- SAEA Secretary Jennifer Isensee
- SAEA Secretary Jennifer Isensee
- SAEA Treasurer Scott Miller
- SAEA President Susan Mercer
- SAEA High School Director Billy Castanha
- SAEA Intermediate Director Hank Montelongo
- SAEA Elementary Director Julie Meneghini
- SAEA Elementary Director Rhonda McKanna
Among the cheers of “Woo Hoo! We WON!! WE WON!!!” Is the nagging question, “Who is the most popular SAEA candidate winner from this past election?” Please vote for your favorite. I’m voting for the double-dipper, Jennifer. Who could resist a union two-fer election special!
They may have won, but they are surely NOTHING to look at.
Well, you can’t find them on the saea site anymore. That was a fast page edit!
And I’d like to note that there are STILL NO TALKING POINTS on the SAEA website, either.
Tsk… seems like it’s all about personal preservation and membership be damned!
Thanks Julie—you CUNT!
Thank you for spending so much of your Covid isolation in our archives, but while engaging in invective here the only two euphemisms (or in this case, malphemisms) for the female genitalia are “coochiesnorcher” and “vajayjay,” depending on whether you are inclined more towards Eve Ensler or Shonda Rhimes. Please comport yourself accordingly in the future. If the object of your ire wants this stricken from the record, we will do so. Thanks for your readership.
In some email exchanges for information from a variety of sources:
That’s “nice” that Barton issued a strong statement about the class size fraud (which had been going on for a long time before the teachers went public and which he had probably known about). Maybe some of the Washington Elementary teachers who were involved would know about the union’s response.
Jennifer was the grievance person when the whole class size fraud came to light and went public. Jane Russo issued a very scathing attack letter directed at the union and Jennifer in particular. Jennifer was devastated. She freaked out and was completely upset. Union reps were running around accusing teachers of going to the Los Angeles Times and trying to out whoever was responsible. After all the dust settled, somehow SAUSD and Jane Russo offered Jennifer a paid position as “Grievance Chair”.
Jennifer has not helped, in any way, to resolve problems. When colleagues have called, they get an email back from her asking me to write out what the issue is and she will possibly get back to me. This is unacceptable!
We need to be able to explain things and clarify the situation over the phone! I can’t name one person who Jennifer has helped.
Regarding SAEA’s position relative to CTA, I know that David printed the following statement in the most recent newsletter:
“Recently I attended an awards dinner at which a CTA staff
member, not associated with Santa Ana, attempted to take
credit for the dedication and efficiency of a revitalized SAEA.
It’s not unusual for CTA types to self-aggrandize, but to distort
and/or dismiss the long hours put in by dozens of SAEA
members is so wrong that it is breathtaking.”
A couple of days ago, it was explained to me that this referred to comments made by Norma Potter, a CTA Staff person, who acknowledged the hard work of many staff members and referred to Santa Ana. Apparently, the reference was to the staff (not necessarily Gladys Hall-Kessler) who helped during the recent RIF proceedings. According to the story, Susan Mercer confronted Norma afterwards and expressed her extreme displeasure that the staff would be recognized when, in fact, according to Susan, she (possibly with the help of others) had done nearly everything.
My grievance worked its way to a Level III, which means that due process was not able to be achieved at lower levels. The SAEA Board of Directors “voted” to cancel the grievance! What an outrage! I have gone directly to Gladys Hall-Kessler. I will never trust Jennifer Isensee again. I will never let her or those other board members deal with me in any way. I am not the only one that has had a grievance voted “against” by the organization that is supposed to be giving us advocacy and representation. SAEA is corrupt and inept. I’ve complained to CTA and I suggest that others do that as well.
Riff’ed teachers who wanted to apply for the summer Think Together program found that positions were already filled, with no interviews being held. The positions were filled with non-credentialed people. Union is completely absent from advocacy here.
“That should be the end of it”? That’s pretty arrogant. Not to mention the part about “a few of us met.” (In regards to the Elections Memo)
SAEA antics are juvenile and pretentious. They should be ashamed, if they even knew any better. Riff ed teachers have those bastards to thank for losing their jobs.
Here is an email I received from Scott Miller. I guess that he and Jennifer have finally shared the site rep email addresses to send out communications whenever they feel like it. Why he didn’t send the talking points in the email message, I have no idea. Maybe he still does not know what those talking points will be? :
Scott Miller saeaorganizing@hotmail.com
To All Site Reps:
Please remember to remind your staff that the rally planned for Tuesday, June 9th, will begin at 3:30PM. A march will follow at 4PM. Signs will be provided. You are encouraged to attend and speak at the School Board meeting beginning at 5PM. We are expecting a celebrity speaker at the board meeting. Please call the SAEA office for talking points. Sincerely,
SAEA Organizing Team
(NO talking points can be found at the SAEA website http://www.sateach.org/ fyi, Rv–)
I am concerned about failure to represent the membership well in negotiations and grievances, dissemination of misinformation especially during contract ratifications and manipulation of the members, disregard of fair procedures as in the elections, and the sense of disdain with which those not “in the club” are treated.
It’s pretty obvious when some of those pesky union hacks show up and pretend to be parents to attack good bloggers like Jill. Real parents would be concerned that their kids’ class is going to be gigantic and probably unsafe next year. SAEA is full of liars and pretenders. They show up for one post and when someone asks them a pertinent question they magically disappear from the discussions.
I have heard from a number of teachers who are very upset that they are being displaced (who have been at the school site for years) while others were sharing contracts and not even working FULL time got to stay at the site. They don’t consider this a fair practice and the union is not assisting them at this point. Rv–