SAUSD teacher’s union screws younger teachers out of five years of benefits

The SAUSD’s “2,700-member teachers union ratified a contract today that strips five years’ worth of retirement health insurance coverage from teachers with less than 10 years of Santa Ana Unified employment. It is expected to be approved Tuesday by the school board,” according to the O.C. Register.

The new contract will “end retirees’ full medical, dental and vision coverage at age 65; that coverage currently runs to age 70. An estimated 800 to 850 employees – all those hired after May 12, 1999 – will be affected, according to the teachers union.”

There is no other way to put this – the SAUSD teachers union screwed half their members.  Apparently many teachers thought they were vested, but were not, and others were outright lied to by union representatives.

The net result?  A divided workforce.  Bad karma in the workplace.  And very unhappy younger teachers who may well start looking to bail on the SAUSD.

Couldn’t the union leaders have cut back on all the teachers across the board, in an equitable fashion?  Say for example stopping their health benefits at 68?  Why pick on the younger teachers?  What is the use of having a union if half the members get screwed?

I knew that the SAUSD teachers union was absolutely worthless when they endorsed SAUSD trustees Rob Richardson and Jose Hernandez last year.  Why would they do that?  These guys are the worst, along with Audrey Noji.  Endorsing them was an absolute slap to the face of SAUSD’s parents and schoolchildren.

The wise guys at the SAUSD teachers union also worked to pass last year’s fraudulent Measure G – raising our property taxes, during a recession, for remodeling that wasn’t a life or death issue for the district.

I understand that the SAUSD teachers union is having elections soon.  Time to vote the bums out!  And time to elect a new union president who will actually stand up for SAUSD teachers and the families in this district.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.