Talibani Republican State Sen. Paul Stanley gets caught cheating with a 22 year old intern

Picture Courtesy of ABC News

Here’s another story you won’t read about over at the Red County blog…

“A Tennessee lawmaker, Republican Sen. Paul Stanley, resigned from the state Senate on Tuesday after his extramarital affair with a 22-year-old intern, named McKensie Morrison, was revealed by an investigation into an extortion case,” according to the Huffington Post.

“Due to recent events, I have decided to focus my full attention on my family and resign my Senate seat effective August 10,” Republican Sen. Paul Stanley wrote in his resignation letter.

Here we go again.  Yet another Christian conservative Southern Republican who can’t help but cheat on his wife.  But let’s put that aside for a moment.  What sort of issues did this guy advocate?

  • He sponsored failed measures to ban gay couples from adopting children.
  • He also spoke out against funding for Planned Parenthood because he said unmarried people should not have sex.
  • He advocated for abstinence only sex education

State Sen. Paul Stanley, his wife and their family

Oy vey!  What a mess.  And the only he resigned was that the intern’s boyfriend tried to extort him for a measly $10,000 with pictures of the affair.

Both Democrats and Republicans cheat on their wives.  However it is by far more egregious when moralizing Bible thumping Talibani Republicans do it.   People who try to force religion into law should not be cheating on their wives, period.

The intern, McKensie Morrison

And if they are cheating on their wives God only knows what else they are lying about…

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.