Why did a SAEA union board member misuse a blogger’s home address and phone number?

Why did SAEA union board member Scott Miller misuse blogger Art Pedroza’s home address and phone number? And why does he wear such goofy clothes?

What would possess two members of the Santa Ana Educators Association (SAEA) Board of Directors to reference their union’s office address and phone number while advertising their anger management side business?  That is what Jennifer Isensee and Scott C. Miller did. Click here to see the proof of this.

Isensee even bragged about this during a union board meeting.  Click here to see the minutes that refer to her anger management business.

These people just got elected to the SAEA Board of Directors!  They are not small fries.  Isensee is their Secretary and Miller is their Treasurer.  Miller also is a teacher at Walker Elementary.  And he is involved with the “Stand up for Schools” organization.

We outed them here at the Orange Juice and they had to change their address listing – but then Miller completely lost it.  He decided, apparently, to list my own home address and personal cell phone number as his own, on a web page belonging to “Century Anger Management.”  How crazy is that?

Our blogger Red Vixen was alerted by OJ poster Anonplus, and she then brought this to my attention.  I then contacted Century Anger Management.  They promptly removed the information from their website and are trying to figure out why Miller did this.

What a bad idea by Miller!  People have been charged with crimes for this sort of behavior.  Ironically, the sentence for such a crime usually involves, here’s the kicker, anger management!

I will of course be contacting the Better Business Bureau, the O.C. District Attorney and the State Attorney General about Miller’s actions.  I hope he has a good explanation, but I doubt it.

I would hope that the new SAEA president, Susan Mercer, would do something about this, but somehow I doubt it.  Perhaps I need to let the CTA know what these folks are up to.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.