On Orange Juice Blog’s most popular posting thread about SAUSD corruption (Link) , the subject of the local teacher’s union elections has been a topic of discussion.
Here’s the list of candidates and the positions for which they are running according to the SAEA (Teacher’s Union) Link.
OJ wanted to get information posted about the candidates, their positions and their statements for the upcoming election, so I was tasked to request that information. I posted a general website invitation of, “Candidates, post your stuff at OJ!”.
The 3 presidential candidates all responded by posting statements of intent. They are, in no particular order, Patricial O’Neil, Robert Chavez and Susan Mercer. I think they all showed good intention and leadership in sharing their views with our readership. Good on you guys!
Now for the sad news. We contacted SAEA Vice President, Jeffrey Goldberg who is the webmaster at the SAEA website and asked for the list of all candidates and their statements, so that we could add that information to the discussions. It wasn’t ready yet. He gave me a notification when it was assembled at SAEA and OJ reposted it all (post # 603).
When we requested that ALL of the candidates be sent a little notice by the union officials who have those private emails for notification, Jeff started getting all faux legaleze and basically said that union officals cannot practice freedom of speech on blogs AND there is another person in charge of elections. Not him.
I asked him to forward my request to the Elections officer, Maureen Doughtery. No response back from him after a couple more attempts.
So I used public information and notified SAEA Grivance Chair Jennifer Isensee – Jennifer also wants to take up a second position of Secretary during the elections – that she could post the speech she made at the last union meeting up on our website. No response.
I also notified Scott Miller who is the SAEA ChalkTalk editor- who also wants to take up the second position of Treasurer- if he’d like to post his speech on OJ. No response.
I was given SAEA Elections Officer Maureen Doughtery’s email and I requested directly to her to please notify ALL candidates about our free public forum so that they could choose to post here if they wished. No response back.
If this is the typical treatment from the union “leaders” for simple information requests, then what happens when teachers really NEED help? Man, you teachers are SCREWED. You pay about a thousand bucks a year for this kind of “Leadership”. LMAO! You are all idiots to let this group of disorganized cowards “lead you”! But this story gets better…..
Just yesterday, Grievance Chair and Candidate for the position of SAEA Secretary, Jennifer Isensee, sent out an email notice to ALL SCHOOL SITE REPRESENTATIVES to vote for her and her list of suggested candidates. And hurry up and vote early and tell all of the school site members to hurry up and vote. Huh? Is that even allowed? It doesn’t even make any sense that she did that! This election smells rotten and unethical right out of the gate.
Let’s recap:
- A SAEA Vice President is the union’s webmaster and is a regular reader of OJ Blog, but suddenly gets writer’s block in response to basic informational requests.
- Scott and Jennifer already have prominent leadership positions in SAEA but are both running for SECOND JOBS on the board giving the appearance that a special club is being run by a very few at the expense of the larger membership body’s best interests.
- Elections Officer, Maureen Doughtery is missing in action.
- A paid position staffer who is supposed to be representing members in grievances, Jennifer Isensee, is now the defacto Elections Chair AND political lobbyist for a select group of cronies in an email sent to all site reps on a Saturday morning.
- Susan Mercer gets writer’s block right after she was asked some blog questions. Nothing wrong with that -she gave plenty of good informational posts and showed good intent from the get go. Unfortunately Susan’s being “endorsed” in secret emails priviledged out by Ms. Isensee. And there’s a stench to it.
- The only Presidential Candidate who is still posting on our OJ thread in response to questions is Patricia O’Neil. And she seems to be under constant attacks by a swarm of anonymous posters who seem to have a very good grasp of what the union is all about. Union Hack Attacks.
- This is just an old-fashioned election Jam Down by the clowns that got you teachers multiple year pay cuts, massive layoff notices and drastically more expensive health care coverage going forward for the members who actually escaped getting laid off.
- Teachers who are paying $1k per year to this group of union incompetents are the biggest fools of all. You’re screwed to allow this crap to happen. And you pay them to do it month after month.
This year’s SAEA elections may be won by this small group of cronies, but I am predicting that it will not be “Business as Usual” for them, going forward. SAUSD corruption thrives with the active help of SAEA officers and our readers are paying attention this time around. Do yourselves a favor: tell your friends!
I wonder what the current rules are for unions to use district hard mail and e-mail for union business. I know years ago I was reprimanded for using district hard mail to promote a union candidate. I wonder if anyone can state the current policy.
Excellent Post! Red Vixen for Pres!!!
I think the Union sends out their spokespersons to the schools. They seem to show up surreptiously out of no where to tell people how to vote; sometimes in the guise of clarification, ie, the Tentative agreement Info. meeting. I think the e-mail to our hard mail seems odd for campaigning–I don’t think anonplus will get an answer from the union members who are running, you may have to contact CTA–I think we should have contacted them as soon as the tentative agreemtent came out. I have only had flyers put in my box for two presidential candidates and one of those had the other position candidates attached. The small group that is wanting to win this election will win, if info isn’t distributed. I think a candidates forum should be held, maybe at one of the larger auditoriums, then have the election.
Slightly different topic but why is this election protocol, ie ballots etc so different the yes or no purple slips we hand back to our reps? Some one else brought that up in the other blog a while ago. This is seems so much more formal and rigorous. I think the contract ratification process needs to be beefed up. Too many opportunities for errors. How about us as a union align the process to be similar. You know in ed. speak “paradigm shift”…”Best practices”
The union sat idle while a huge number of counselors were
Slated to lose their jobs. 4 of them got a private attorney
The attorney met behind closed doors with the board and
Jane russo. The union has pitted the music teachers against
The counselors in the rif process. The union routinely
Will drop grievances and not tell the teacher. There
Are now 20 grievances that are unresolved. Anyone know
Why jennifer gets a free pass on her inability to do
Her job? She has absolutely no business trying to sneak
Into winning herself onto the board. She’s lazy and clue
Thank you Red Vixen for telling it like it is. Without the collusion of SAEA, there could not be these massive layoffs year after year, not to mention all of the other problems. I am not as optimistic as you seem to be that things will change, but I hope so.
#4 — That Jennifer continues in her job is baffling. I believe her to be nasty, unprofessional, and incompetent. But she will still probably win as many positions in the union leadership as she wants.
Get rid of the union,and weed out the bad teachers with parent’s and student envolved in the process. less money to all school districts. Get rid of No child left behind,QEIA,ESL. Teachers should be paid on performace only!!
Quite simply, the rest of the world does it!!
Well RV, if I was to venture a guess as to the why’s of the no responses from SAEA people, it’s just that OJBlog can be a pretty hostile place when you stand up and speak out on an issue. I know all these people pretty well, and there’s been a lot of unfair characterizations put out here, against Robert Chavez, Pat O’Neil, Susan Mercer. They’re all full-time teachers, volunteering their time to help their colleagues. All three are honest and sincere, but do differ in experience, abilities, and priorities.
One major misconception expressed repeatedly in this blog is that teachers are being manipulated by union site reps and board members. Teachers as a whole are pretty well educated, savvy people, not easy to fool. I do wish more of them would get involved in their union, as it concerns their salaries, health benefits, work hours, job security, and working conditions, and consequently their families and their futures. But most of them seem to trust and be satisfied with those who are active. It’s only in the OJB do I see a groundswell of “kicking the bums out”.
SAHS teacher,
We only asked for information on the candidates and asked that the elections committee possibly send a notice to the group of candidates so that they could choose to post their speeches that they gave only to the reps at that meeting or any other stances that they wanted to share.
We were not soliciting a “throw the bums out” line of discussion. It was a request for information. Jeff clearly made up legal excuses. Jennifer was informing site reps to vote for her and her special list of candidates. Maybe the elections committee gave out the email addresses for the site reps to the rest of the candidates, but it’s not looking like it so far.
Thanks for stepping up to enable this kind of stonewalling. I am sure that there are a few people who are finding themselves in a tough spot right now and applaud your support.
I don’t know what is going on. Maybe you can explain it better than the sudden silence and lack of transparency. Your union might have some pretty serious problems if this is how a routine election is run. What say you?
And as far as the hostility – the only poster I have had to moderate has been defensive in favor of your union. I found the high school level insults offensive and did some moderation. Overall, I think the discussions have been spirited and fairly informative. You’re right. Teachers who read this blog will be able to sort nonsense. You might want to powwow with your union buddies and take a look at how the elections are being conducted.
I do not think that any candidate for SAEA Board of directors should post on this site. All this site has ever done is attack the union with half truths and innendo.
You are entitled to your opinion, but can you back it up with facts? Can you point to the posts that you claim are inappropriate?
It is about time the CTA is attacked, they are well known for always being ready to attack anyone that disagrees with them.
The Union at one point in time had a purpose. Now they are a bunch of gangsters!!
SHSteach: The union in a back door deal created the QEIA “Know it”??.
1, 480 California School’s got 3 billion.
2, for class size reduction.
3. Handy in orange and a few school’s in Santa Ana got the QEIA grant. Handy gets over 500,00 move a year for seven years.
4.All this money to pay teachers,admin,admin cost’s. Its has not done anything and will not do anything, why?? because before the QEIA was the HPSG. The HPSG did nothing after year’s no increase in API scores at all. Why?? still crappy teaching, still no parent envolvment, still wasted money on class size reduction!!
Why all this money for teacher’s,admin,??? As a LASD board member pointed out. MORE MONEY FOR THE UNION!!
I am struggling with the place of this blog. I would really like for it to be an open, honest, place of discussion. Once again, we have been relegated to a seemingly endless period of time for the comments to load, thus discouraging many people from participating. The Classified people with their numerous legitimate concerns must wade through issues that only relate to the Certificated staff, further increasing their alienation and we can see their lack of posts due to this. I just don’t think this is a relevant place in it’s current format. I’m really sorry and wish I didn’t feel this way. I am willing to participate and I feel that my own opinions have been expressed quite eloquently by many people here. I am willing to pursue a more logical and open ended format and will request this of both the union and the district. I really appreciate all who post here.
I understand, but we tried to put up new threads and that concept did not work. Our own readers asked us to go back to one thread.
As for the delay in comments being approved, it isn’t really that big an issue, is it? I constantly check for posts awaiting moderation on my phone when I am not at a computer.
The fact is, our SAUSD thread continues to get dozens of comments – and our readership data shows that it is our top story – always.
As for lack of posts, there is a formula that you may not be aware off, called 1-9-90. In a group of one hundred blog readers, one is a blogger, nine are commenters and 90 read without ever commenting.
By the way, you asked me to set up an account on this blog for you, which I did. You have yet to post anything. If you feel that something should change, or that some other post is needed, you can do it.
Lastly, do you really think that your union, which enables your corrupt district, or the district itself could resolve any of this? Seriously? They NEVER would have allowed any of the truths revealed on this blog to get out. They surely would love to see this blog go away. But it won’t. Ever.
I understand and am appreciative of your willingness to put up the new threads, however, I don’t think that a few weeks is enough time to decide on their effectiveness. For example, the certificated thread would have been very active at this point. There are other threads that would have issues not related to the election of SAEA positions posted also, but as it stands, the format only really allows for one issue at a time. There are certain times when different threads would be of use, as of now, the classified staff is alienated and yet their problems will begin again as the school year ends. There really is no way for them to prepare for this, at least this site gave them a place to vent and possibly prepare.
I’m sorry I haven’t participated in regards to my account yet, I will. There are so many more issues coming that are related to the students (not just benefits), class size is going to become a huge issue once again as the district receives flexibility in Title 1 funds, most schools have been paying for regular ed classes out of this budget (I believe illegally) but will not be allowed to do so next year. This means that the fact that the district has actually been funding classes at some sites at about 50:1 will become very obvious soon. I just think that a forum with the ability to ask and answer questions that are specific to the many groups and interests of the district would be more helpful. I am glad this blog is here, but as I said, I think a different format, from a different source due to the limited software of this site is probably necessary. I have never had an issue with the moderation of the site, it has always been quick and efficient. It is my probably overly optimistic hope that the union would not want any truths to be hidden. I work with many of these people daily and I just don’t see them as evil co-conspirators with the district. I do my best to see all sides and I just can’t argue for argument’s sake alone. I am searching for a way for people to work together and find solutions, not just a place to vent. Thanks for this site, Art and RV, but as of now, that place just doesn’t exist.
We had an outcry by our readers to dump the new threads. So we did.
As for your union, the fact remains that they endorsed Rob Richardson and Jose Hernandez – two of the lamest, most corrupt Trustees ever. That was unforgiveable.
And the recent deal that screwed half your members says more than I could here about your union. I am sorry. Your union is not serving your members, at all. That is a fact. It enables the district and the school board. I wish that I could say otherwise, but the facts speak for themselves.
I never said that I agree with every decision the board makes, personally I could do without Jose Hernandez but that involves more personal issues I have with the man himself. I don’t believe that Rob Richardson is in any way corrupt, I just believe that the current system is extremely flawed and allows people like Juan Lopez to provide faulty information and run the show in his own, extremely corrupt manner. I also do not think that Jane Russo has taken a proactive position towards stopping business as usual in this district. I have very legitimate beefs with both the district and the union but I have come to understand how, in so many ways, the law interferes with the unions ability to provide speedy solutions to virtually all of the current problems. When the union is able to intercede quickly, they do. We had major issues with the 8 period day last week and the union stepped up to fight for both students and teachers in a very effective and rapid manner. One of my biggest problems with the majority of the people who complain here is that they are not willing to become involved. Art, you have been a beacon of light for those who believe that one person can make a difference, I applaud your willingness to be involved in your community. I wish I could say the same for many of those who post here. The union is virtually crying out for more people to become involved and keep the membership informed, unfortunately that does not happen and even those who are involved do not get information out to their sites the way they should. Many complained during the last contract vote that their reps only told them to vote yes. Personally, I made sure that every person received a copy of the contract, had plenty of time to read it and ask questions and did not try to sway their vote in any way. This is what should happen, but remember these are volunteers that take the position for the most part because no one else will. There were entire schools who did not vote because the rep didn’t distribute the information. There is something very wrong with this. Get involved and stop complaining people!
I could spend ten thousand words on the subject of Rob Richardson. Suffice to say that his role as a Trustee is to make sure his friends get contracts. It is all about money and greed.
As for the issue of folks getting involved, sad to say this is typical. Only ten percent ever do.
In case no one has gotten the main points:
Many paying members are upset about the current health benefits that were negotiated to favor one faction over another. The word vested was used, but doesn’t make the pain any less for those who have given their all to the students of the SAUSD. It is NOT a personal attack on the Union members however, many questions were raised asking what other alternatives were tried? Did they try to bargain other things? If so, what? (not a complaint…just asking). We cannot seem to get an answer to that one except that the economy is bad right now and they had no other alternatives but to cut the benefits of half the members.
Members were told to get involved, go to work for the union as paying members, get out in the real world and find the answers themselves by coming to a union meeting, and to please stop whining and face the facts that it is the state of the budget and not the Union’s fault.
SAUSD continues to RIF the MOST out of any school district year after year even though the funding has almost doubled from when George W. Bush was in office. SAUSD may be playing it safe and just sending out more RIFs than necessary, but the turmoil it puts on families and people is not justified by over-RIFFing. SAUSD will receive the most funding in OC yet they RIF the most. People do have an issue with that one especially when the district has assistant superintendents (well over 5) who make over $150,000. No one saw Jane Russo at the hearing. No condolences were made and she appeared to be in hiding on that day.
If you read the posts of those upset, one faction of teachers is favored over another. Music teachers and counselors were pitted against each other as well. From the posts, it appears that many wonder why some factions are getting represented why others are not. Carlos Perez continues to defend one faction and not the other. NO one is attacking the Union members personally, but they do want to see a new lawyer or at least one who represents ALL if they are paying members. The complaints appear to be warranted and have merit because it is fact not whining. Answer this one: Why did the counselors (4 of them) have to hire their own lawyer? If they felt that Mr. Perez was competent do you think they would’ve done this? It’s kind of sad that people who are paying members have to resort to hiring another lawyer..that is all many are saying.
A fact is a fact:
*One faction is unsatisfied while the other is sitting pretty with benefits and a job.
*Members need to hire additional lawyers because the current one is not representing each member. One lawyer for all who are RIF(ed) is a little cheap don’t you think? He is a CTA issue and not the SAEA issue.
Lastly, the board is a great place to vent concerns productively, ask questions without getting attacked and to encourage new ideas. If a union member has been attacked personally, that was not the intent. We all need to respect each others’ opinions without the name calling.
If union leadership is feeling caught in a pickle here on some dumb message board, where they are free to express themselves anonymously if they want, then what makes anyone think that they can aggressively negotiate on behalf of the membership? If there are about 500 rif’s of teachers, then that means nearly a half million dollars was paid in dues by them for representation. Is that good bang for the buck? These teachers don’t need amature hour. They need skilled communicators and strategists right now.
As far as the message board adjustments: We’re done doing that. Talk to your union and get them to set something more to your liking up. I’m sure they’ll get right on it – I am sure they want to let everyone know what the real issues are with teachers and this district and they’ll want to comment and help membership. Yep.
Give us the link when they’re ready.
Oh and speaking of helpful websites: Have you noticed that the SAEA website is not current when it comes to meeting notes to help keep membership informed? I’d love to see your email requesting that Jeff now add a discussion area to the site 😉
Maybe it’s not the best idea to have the same union royalty hold multiple jobs at once. Maybe having just one job and doing it well and delegating the other position/s would be beneficial.
Red Vixon,
Are you a member? Are you a teacher? If fact, what is your real name? Do you have a life? What do you know about how a teacher’s union procedures, bylaws, etc. Are you on SAEA’s Board of Directors? Have you ever served as a union rep? I can say from experience as a rep that it’s about the most thankless job I’ve ever held. But I have done it for those teachers who do appreciate the union and the reps who help them.
And SAEA’s web page is current and updated. You even wrote on the other blog to go see SAEA’s web page for info. The last time I checked, SAEA’s web page has has tons of information. I don’t know what in the world you are talking about.
So no one in SAEA’s leadership is not responding to you. I don’t blame them one bit. I woudn’t respond to you either if I were a leader in SAEA or any other organization for that matter.I would think they have more important things to do like help dues paying members. They shouldn’t be bothered with a pathetic blog that is run by people who have no clue what they are talking about. And if you think a lot of people read this blog, you are delusional. SAEA has about 2700 members. Most have no interest or desire to read negative people over and over again.
It’s nice that you have a forum for writing whatever you want. How easy it must be to attack people you don’t even know from the outside.
Actually I would think you, union reps and leaders would have something more important to do at 7:53am….uh teaching maybe? Are you using the schools computer system by any chance..Hmmm?
Go to this link:
You will see that our SAUSD thread is our top exit page – which is to say that it is our top story.
And according to our Google Analytics software, this thread has haf 14,526 unique page views since January 1.
The SAEA leadership isn’t responding because they are in cahoots with the district.
being a union rep is a thankless job because what the heck would we be saying thankyou for!!
California schools are a mess due in large to your corrupt union. So no we don’t want to say thankyou, we would like to say “get the hell out of the schools”,
If you really are a teacher do the kids a favour,do something else.
Sorry to be so tough on you and your union, but really GO PLAY UNION SOME WHERE ELSE!
I’m not a fan of Vixen either..
I would imagine that Vixen and I have upset quite a few folks at the SAEA. Good. That means we are doing our job as bloggers.
You won’t have change at the SAEA unless you vote for change…
Teacher at 7:53 AM
Trusty Robby Richardson got a teacher removed for posting on a Santa Ana blog some years ago. Word has it Mijares was scared so he got his newly elected fetch boy to put the squeeze on the SAHS teacher. Nothing changes at SAUSD. No one is accountable, therefore no one can be fired and there are plenty that should be fired at SAUSD.
The time that teacher wrote on this blog was 7:53 am. I believe most classes don’t begin until 8:00 am? I don’t know of any schools where classes begin before 8:00 am.
Teachers are also allowed to use district computers for email and so forth during non-instructional time. It’s in our contract. But I doubt you would know that. Try reading Article IV.
“Email may be sued by unit members outside times of active instruction such as before and after school and during duty free lunches.”
But I did notice that you wrote on this blog at 8:19 am.
Michelle wrote at 9:28 am.
Anon wrote at 1:15 pm.
I meant: “Email may be used by unit members outside of active instruction such as before and after school and during duty free lunches.”
Welcome to all posters here. Your input is appreciated.
Regarding the not current SAEA website:
1. Rep Council minutes has 0nly 8 entries and the last one is dated February 24, 2009
2. Board of Directors Minutes has only 2 entries and the last one was dated January 13, 2009.
3.Archives have David Barton’s President’s Letters only up to May 28, 2008.
You get the idea…. Maybe the guy should have just one job and not two. He could do a better job and another member could be of help.
Teacher said: So no one in SAEA’s leadership is not responding to you. I don’t blame them one bit. I woudn’t respond to you either if I were a leader in SAEA or any other organization for that matter.I would think they have more important things to do like help dues paying members. They shouldn’t be bothered
Well, the larger problem isn’t that VP Jeff Goldberg refused to forward my request to Elections’ Official Maureen Doughtery or that Maureen didn’t bother to respond to requests from the blog. The real problem is that Maureen is not responding to requests from at least one candidate to have access to membership lists and pertinent information. Do you think this is the right thing for the Elections Official to do? Be honest.
Do you have a problem with one insider, Jennifer Isensee, having all of the information necessary to contact members with her own list of candidate choices (she is one of those choices AND a paid SAEA staffer!) and not provide the information to the other candidates if they request it?
How about the union cabal just saying, “We want to have our candidates win at all costs for whatever reason”? At least it would be honest. At least it wouldn’t look so unprofessional and thuggish.
Thanks again for your opinion. I just gave you mine.
Hey Teacher, ‘tsokay. OJBlog is a hard contact sport, like pro-basketball … lotta pushing and shoving, and you’re going to take some lumps. But, Prior to Art’s blog there was dead-silence in community discussion about this most important public responsibilty — preparing young people to take a constructive place in society and keep this country functioning and prosperous.
I think you’re all wet on this SAEA issue, RV, but I do appreciate you’re being here to run this blog. Without you and Art we’d all be talkin’ to ourselves again.
SAHS teacher,
Yep. This blog is not for the weak.
There is a whole lot of discussion going on behind the scenes right now about this election. Seriously…. you don’t see anything unusual with the same union leadership taking up multiple elected positions all the while denying reasonable resources to the other candidates?
You’ve weighed in on tough situations before. What’s your opinion about the elections this time around?
Yes, SAEA is in cahoots with the District. I also heard that SAEA is in cahoots with the FBI, the CIA and the KGB too.
#33 Pretty funny except for the fact that a few here will believe you.
To #32 Red Vixen,
I understand that not all candidates got the e-mail addresses for the membership to receive campaign materials.
For # 8
I agree with you, Robert Chavez and the other candidates are offering their services, because they believe they can bring positive changes
Have you ever been at the RA? If you have, you will remember him, working in favor of our members in general, and especially for ethnic minorities members. I will vote for him. This is such a difficult time, for all of us.
We must look for genuine advocates for teachers, someone that is fully inclusive and will fight for teacher’s rights.
RV, only opinion I’ll give: whatever the election outcome, I’ll support SAEA and assist its leadership as best I can. I’ve learned from long experience that SAUSD managers are not the teachers’ friends, and SAEA, weak or strong, is all teachers have to protect them from being hurt by this district.
I honestly don’t believe I work for SAUSD. Back-to-school night, held each September, is when I meet my employers, and make a solemn commitment to provide each of their children the best education they can get in Orange County.
Everyone remembers our voting ends May 21,2009 for SAEA elections . I realize there exists a group that wants all the voting to take place now. If you really want change to take place do not vote the Status Quo. Take your time to vote as association members there is too much at stake this time around. We must stand united and take back our association. The members are the real power behind our association lets reclaim it. Before you cast your vote you need time to understand the issues and the candidates wait until later to vote. Vote for Robert C. Chavez, SAEA President.
Anonymous 29-30,
Thank you for the reference point. Not that it really matters but a few schools do have early classes. The “and so forth” you casually added to your contract does not exist. The section only says use of e-mail. Not a word about surfing or blogging or “so forth”.
As to my blogging time: Not all of us in classified work 8-4.
I would like to see these negative bloggers actually volunteer there time at a union….these people work endless hours to help educators! after school, on weekends early in the morning. If you notice the same old complainers just keep on blogging……I appreciate Susan, Jennifer, Scott, Ron and Jeff. They work hard for teacher of SAEA. Stop blogging and Twittering and volunteer your time. Everything I’ve read on this blog is false. Bravo to these people!!!!!!!!!
What are you doing here if everything is false? Why aren’t you at the Union right now having coffee with the MM Club?
Wow! I was told that there was stuff to read here, but didn’t know how much. I think it’s funny that the internal workings of SAEA are being debated by outsiders.
Really now, if you knew the election rules and procrdures, you’d know that the election is going properly. If I was running, why would I worry about posting here? This is not where the voters are.
So, go ahead, keep attacking, but realize it really none of your business, and until this blog becomes the official communication of any association, no one owes you anything.
As I have stated, I belong to another association, so I understand what’s going on there, and here.
The personal attacks show that the blogger must be doing this on behalf of one or some of the candidates.
Now, I will be glad to debate that!
Red Vixen,
As I read more, I realize you really have been misinformed. Jennifer Isensee is not a staff person. She is an SAEA leader. Again, knowing how the association works would help you greatly.
Also, you’re making a huge assumption that she is using information that others have been denied. Hmmm, what’s to say she hasn’t built her own personal email list over the years? All candidates could have done that! Sounds like there is some envy on their part. They didn’t think of doing it…
Oberserver (#41) (BTW, I think you meant to use the moniker ‘Observer’) – Get off Chris’s back (Chris Moody #40). Chris and I are here, along with many others, BECAUSE so much of what others are saying is FALSE.
If it’s ‘OK’ in your mind for someone to spout off lies about people then it’s OK for us to use the same forum to defend these people that are falsely and maliciously maligned by these lies. This Blog is NOT just for people that agree with YOUR position, Oberserver – it’s for the healthy exchange of ideas.
So, why don’t you and your ilk go have coffee and commiserate at the ‘MM Club’? At least there, you’d all have something in common – the intellectual capacity of a cartoon character.
sojourner truth (#36) One small clarification –
As for RC’s performance at the RA? It was all for show. Speak to others that were REALLY involved and you get a clear picture. I spoke with people that were there, that witnessed RC in action on and off the floor and the picture they paint is very different than the one you saw. Robert, a delegate from SAEA, refuses to associate with anyone from SAEA and refuses to sit with SAEA. Instead he sits with, and votes with, UTLA. He’s never approaches SAEA for support, but goes it alone. He never works with SAEA, but fights against it. He try’s to bully his way into positions. He believes in and promotes a ‘double standard’ – one for him and one for everyone else. He refuses to accept the decision of the majority, even if it’s a slim majority, and stubbornly refuses to step aside when he looses. He resorts to unfound accusations to get his way.
45. Needs to know/ The last four years at the RA I was very involved with the NEA Hispanic Caucus. First, as the Treasurer working our Caucus along with many other volunteers. It was my responsibility to work at the booth and be on the floor passing out information for new business items. Making sure that state and local delegates who volunteered to speak or be mircophones yielders knew their assigned mircophones numbers. During lunch at the RA I was obligated as an officer of our NEA Hispanic Caucus to attend our Caucus meeting and give my reports ( I was up 4:00 am in the morning preparing reports from the day before on money made at our booth)this was a vounteer work and I enjoyed it because historically our new business items pass and our membership, students, and community benefit. I worked during the year with our Caucus and taught fourth grade.
When I was elected NEA Vice- Chair in Phil. Pa. and at last year’s RA in Washington, DC. Due to resignation of our Chair I became the Chair and worked very closely with the other ethnic minority caucuses ( EMAC ). Before, the RA last year I was in Washington, DC at our NEA Headquarters ( 5 or 6 times and ask David Barton he saw my release letters ) working very hard for our association members, students, and communities at large.
I also testified before a Congressional Committee ( Then Senator Ken Salazar now Interior Sectretary appointed by President Obama chaired the Committee)President Reg Weaver requested that I attend to represent NEA Hispanic Caucus and NEA on issues dealing with Hispanic students and communites.
Then I was co-chair of the NEA Minorities and Women’s joint conference. I had responsibilites and duties to attend. Now during the RA I attended Board meeting, ran our Caucus meetings and presented one New Business Item. Again my days started at 4:00 pm. The list and duties go on and on. I am not grandstanding and I was at my seat in the floor occasionally because of the above mentioned duties and responsibilies. I was obliged and funded by NEA last year. As a Caucus officer I meeting with members from all across the country.
Finally,I was the highest ranking NEA Non Voting Director,NEA Hispanic Caucus Chair, Vice Chair, and Treasurer. I know where my grassroots association began right here with Santa Ana Educators’ Association. I always acknowledged my association. Sure you are taking my opposition side and that is prefectly fine. I will represent you too if I am elected President of our Association. Call me and let’s have lunch if you want more information.
I forgot to mention in my last paragraph after treausrer from Santa Ana Educator’s Association. Happy Mother’s Day to you.
Don’t vote for anyone that came out of the Hispanic Caucus, Mexico is corrupt for one reason hispanic leadership have a problem looking after their own people and lining their own pockets!!
Most of the leadership in santa ana are hispanic. Has it done any good for the hispanic’s no and it never will and that is the Truth plain and simple.
Are you serious? I thought Archie Bunker was dead!
Robert C. Chavez (#46) Thanks for the clarification and information and explanation – you do sound like you were busy. At least now I know your side of the story. If I ever get to attend one of these things, it’ll be interesting to see how the whole thing works. Thanks again.