Can we finally put the debate to rest that the Left commands the argument for science? People all over the country argued that not one person has been cured by Embyonic Stem Cells. Sickle Cell Anemia has been cured by ADULT STEM CELLS. Instead, they put on a pretense with their willing teleprompter in chief, that there were only two choices, destroy embryos or stop science. And that there was no reason that morality should be a factor in making that choice.
In fact, it was the VERY ABSENCE of a sense of morality that enabled Embryonic Stem Cell Advocates to push a so-called SCIENCE of stem cells, without one study saying that would work. Without morality or any sense of the cardinal virtues, you can lie your head off and it wont keep you from sleeping.
Now you have a real clear idea that IT WILL NOT WORK. A huge political ploy simply to benefit those who tow the LEFTIST LINE. Advocate stem cells without reason, get grant money. Scream like chicken little that the earth is warming, get grant money. See the pattern?
** homework assignment. can you name a single cardinal virtue without googling? if not, you have some self examination to do. **
Well, the Cardinals’ first baseman, Albert Pujols, is quite a virtuoso with the bat…
“can you name a single cardinal virtue without googling?”
Wherein Crowley lays the foundation for dismissing any cogent argument in favor of embryonic stem cell research.
With some people, you’re damned if ya do and damned if ya don’t.
There is a group of physicians, patients and other interested people working together to get treatment with adult stem cells legalized in the U.S. as it should be. Please ask your family and friends to sign up (“JOIN”), and get as many doctors to sign up as well. Please see The American Stem Cell Therapy Association (ASCTA) site
Who needs Limbaugh when you got Crowley? Yes, Terry, I am entertained! … I am entertained!
he he
Speaking of Rush Limbaugh – did you see the asskicking he gave one of his listeners who apparently “got through” and actually opposed a Limbaugh position? The guy is a veteran and absolutely clobbered Rush. Rush’s response was pathetic and weak.
There is no left or right in science.
There only is right or wrong. And for some weird reason, the Reeps decided to be wrong on science.
It is really simple: stop misunderstanding religion, stop opposing science.
Stop interpreting science for your politics.