State Sovereignty movements sweeping USA — California next?

President Bush’s tyrannies sparked State Soverignty movements that only are increasing under the further oppressions of President Obama.

28 states now have introduced legislation asserting state sovereignty “partly in response to the conditions” under the Bush-Obama “stimulus” bills that vastly increased the tyranny of the central regime in Washington, according to The Christian Science Monitor. Four of the resolutions have passed, in Idaho, South Dakota, Oklahoma, and South Carolina. Two have been rejected, in New Hampshire and Arkansas. 22 are still pending.

This isn’t just a bunch of Southerners still sore about losing the Civil War. Most of the states are in the North and West. Here’s a map:

Americans are starting to remember that our country was born in revolt against the British tyranny of 1776. Today, the Washington, D.C. tyranny is much greater than King George III ever could have imagined.

Taxes now are half of our incomes, and going higher. Mutitudinous federal security agencies — NSA, FBI, CIA, DHS, etc. — spy, coerce, and jail us. Massive bureaucracies control every minute portion of our lives. And now, the feds have taken over the banking, insurance, and auto industries. America rsembles less the free country of 1789 than the Soviet Union of 1939.

So far, there isn’t such a movement in California’s Legislature. But someone ought to start one.

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About John Seiler

I was an editorial writer at The Orange County Register for 19 years, until I took a buyout in 2006.