What happens when government gets in the health care business?
Medicade – described at the time as a modest solution for health care for the poor. It would be run by the states and “monitored by the federal government”. Now Mr Obama is demanding that the American public accept another government program, a “optional” federalized health insurance program. Whatever its merits, the Medicade program has put New York and California on the brink of fiscal catastrophe. Its scary. Spending on health and welfare under medicade makes up 1/3 of Californias budget.
Go to the link and sign the online petition. RIGHT NOW. http://www.freeourhealthcarenow.com/
If you are NOT the 20% who calls themselves LIBERAL in this country, and you’re NOT the other 15% without the courage to admit you’re a leftist, why would you support such a thing? We can all understand the leftist attitude: Government should do everything it possibly can in your life, because you can’t. But if you dont think that way, you need to WAKE UP!
Every program you are told are going to be small and monitored, they never stay that way. After 45 years, the health care “REFORM” of Medicade has crushed state budgets. The national governments association said that medicade, due to ongoing regulation from Congress, has a size and cost far beyond its original intent. Values are determinative to a civilization
There is little argument that health care costs are going up and up for everyone. But the reality, health care costs under government programs are going out of control compared to the private sector. Ever tried going into your doctor and offering cash for your checkup. Do it. Its amusing. They dont even have a cash box, but they will take it, and charge you half what they charge the insurance. This is because they know some or most of what they charge insurance or the government, they never get anyway.
Medicade alone didnt collapse the California budget. Add in public education and you have 60% of the total budget. Get that? Get government to take over education and health, and you and me and all of the rest of America will be broke by the time you are ready to leave this country to the next generation.
Now, typical stage 1 thinking of the left means they really could care less. They dont care if they undo the free market machinery that made all this wealth in the first place. They just know they have better, more MORAL, ways to spend it. Imagine a leftist spouting morals or telling anyone whats best. They will spend it all and when its all gone, they’ll turn back to the people who helped build it in the first place, and ask for more. The right is concerned with making money, the left is concerned with spending it.
If you’re part of the next generation and you’re reading this without comprehension, I have patience for you. You’ve been shown an Inconvenient Truth instead of being taught Algebra. As spending has gone up in education, learning has gone down. When we spent less, we learned more in school. I’m not saying theres a cause and effect. Theres a cause and NO EFFECT. Spend more money, get NO RESULTS.
THAT IS GOVERNMENT. Been watching the Sacramento meltdown and New Yorks fiasco? The bigger the government, the smaller the individual. The smaller the government, THE BIGGER THE PEOPLE. Want to be a bigger human being, look for the government to do less in your life.
Want to know why Sacramento and Albany are expensive clown shows? As mandates grow, the ability to find anything else to govern is crowded out. Without anything to do, your politicians will grow corrupt. If you cant wait for DC to look like Sacramento and Albany, then sit back and DO NOTHING.
Everybody in America is treated. Anything else is a lie. Think differently? All you are going to do is to prevent someone like Steve Jobs from spending his money to get on a donor list in Tennessee. You are not going to elevate the poor to that level. You are not going to lift anyone UP with government health care. All you will do is tear down the greatest system on earth, a bit at a time.
The rich eat better, the rich are less obese, the rich have better access, the rich have their own planes. Its time to quit being so envious of what others have. This greed of the left under the guise of equality means that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness come second. That is not America. The only thing government health care will make sure happens is that we all get treated like the poor, not that we all get treated like the rich. The middle class, always the target of leftists around the world, will take the brunt of this blow.
Just like the $770 tax increase on your energy needs that the Democrats in the House passed today.
Remember that NO TAXES ON THE MIDDLE CLASS PLEDGE? Out the window.
This will cost you more than you know.
Sign the petition.
“This greed of the left under the guise of equality means that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness come second.”….. it fall on def ears of Dr. Lomely.
“That is not America”…. Obviously not if Mexicans are running it.
Medicare and medicaid are in part expensive because of the lack of care for people before they qualify. Take for example a person I know that has a treatable mental illness, that if it had been taken care of early he would still likely be able to work, have private insurance and not cost Taxpayers 3-4 thousand A month for the next 20 years for the physical and mental damage lack of treatment caused. Multiply this by a couple of million people and you have a big number.
When people who do not have insurance avoid the doctor and not in every case, but in many they end up with much more severe conditions and end up prematurely disabled, on public assiatance, SSI and medi-care programs at 40 times the cost of early treatment.
Other causes of increased costs, now allowing the medicare system to do competitive bidding for drugs like private companies and the VA does. Over treatment of many patients for fear of missing something and ending up in a malpractice suit.
An alternate plan for those who do not have insurance seems to me to be a good idea.
Why is there no private insurance to compete with medicaid? That program, since it takes all of the diabled and the Elderly is very expensive per person. No private for profit company could provide it at a profit. The premiums would be beyond the reach of all but a few.
Sorry, but that just isnt what costs money. If you jog every day, get a regular checkup, eat healthy and live right, you are just as likely as anyone else to get a heart attack or a stroke and cost the system. If you die without costing the system in your old age, which is where the predominate costs come from, then it is because you are lucky.
And this is NOT an ALTERNATE plan. This is a plan that will be funded on taxpayer dollars that does not have to compete. This is a system that companies can shuffle off the expenses of having a health care program they partially pay for onto the back of the taxpayer completely.
If your company that you work for is for this plan, then that alone should make you think twice. Corporate America is not left or right. It is about making profit. And this is a big bone to corporate america.
Incidentally, unions and congress are exempt from the government health care requirements.
So should the VA and medicare cut people off at a dollar amount, should they have not spent $300,000 on my Father when he had a heart Attack, since he was in bad condition otherwise.
Should they have cut my mother off when she became bedridden with MS?
Yes people that take care of themselves have problems to, but did they get the blood pressure checked, a blood test to look for other problems. Not everything is perventable but most things can be treated if caught early.
So is your solution to set a dollar per person limit on VA and medicare, once it is reached all treatment ends?
Maybe we should get rid of all insurance, both private and government, deny treatment to all others etc.
That is where we are headed anyway the way costs are going up, natural selection at its best.
I still think having an system that includes everyone is the answer, but there are other ways to preceed.
We have the same life expectancy in this country as the rest of the first world, if you account for our murder rate.
Let people smoke and die sooner. Lay off the preaching on health. IT DOESNT MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE LONG RUN. WE ALL COST THE STATE AT THE END.
Your false choice is government OR rationing. Actually the reality is government IS rationing. The governments answer is to cut people off. 80 and cancer? Sorry, too old. Not cost effective.
Instead, put ALL the dollars of your health care in YOUR hands. That way, you have the ability to shop around. Of course, that would mean you would have the final responsibility. And the state would take care of your final years.
Right now, people keep shouting for more government are getting it, and the health care they deserve as a result.
*Let’s see if we get this right; Government
workers do not have to have Private Health Insurance and are covered. That means Fire, Police and Bureaucrats of every stripe. Secondly,
they do not have to support the Social Security System either! They have their own Pension Plans.
Seems better than the Private Sector doesn’t it?
Hmmm…..must be nice?