UPDATE: With just over 45% of the vote counted, Judy Chu has just 35% of the vote, with over 9,700 votes, while Cedillo has 22.98% of the vote, with 6,407 votes. It looks like there will be a runoff. The top GOP vote-getter is Betty Chu, which means we are headed for a Round Two with Chu versus Chu – and Libertarian Chris Agrella. Click here for the very latest results.
I would not make too much of this. These are early absentee votes. Obviously Chu did well with these voters, but there are still a lot of votes to be counted. Interestingly, the GOP candidate, Betty Chu, is in third place. That bodes ill in the long term for Judy Chu. Also, the guy that Cedillo ripped so badly, Emaneuel Pleitez, is in fourth place, which bodes ill for Cedillo.
Libertarian candidate Chris Agrella is just behind the second and third tier Latino candidates. I am sure he will get more votes too as the night wears on.
The other hotly contested race was for the L.A. City Attorney’s office. Currently C. Trutanich is beating Jack Weiss by less than four percent of the vote. Click here to see those results.
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