Memo to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger – the people of Orange County aren’t buying your B.S.! All of your propositions are losing here, except for Prop. 1F, which is popular because it denies raises to your pals in the Legislature when we are in budget crisis.
And these results are also showing up statewide. Click here to see the statewide election results thus far. All of the Schwarzenegger Measures are LOSING, except for 1F.
Click here to see the latest election results here in Orange County. So far Prop. 1A is losing by the widest margin. See the graphic below for more information.
The amazing thing is that these measures are even losing big in Los Angeles County! Click here to see those results. L.A. voters are rejecting Prop. 1A by 65.5 to 34.5!
Kudos to KFI’s John and Ken and to the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association for this awesome victory. I truly doubt that the percentages will change much. Schwarzenegger and his pals in the Legislature just got punked! Bring on the state bankruptcy…
Slow day at the polls. had 49 voters vote out of 1200, but about 300 did the vote by mail.
Now the democrats who run the state will have to earn their pay and fix the system.
Good bye crappy teacher’s, start working the teacher’s that are left!!!
Good bye welfare recipients, get a job!!
Good bye under aged moms, healthy families are about to say bye bye!!(no more medical,calworks,bridges,californakids,caloptima,ect. ect…ect….ect…. ect…. ect… ect….
low live politicans either do a good job or get out!!
Get a clue orange county supervisors we are on to you, No more giving our money to the vunerable or underserved, we dont have the money for the undocumented (foreign Nationalist’s). The lower and upper middle class have to pay their way and so does everone else. THAT IS WHAT THIS COUNTRY IS ABOUT!!!