Picture Courtesy of ABC News
Here’s another story you won’t read about over at the Red County blog…
“A Tennessee lawmaker, Republican Sen. Paul Stanley, resigned from the state Senate on Tuesday after his extramarital affair with a 22-year-old intern, named McKensie Morrison, was revealed by an investigation into an extortion case,” according to the Huffington Post.
“Due to recent events, I have decided to focus my full attention on my family and resign my Senate seat effective August 10,” Republican Sen. Paul Stanley wrote in his resignation letter.
Here we go again. Yet another Christian conservative Southern Republican who can’t help but cheat on his wife. But let’s put that aside for a moment. What sort of issues did this guy advocate?
- He sponsored failed measures to ban gay couples from adopting children.
- He also spoke out against funding for Planned Parenthood because he said unmarried people should not have sex.
- He advocated for abstinence only sex education
State Sen. Paul Stanley, his wife and their family
Oy vey! What a mess. And the only he resigned was that the intern’s boyfriend tried to extort him for a measly $10,000 with pictures of the affair.
Both Democrats and Republicans cheat on their wives. However it is by far more egregious when moralizing Bible thumping Talibani Republicans do it. People who try to force religion into law should not be cheating on their wives, period.
The intern, McKensie Morrison
And if they are cheating on their wives God only knows what else they are lying about…
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz same old wacky pedroza
Little one: So, do you encourage your fellow Reeps to cheat???
What would Jesus do?
Jesus would call these guys Pharisees and throw them out of the church.
A little mercy, Art. Men are weak. Are you certain you could withstand some serious hitting on you from a gorgeous woman far younger than you, particularly after a major fight with your wife when she’s listed all your failings and deficiencies and left you grasping to a bare thread of self-esteem? The poor police lieutenant in Bizet’s opera Carmen, “She lies, sir. All she does is lie. I don’t believe she’s said true thing in her life. But when she speaks to me, I believe her”
This has nothing to do with poor misunderstood husbands and everything to do with HYPOCRISY.
One should not try to impose rules on others that they cannot follow themselves.
Govenment has no moral enforsement powers in regards to peoples person lives described in the constitution that I am aware of.
So , men cheating is the fault of women? The wife instigates the cheating and the lover seduces the cheater.
This is consistant with the C Street Christian Republican philosophy. The Church at the C Street location we now know also serves as their brothel. NICE!!!!
little joe i think NO ONE SHOULD CHEAT . EVEN DEMS TOO .
Come on, its only sex, it is not like he was the president.
I wonder if this guy called on Clinton to resign after the Lewinsky affair? Hmmm….
Now Stanley is blaming the bloggers for his travails!
Yeah Pedroza, why don’t you ever write about the others??????
GREATONE: Because the failings of the other philaderers pale in comparison to the RED COUNTY defendents. Yes the same Catholic/Christian hypocrytes that type day in and day out regarding the moral failings of the democrats, amilistic GREENS, Libertarians and any one else who does’nt drink their wine.
Thats why.
Oh I answered Arts question for him. Sorry Pedroza.
oh by the way the mayor of secaucus n .j had to step down as he was arrested as part of a fed probe into corruption . this was in the register today .I FOUND IT BUT i was wondering if art would post it . NOW WE ALL KNOW THE ANWSER TO THAT . want to take a guess what party the mayor belongs too and why its not posted on here . hmmmmmmmmmmm just wondering = CLUE IT STARTS WITH A D
Why do other bloggers and poster seem to have a single theme? Are they different than Art P.?
Why question Art Pedroza about his subject matter when those complaining are single theme posters.
Defend the argument. Coplaining and saying others do it too is complacency.
At least he cheated with an adult woman who is older than his own kids. Christians aren’t perfect, just forgiven. Think how upset his wife would be if he had forked over the $10k! Then he did the stand-up thing and quit his job, climbing off his pedastal. Seems like all we know about his personal life is that he made one bad decision and two good ones. And supported a lot of bad legislation that would have been just as bad even if he maintained his marriage vows.
He would not have quit were it not for the pictures… He could not spin his way out of that mess.
But yes he was smart to quit and not pay the blackmail money.
The lesson here is that politicians should refrain from moralizing. And being anti-gay and “pro-family” really backfires when it turns out you are a pervy pig.
One more thing – it is a bad idea to pursue female workers when you are the boss – that can lead to a pricey harassment case. And we do not know if this gal was the only one he went after, do we?
dr art i belive its because its the samething over n over and over again . i think we all know art hates reps and some of us on this site will try to have a different point of view . it just gets numb after a while of the same thing REPS ARE THIS REPS ARE THAT , REPS ARE RACIST ,
Do you feel the same way about Terry Crowley’s posts?
We all know he hates Obama and that his posts are redundant, Obama is a socialist, Obama is a racist, Obama is the anti-christ…and on and on, are you numb yet or is just your ox-being-gored that bothers you so much?
Gee, one-note anonster goes trolling elsewhere to bash. But it seems like he’s accusing people of sticking with the same line, like that’s a bad thing? Whats that called again? Oh yeah, hypocrisy!
I know you’re tripping over your own feet in your rush to attack me, but you might actually take the time to READ the post I was responding to, before you comment on mine.
It could save you from looking like a complete moron next time.
Makes you long for the “good old days” when, John Schmitz was around.