Some truth about the American Guns and their influence on crime in Mexico.

Some truth about the American Guns and their influence on crime in Mexico.

It was with Great fanfare a few weeks ago, that the US Attorney General declared that 90% of the illegal guns in Mexico come from the United States, and because of this we need to ban “Assault Rifles” in the United States…Again. This Statistic was repeated again and again by Secretary of State Hillary, the Brady campaign, and of course the media. It has been testified to in Congress. Yup, it was now official the US is responsible for 90% of the illegal guns in Mexico!

The only problem is, that number is neither true, nor accurate. According to the ATF the number is closer to about 17%.

Click here to read the Article.

Click here to watch the video as well.

Now that you know the truth, please feel free to pass it on to all of your friends, and don’t hold your breath waiting for a correction or an apology, from Mexico, the US attorney general, Hillary, Congress, or any other assorted leftist, or Freedom Hating Nazis.

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