The City of Orange should reject Ware Disposal’s bid to provide trash services

UPDATE: Be sure to go to the City of Orange Council Meeting on Tuesday afternoon, June 23, at 4:30 p.m., to ask the City Council to NOT grant their new trash contract to Ware Disposal.

The folks at Ware Disposal really have no shame.  They ran a full page ad in today’s O.C. Register pressuring the residents of the City of Orange to ask their Council Members to give them the trash contract on June 23.

Ware is claiming to be the low bidder.  How they know what their competitors are bidding is a good question, but that aside, the fact is Ware has been breaking the law in Santa Ana for some time.  Check out the letter below, from a Santa Ana insider, which explains exactly how Ware Disposal is breaking the law – and getting away with it.

If you live in Orange, be sure to ask your Council Members why they should consider giving the trash contract to a company that openly flouts the laws in nearby Santa Ana.

The people of the Logan Neighborhood in Santa Ana know what an awful neighbor Ware Disposal is.

And the people of Orange should check to see how much money Judy Ware and her family have given to their Council Members.  Ware routinely buys her way into contracts by donating to local politicians.  That is why she gets away with breaking laws in Santa Ana – the Mayor, Miguel Pulido, is in her back pocket.

Irresponsible companies should not be rewarded with contracts!

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.