How would you like to get PAID to watch your own kids?

Los Angeles County supervisors are scrambling for ways to save money. They suggested putting unemployed parents to work caring for their own children as part of the proposed changes to CalWorks and other state government aid programs.

This could save nearly $270 million. They want to target the cuts to the people who are the most expensive. What do you think? Do you think that the County or State should be paying parents to babysit their own kids? Don’t you worry that if the state pays fellow single mothers to stay home, they will become dependent on welfare? Many parents would join this new wave of having kids and getting paid to watch their own kid bandwagon. Let’s let our readers speak.


According to StateMaster, the foreign-born population of California is 26.8% of the total, far and away the highest in the nation.

California is #9 in the MOST taxed states bracket.  Most Taxed

California ranks as #20 Poorest

According to new data from the Department of Public Social Services, nearly twenty five percent of Los Angeles County ’s welfare and food stamp benefits goes directly to the children of illegal aliens, at a cost of $36 million a month — for a projected annual cost of $432 million. Study Shows 25 Percent Of L.A.’s Welfare Goes To Illegal Aliens:

“The total cost for illegal immigrants to County taxpayers far exceeds $1 billion a year – not including the millions of dollars for education,” said Antonovich. “With $220 million for public safety, $400 million for healthcare, and $432 million in welfare allocations, illegal immigration continues to have a devastating impact on Los Angeles County taxpayers.

Best Place to Live California is #35

Economy > Percent below poverty level California is #20 13.3%

People > Estimated number of Illegal Immigrants California is #1 2,209,000

More CA Statistics

California NOW: Save CalWORKS!

Schwarzenegger Sticks To ‘No New Tax’ Promise

Calif. Dems want higher taxes, fewer cuts than GOP

No federal bailout sought by California — yet

Obama Administration not going to bailout California yet

California Department of Social Services

Cash Aid

Welfare and Poverty Trends in California

California Immigrant Policy Center

The California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare

California Social Welfare Archive: Home

Welfare Limits Could Cost California $7 Billion in Aid

Welfare Reform – Congresswoman Diane Watson

The percentage of residents on welfare in the Golden State is now more than triple that of the rest of the U.S. While caseloads in the rest of the U.S. have dropped over 30% in the past five years, California’s has gone up about 6%. As a result, though it has only about 12% of the total U.S. population, California’s share of the welfare caseload has risen from 22% in 2002 to over 30%.  There are more welfare recipients per family in California, and that number has crept upward in the past couple of years, perhaps indicating that California welfare mothers are bearing more children that those in the rest of the U.S.
Answer these questions:
Is California still the land of opportunity?  Do you like this new idea?  Will it help or make matters worse?  Do you want to stay in California or is it time to leave?

About Jill Puich

Teacher (20 years) Political Gawker Blogger