Carlos Bustamante gives OC GOP heartburn as he shills for unions

Priceless!  Apparently Santa Ana Councilman Carlos Bustamante, who is a Republican, “voted at the May 4 council meeting in favor of a resolution supporting the federal Employee Free Choice Act, otherwise known as “card check,” according to Matt “Jerbal” Cunningham over at the Red County blog.

Matt also explained what card check is, for the uninformed, “the intent of “card check” is to change how workers decide whether or not to organize with a union. Currently, it is done by secret ballot, in keeping with American tradition.”

The irony is that Matt raised a ton of money last year to attack my council campaign against Bustamante!  He did this even though I have been a consistent voice against union hackery.  Unlike Matt’s buddies Curt Pringle, Ken Maddox and Jim Silva, not to mention Todd Spitzer, I opposed the Orange County Project Labor Agreement – which shut non-union contractors out of bidding on county public works projects for several years.

And for the record, I have ALWAYS opposed card check.  Moreover, I have been warning the OC GOP for years that Bustamante is a worthless union hack – but now they are finally realizing that for themselves.  Even his buddy Tim Whitacre is now ripping him over at Red County.

Well guys, I hope you are happy.  You created Bustamante.  Now you are stuck with him for four more years.  Good luck with that!

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.