For more than a week after Irans fraudulent election:
Obama to focus on Human Rights, not election.
Why is Obama silent on Iran?
Obama silent as huge election protests continue
Here we have a mad dictator with a lust for nuclear weapons openly defying the world to call him out on his fraudulent elections, with tens of thousands of freedom loving people marching for self determination being attacked and killed, and Obama says nothing.
Now we have:
Honduras defends it democracy, Hillary Clinton objects
Honduran president says he will not obey Supreme Court order to reinstate fired military chief
Obama says Honduran Coup not legal
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The Honduran Supreme court had the military take the President after the president defied the courts ruling on holding a referendum to change the constitution. Zelaya had been elected to a non-renewable four year term in office, but planned on asking Honduran citizens to vote to extend his term. The Supreme Court rejected his calls for a referendum, but Zelaya planned on pushing forward in defiance.
When the top military commander told the President he would have to comply with the rule of law, the President fired him and led a mob to break into the military installation and get the ballots sent from Venezuela (because he couldnt get anyone in the Honduras to print them) to hold his “referendum”.
The Attorney General of the nation ruled the referendum illegal.
The Congress asserted its power to protect the Constitution and appointed as interim President as stipulated in Honduran Law.
Again, the Supreme Court ordered the President removed from office for abusing the Constitution.
And again, you have:
Fidel Castro denounces Honduran “coup”
Chavez threatens military action
Obama tried to stop overthrow of wannabe dictator
See the picture?
OMG…what are you, deaf as well as blind? Obama has not been silent on Iran.
This is why I love right wing wacko’s this kind of stuff right here. The arrogance of the right is amazing to me. The idea that if the President were to start the George Bush foreign policy tact Iran would somehow see the error of its ways and become America Jr. is so lacking for logic it is stunning. Get this straight folks, Iran hates the US. They hate everything about America this goes for the protesters as well. If the opposition leaders were to suddenly embrace America they would be finished and so would be the opposition. It is time to accept that we do not have the wisdom for ideas on this planet. We never did so we need to stop acting like it. When something happens that requires America to act we do but the pre-emptive stuff seems to have failed here (see Iraq and Afghanistan). When Honduras becomes able to do anything but send immigrants to the US we need to leave them the hell alone. We are not the world’s hall monitor. We can be the world’s therapist but if the patient wants to do their own thing then so be it.
The problem is WHY THE HELL IS HE OPPOSED THE THE “COUP”. Did you know the leader of Honduras was elected once, which is the term limit for the office? Did you know he wanted to change the law to allow him to run again? Did you con the Hoduran Congress and the Honduran Supreme court both Told him he could not, and that it was a violation of the law? Did you know he fired the chief of the army, because he didn’t want them to stop his power grab?
You are right! Shame on Obama for backing the ousted lefty. Let the people of Honduras do what they want. It is their country.
Yes, the laws of Honduras are written on stone tablets handed down by George Bush and can not be changed under any circumstances. All Hail to the Chief of the Army of Honduras.