Jerbal really burned himself this time!
How many of us have seen cartoons when a terrorist blows himself up because he didn’t know what he was doing. This story is about a local blogger who failed to “trust, but verify” his information. Not knowing if my comment will appear on Red County I thought I would share Matt Cunningham’s post and my rebuttal on the Orange Juice.
The title of his blog story reads “Does MV Councilman John Paul Ledesma Secretly Want To Be Recalled?”
Jubal’s Point #4 reads. “A tax increase when you authored and promoted Measure K, which was rejected by Mission Viejo voters.”
Juice reader note. This is one of the charges against Mission Viejo councilman Lance MacLean. Jubal adds: “Ledesma voted to put Measure K on the ballot–a strange thing to do if considering it something meriting a recall.”
One problem Mr Cunningham. If you took the time to get your hands on the November 2, 2004 O.C. Ballot you would find the opposite to be the truth. You can identify the truth sometimes can’t you?
“Anyone can come up with reasons to spend more and justify why they need to spend more money, in government it just seems that coming up with the justifications is the endemic addiction
This fiscal year we, the city council, voted to add police officers in our contract with the Orange County Sheriff’s Department. Public safety is our No. 1 priority and the duty of local government, and Mission Viejo is consistently one of the safest cities of our size. Our city is not in dire need of more tax revenue-we just need to live within our means.
Fellow taxpayers, death and taxes are guaranteed, so let’s make life as enjoyable as possible and do your part to hold the line on tax increases.
This is your opportunity to tell the city council to live within its means.
Say Yes to fiscal restraint. Just Vote NO! “
John Paul “JP” Ledesma, Mission Viejo City Council
Arguing in favor of the tax increase Lance MacLean and Trish Kelley closed their argument to state “we urge you to approve a 10% TOT rate by voting “YES’
Best regards and thanks Matt.
Too funny — the Red-faced blogger gets fried. For those who like their bloggers extra crispy, note that a Red-faced blog backer, John Lewis, is supporting and promoting a Democrat. They have zero credibility.
The Red-faced blog is neither Republican nor truthful. Wake up, Orange County Republicans! The county party has been overtaken by lobbyists and shills like Jubal and Lewis who pump the bilge for anyone who pays for it.
Dump MacLean and punt Jubal/Jerbil.
Hey Matt. Can you explain why you have removed all of my April 3rd comments to your recall story?
One of his readers, and I truly believe it to be a member of the Mission Viejo city council feeding him information, has posted a few comments that I responded to. As of 2:30 p.m. they mysteriously disappeared.
Let me share one point that sets Lance MacLean apart from councilman John Paul Ledesma that can be found in the March 6-12 edition of OC Weekly whose front cover reads “go for the throat”.
“UC Irvine Police Department crime report dated Oct 27, 2007, is an account of what happened between Maclean and a co-worker.
“After a short verbal altercation (about 30 seconds) between the two men, MacLean [sic] took a step forward and bumped [Jack] McManus against the chest. MacLean then extended both his arms out and placed his hands around McManus’s neck. MacLean then shoved McManus against the wall and started to lift McManus up while his hands were still around McManus’ neck.”
The police report then says that it took four cops to break MacLean’s grip, wrestle him to the floor and handcuff him over snarls of “Get the f–k off of me; get the f–k off of me.”
Nice conduct by the mayor of our city who was forced to take a class in anger management.
Point one of the recall petition reads: YOU VIOLATED YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES to voters, showing yourself unfit to serve as a City Council member BY EXHIBITING: VIOLENCE when you were arrested by Police for assault and battery on a co-worker.”
What does that conduct and language say about a representative of the safest city in America to raise your family?
While we have instituted a Community of Character program in our city, issuing awards to residents who meet or exceed the dozen qualities, he has violated several of them on a regular basis including the last one which is “self control.”
Matt’s taken to removing ANY opposition on the Red-County Blog.
This is a step right outta the Rove-Cheny-Fliesher handbook.
In addition to being wrong. Matt is a coward.
Sat update before I head out.
Al of my comments responding to Red County are now on that blog post. When I responded to Matt yesterday there were only four comments, none of which were mine if I remember correctly. At this time I have no desire to go there to see if there are any additional MV insider posts.
Larry, I will make an exception to my vow to abstain from commenting here to point out that your comments didn’t “return” to that post — they were never deleted. If you had simply bothered to scroll down, you’d have seen that.
As for your claim that I was mistaken and hasty in stating John Paul Ledesma voted to put Measure K on the ballot — you are wrong. All you or any of your readers have to do is read the minutes of the June 21, 2004 Mission Viejo council meeting. Ledesma not only voted to put it to the voters, he made the motion to do so.
The minutes are available online at the city website. Contrary to Larry’s belief, the minutes go back to at least 1989.
Then again, I have already told Larry all this in an e-mail yesterday. Maybe he’ll decide to correct this post. Maybe not.
As for you, Mr. Mardahl: a guy who hurls personal insults from behind anonymity doesn’t have much credibility for calling anyone a coward, especially when you never bothered to see if what Larry was claiming was true.
I did scroll down on your post and only saw comments posted by MV Watcher at that time.
Let’s get back to the issue at hand.
We have a RECALL effort that is starting to gather momentum (and signatures). We all acknowledge your demonstrated support of Frank Ury who himself might have been the subject of a RECALL except that he was just elected and the group was told that a recall cannot commence in the first six months following an election of that elected official. Who knows what lies ahead.
For now the focus is on the anger management student Lance MacLean.
PS: Matt. When you finish watching “wag the dog” can you lend it to me so I can return it to Frank or Lance!
Does Frank Ury secretly want Lance MacLean recalled? Posts by his friend Jubal, keeps MacLean’s anger management problems on the front page. With friends like you, who needs enemies?
Frank Ury is hard to analyze. In the Mission Viejo city council election of 2006 he told his supporters, including myself, that he had his “own slate of candidates” who by the luck of the wheel just happended to be first, second and third on that Ballot. He was supporting each of them with an objective of ridding the city of his peers up for election in that cycle. They were Trish Kelley, John Paul Ledesma, and yes, Lance MacLean. I am not the only one that heard Frank make that statement.
With that backgorund perhaps Frank will comment on his change of heart as each of his slate of candidates were defeated.
PS: I did support this effort as demonstrated by my appearance at the OCGOP Central Committee to block two endorsements. I did not oppose John Paul Ledesma’s bid for his reelection.