UPDATE: The early results are in (see the graphic below). Click here to see the early results online.
Come join Chris Agrella, tonight, July 14, as he celebrates the successful end of the election cycle and his showing in it, defying the odds, name confusion, and gerrymandered demographics of the 32nd District.
“It’s a victory no matter how we do in the final tally, because we accomplished our objective of this campaign, which was to present a fresh voice and a better alternative to the same-old, same-old that’s responsible for the national mess we’re in,” said Agrella.
Chris will be at LA Tolteca, 321 N Azusa Ave., Azusa, from 7-9 PM, for dinner and celebration.
Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.
Insanity is voting for Reeps and Dems and expecting a difference.
Kudos to Chris on a hard fought campaign. He gave no quarter and asked for none!