*update: 39% now blame the economy on Obama policies
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President Obama’s approval ratings index slipped into the negative. Thats where more STRONGLY DISAPPROVE than STRONGLY APPROVE. In addition to that, his overall numbers have fallen below the 60% “WE CAN DO WHATEVER WE WANT” area, to 53% or 56%, depending on which poll you read.
Of most interest to Juice Readers, Obama has fallen from a 60% approval among independents to 46% approving and 44% disapproving.
The honeymoon is coming to an end and its not personal. Its professional. The country is becoming more and more alarmed at the deficit, with 60% saying more should be done to bring down the deficit even if it takes longer for the country to recover. A distinct gulf exists between Mr. Obama’s overall standing and how some of his key initiatives are viewed, with fewer than half of Americans saying they approve of how he has handled health care and the effort to save General Motors and Chrysler. A majority of people said his policies have had either no effect yet on improving the economy or had made it worse, underscoring how his political strength still rests on faith in his leadership rather than concrete results.
I’m reminded of a seemingly bored George Herbert Walker Bush looking at his watch repeatedly during a presidential debate. Now it’s ice cream, cheeseburgers and date nights while two countries play nuclear 3 card monte and one is in the throws of a political upheaval. Hmmm
The article was by Jeff Zeleny. He’s been a little off and a little funky before. Maybe you remember his “Enchanted” question to the president and just maybe he’s got a tiny chip on his shoulder after the exchange. People likened his questions to be on par with Teen Scene Magazine and those of an aspiring high school counselor:
One can expect approval numbers to go up and down.
We need to work on getting both the trade deficit and the budget deficit under control. The major key to both is to become more energy independant. Obama focused a great amount of his recovery plan on energy indepandance, which should in the future years reduce both deficits. The faster it get done, the faster we recover and the lower the long term deficit. Reducing it now and slowing the move towards energy independance and job growth will only make the lont term situation worse.
We are on the right course for the moment.
The mainstream media keep this guy propped up.
The MSM outlets are all a bunch of sycophants.
Please check out my take on all the photo ops, and stick around for more good content.
It never ceases to amaze me how bad some people want this guy to fail. WHY?
They seemingly overlook the CATASTROPHIC tenure of his predesessor, allthewhile poking holes in the infancy of the administration.
It took GW a few years to ruin America. Give Obama a couple to fix it.
It never ceases to amaze me how delusion the Left is. They can do nothing better to prop up their fantasies than degrade the past. The whole of Europe is turning from what this guy is trying to do. Case in point: The key to medical costs is people who dont have insurance. Leftist answer? Spend 1 trillion dollars for 1/3 of the people. See? Dont fix the problem AND spend more. THAT IS GOVERNMENT. Thank you Ted Kennedy.
The right is concerned with creating wealth. The Left is concerned with spending it.
The only people who have ruined America are shabby mouthed America haters who belittle America instead of standing up for her, who claim themselves victims instead of pitching in and, oh yes, insulting a commander in chief who kept us safe for seven years.
Show Pony !!! He sucks!!!!!!!
I’m not making a political statement, just wanted to say….that pic above is priceless!!!!!
anonymizer, DELUSIONAL? Trying to PRETEND that the last 8 years DIDN’T happen, now that’s delusional.
Bush’s accomplishments;
Going on VACATION (for a month in Crawford, after being POTUS for less than 7 months) while ALL the TERRORIST CHATTER lines were BLINKING RED, IGNORING briefings that WARNED of an IMMINENT ATTACK, but Bush was too busy cutting brush and worrying about stem cell research to STOP 9-11.
Taking our ECONOMY into the DUMPSTER, running up HUGE DEFICITS for tax cuts for the top 1%, GUTTING all OVERSIGHT and ENFORCEMENT agencies and installing his INAPPROPRIATE CRONIES at ALL levels of government.
STARTING an UNNECESSARY WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not only is this THE MOST HEINOUS and EVIL of human activities, costing HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF LIVES, but it will end up COSTING the US, TRILLIONS of DOLLARS!
Bush and Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice etc., DESERVE to be TRIED for CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY and HUNG if found GUILTY. ALL the RIGHT-WINGERS who supported him DESERVE FAR WORSE than insults, SCORN, DERISION and PERMANENT OSTRACISM would be a good place to start.
This country will be dealing with the GIANT MESS that BUSH LEFT for YEARS and YEARS, and only DELUSIONAL WING-NUTS will PRETEND that it is all in the past.