on those communicating outside the United States.
The tactics succeeded in preventing another attack for 8 years.
The tactics succeeded in procuring valuable information that protected Americans.
The UN passed resolution after resolution authorizing military action in Iraq.
and, probably most importantly
The Geneva Convention does NOT apply to these terrorist combatants.
Combatants from signer nations are obligated under this agreement to meet certain conditions in order to be protected by this agreement. Specifically, protected combatants are defined as follows…
- members of the armed forces of a party to an international conflict,
- members of militias or volunteer corps including members of organized resistance movements as long as they have a well-defined chain of command,
- are clearly distinguishable from the civilian population,
- carry their arms openly, and obey the laws of war
Combatants do not have to meet one of these conditions in order to receive protection under the Geneva Convention (s), they must meet ALL of them. The Convention (s) goes on to state clearly, “However, other individuals, including civilians, who commit hostile acts and are captured do not have these protections.”
If you are one of those who believe in this drivel, understand what the basis for your arguments are:
The vicarious liability rule. This is the one that says Bush is responsible because of the chain of events he set in motion. Liberal jabberwockies get this one from the Manson case.
But please, DO IT!
You have no idea how this will energize the center right to conservatives. You think the Clinton impeachment was a joke? You will be painted with dunce hats for how this turns out. But dont listen to me. Im not saying a word. You didnt hear it here.
I am looking forward to it!
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