Click here to see how much he can take from OC if the Props fail! <–click here
Arnold Schwarzenegger Arrives <–click for video
A Message from Arnie <–click here
Click here to see how much he can take from OC if the Props fail! <–click here
Arnold Schwarzenegger Arrives <–click for video
A Message from Arnie <–click here
Blaming Schwarzenegger is joke.
The blame lays squarley on the “people” who elected him.
He played the “man of the people” theme and all the drones believed him. These are the same fools who think Meg Whitman or Steve Poizner can change things.
The truth is: Things were much better under Governor Davis.
If it was’nt for a slow media cycle, a bored electorate, two blow hard DJ’s (who now host Flieshman and Schoder as “experts”)This guy would’nt be Dog Catcher.
Phil Agilide’s campaign staff openly bitched about “substance vs. fluff” only to be countered with Arnold hosting a demolition derby.
1 – I couldn’t agree with you more.
Thank you for your posts. I realize arnie is just the “title” and it takes a mountain to move the mole hill…in this case…capitol hill
We are out of money and jobs need to go…in this case mine…I understand that.
It’s upsetting that when faced with a shortfall, the immediate cuts are to teachers, fire, police and state workers. There are so many grants and special programs that have a “hands off” label on them. I think going for the jugular (police, fire, teachers, etc.) is easier, keeps cuts away from legislators’ special interests, and evokes sympathy from the voters so that taxes can be increased, state propositions passed, etc.
When the governor and legislature get serious about reducing expenses, then I’ll get serious about considering their solutions to balance the budget.
Several months ago, Schwarzenegger had 5 termed-out legislators that could not find employment in the private sector. The Governor created 5 new positions for them @ $128,000 each. In one instance, a new dept. was created for one of the termed-out legislators. When interviewed, the legislator said she wasn’t sure what the position was, but she was going to find the next day. Incredulous! Then there was Karen Bass’ plan to give all legislative support staff a 10% raise because they hadn’t had a raise in a long time. Meanwhile, we haven’t had a raise in ages and many of us have already had furlough days.
Right On #1. I couldn’t have said it better. All those fools who voted in Schwarzenegger can only blame themselves for this mess. I’m sure most of the protestors are to blame for Schwarzenegger getting elected.
Damm! I agree with Anon in #4 He is right….I hate that! 🙂
California is run by a pair of private corporations, with the democratic party being the majority partner and the republican party being the minority partner. And both rotten to the core.
After the failure of the election Tuesday, the state will most likely be insolent.
Not a bad thing with a Federal Master will be appointed the unravel all the special deals the two criminal parties made for themselves.
Disgusted Democrat.
As one of the (Republican) protestors let me point out that I NEVER voted for Arnold.
My recall election vote was for Tom McClintock and I am proud of having made that selection.
Big Mark. Please stand in for me in Mission Viejo tonight as we get our tickets to the Magic playoffs
California Government is pro-spend, pro-tax … & anti-business.
Any wonder why the state is in trouble, again?