City of Garden Grove blew over $250K fighting medical marijuana

Useless Democratic Garden Grove Councilman Bruce Broadwater joined his GOP colleagues in voting against medical marijuana

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“The City of Garden Grove “has paid out $139,000 in attorney’s fees to medical marijuana advocates, bringing to an end a four-year court battle in which the city fought the return of a patient’s 8 grams in spite of repeated court decisions ordering the city to give his marijuana back,” according to the O.C. Register.

“It’s unfortunate that the city of Garden Grove felt the need to spend $250,000 over marijuana that was worth about $200,” said Joe Elford, chief counsel for Americans for Safe Access, referring to his estimate of what the city has paid. “They made it extremely difficult for us when they should have returned the marijuana to Mr. Kha three years ago.”

A four year battle?  Doesn’t that mean that Supervisor Janet Nguyen was on the Garden Grove City Council when they stupidly decided to embark on this adventure?  She also has voted against medical marijuana as a County Supervisor.

Shame on all the Garden Grove knuckleheads involved in this case.  What a waste of money – all to deprive a sick man of his medicine.

Will these Talibani Republicans never learn?  Then again, a Talibani Democrat also joined in the festivities.

“In October, Garden Grove City Council members voted 4-1 to ban medical marijuana dispensaries in the city,” and Democratic Councilman Bruce Broadwater voted with his Republican peers.

The irony is that there is a medical marijuana dispensary in Garden Grove and the City renewed their business license in February.  The dumb asses on the City Council had no idea the dispensary was still open!

When is the DPOC finally going to disown Broadwater?

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.