Every mother wants her children to have access to quality education to ensure that they will have economic opportunity and a productive future. And every mother wants their children to grow up in a safe and healthy environment, where they can grow and thrive.
Funky Youtube video featuring Beth Krom and her mom. They discuss Beth’s creativity & share some stories of Krom family life. Beth Krom is the former mayor of Irvine and is running against Republican incumbent, John Campbell.
As your Congresswoman, I will make your family’s priorities-education, economic opportunity and environmental stewardship–my top priorities. I’m fortunate to have a mother who inspired me, believed in me, and encouraged me to pursue my dreams.
In the spirit of Mother’s Day, my mother and I made this video to share with you, so you could see first hand how much my mother means to me.
When I am elected to Congress, I’ll look after your family just like I’ve looked after mine.
You twitterheads can also follow her campaign on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Krom4Congress
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