I received the following Press Release from a Public Affairs & Government Relations contact earlier today..
June 30, 2009
President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20500
Dear President Obama,
As the Congress considers legislation reforming our health care system, many difficult choices lie ahead. During the debate, we must keep our eyes trained on one clear imperative: reforming health care is necessary not just to improve the health of all Americans, but also to remove the burden that is crushing America’s businesses and hampering our competitiveness in the global economy.
As the nation’s largest private employer, the nation’s largest union of health care workers with over one million members, and a think tank that has been a leader on health care policy, we have worked closely in support of health care reform since 2006, when we came together to help break the stalemate that had defined the health care debate for too long. Now, to move the debate forward once again, we are coming together to advance what we believe are important proposals that should be included in the current efforts to reform our nation’s health care system.
We believe now is the time for action on this vital issue. We commend the leadership of elected officials who are committed to enactment of reform, and we appreciate the commitment to inclusion and transparency which has been present thus far.
We are entering a critical time during which all of us who will be asked to pay for health care reform will have to make a choice on whether to support the legislation. This choice will require employers to consider the trade off of agreeing to a coverage mandate and additional taxes versus the promise of reduced health care cost increases.
Today, health care costs more because we don’t cover everyone – the average family premium costs an additional $1,100 because our system fails to provide continuous coverage for all Americans. And losing coverage pushes people already dealing with financial hardship to the verge of financial collapse. One accident or unexpected illness can financially ruin them. In 2008, half of all people filing for home
foreclosure cited medical problems as a cause.
A large and growing uninsured population also cripples our broader economic growth. The higher taxes and premiums needed to meet rising health care costs threaten to consume the benefits of nearly all economic growth over the next four decades, according to research published in the journal Health Affairs. And the U.S. economy is losing up to $244 billion every year in lost productivity due to the uninsured according to a new analysis by the Center for American Progress.
From a business perspective, health reform could not be more critical. A majority of Americans—158 million—receive their coverage through their job or their spouse’s job, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. But few businesses will be able to keep up with the pace at which premiums are rising. Premiums are expected to rise by 20 percent in less than four years, according to research by professors at
Harvard University — costing 3.5 million workers their jobs, and cutting insured workers’ average annual incomes by $1,700.
Fiscally, the growing cost of health care is poised to drive our federal budget over a cliff. A recent report by the Senate Finance Committee found that by 2017, “health care expenditures are expected to consume nearly 20 percent of the GDP.” In his former role as Director of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), current Office of Management and Budget Director Peter Orszag testified to Congress that, “the single most important factor influencing the federal government’s long-term fiscal balance is the rate of growth in health care costs.”
We believe payment reform and efficiency initiatives need to be at the center of healthcare reform. The President and the Congress have put forward good ideas to improve the productivity of our health care sector. These policies need to be strengthened and adopted because health care reform without controlling costs is no reform at all.
We are for shared responsibility. Not every business can make the same contribution, but everyone must make some contribution. We are for an employer mandate which is fair and broad in its coverage, but any alternative to an employer mandate should not create barriers to hiring entry level employees. We look
forward to working with the Administration and Congress to develop a requirement that is both sensible and equitable.
Support for a mandate also requires the strongest possible commitment to rein in health care costs. Guaranteeing cost containment is essential. One way to ensure savings was recently advanced by former Senate Majority Leaders Howard Baker, Tom Daschle and Bob Dole, “Implement pre-specified targets for spending growth and enact a “trigger” mechanism that automatically enforces reductions,” (Crossing
Our Lines, Bipartisan Policy Center) President Obama suggested strengthening the role of Med Pac to help enforce spending discipline.
With smart, targeted policies, we can create a financially-viable health care system that enables workers to change jobs without losing their care, and allows businesses to become more nimble. Health care costs will no longer stand in the way of their ability to retool for the 21st century. Focusing on health care cost savings – and demonstrating a strong commitment to achieving these savings– would make this bill a win/ win for employers, individuals and America’s competitiveness.
John Podesta, President & CEO Center for American Progress (CAP
Andrew L. Stern, President, Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
Mike Duke, President & CEO, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
This letter is for Mike Duke, I used to respect Wal-Mart on It’s stand against the unions. Because I think every company has the right to say no to the unionsm especially the SEIU which are connected to ACORN and we all know how dirty they are. But when I heard that you jumped in bed with Obama and the SEIU that was to much for me. Obama and the SEIU which is part of ACORN want to bring down thic country they will try and they WILL fail. The American people are aware of both of them. when they come down so will you. I will never shop at your store again, till you back out of this plan of Obama’s. You sir are in bed with the DEVIL.
July 30, 2009
I agree with everything Marie Grippy says. I also will not shop at Wal-Mart until they back out the the health care plan with Obama, ACORN and SEIU
I feel that Mr. Podesta, Mr. Stern, Mr. Duke are WRONG! This country has one of the best health care systems in the world. You need to ask yourself the question, “If you support this idea” Who is paying for this? The American people are paying either way! Think about it! We are not the land of the free home of the brave for not any reason. Our founding fathers taught us to stand up for ourselves and gave us the right to choose.
Mr. Duke reminds us one very important thing in his letter. He has said, many americans do not purchase or need health care because their spouse already carries a policy. This is true and there is also the person who is a student who is carried by thier parent. Or their is also that percentage who feels they are young and healthy and do not need it.
FOX news reported from a survey taken from Kaiser/ABC News/USA Today survey that majority of the uninsured are not desperately poor; about 60 percent of them have personal incomes over $50,000 per year and pay out of their own pockets when necessary, rather than paying for insurance. Others manage to obtain care at highly discounted rates as charity cases. The survey also found that 89 percent of Americans were satisfied with their own personal medical care
It is very alarming that a corporate CEO would agree to something such as this. I realize we are entitled to our opinions however, pushing something of this nature is wrong.
What got me was today I heard a radio spot with Mike Duke promoting Obama’s health care issue on the radio and it made me sad. It made me feel that Wal-Mart is not for what the people want.
Amy. Thank you for reminding Juice readers that many of the uninsured have the option to obtain coverage. I recall that in my early years I didn’t take out a life insurance policy on myself feeling that I was a superman.
The same “free will” on obtaining health care insurance applies to the generation Y young adults many of whom feel invincible.
I am writing this letter to inform you that I have for years been spending money at your stores…I shop there at least 3 to 4 days a week…. I recently heard that you have informed your stores and other companies to stop advertising on the Glen Beck show….Well, I like MANY Moms are concerned about our country and the security of our children. You say your for the working Mom and yet you feel the need to help in the destruction of our country and the values it stands for…. As of today I like many Moms will STOP spending money at your store…. I would rather spend more money on companies I can trust then to give you anymore of my hard working money….As our group keeps growing so will our stand against your companies and others…
So you will NO longer be getting my money….GOOD BYE WAL-MART !!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE A TRADER TO THE AMERICAN MOMS AROUND THE WORLD.
This is a tough issue for many Americans, especially those who live from paycheck to paycheck or on fixed retirement income.
Principle over financial survival.
I recall hearing a Washington DC area Congressman speak of shopping for a Christmas gift for his family and his desire to buy an American manufactured electronic product. The imported one he eventually purchased had more features and had a lower price tag.
I have read that WalMart has around 1.4 million associates employed in the USA. As such they may be the largest employer in this country.
At times we have to decide whether or not we can purchase the same or similar goods at a competing merchant and do as you suggest in your comment.Thanks for sharing.